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Since it’s going to rain tomorrow ,
Lasagna instead of bbq. Kids are coming , trying to have a normal day for a change .

I cooked all day today to be able to bring a variety of dishes to my brother. I’m so tired of looking at food that I don’t have an appetite for dinner. LOL 😆

I am just going to eat a bowl of cereal for dinner and eat a good meal tomorrow.

Riverdale: I used to have that problem. Now pounds slip away unfortunately.

Llama, I wish I could help you by telling you what I eat on days I find it hard to follow what I know will keep my weight down. Pounds miraculously appear!


Try the broccoli. They are good.

As to the microgreens, I did get mine at the local farmers market. I plan to try a few other mixes when I go again.

I am going to get an appointment with a nutritionist. I cannot seem to gain weight. Already have a lead on one through my PCP.

Oops - put this on the wrong thread, but was thinking of those microgreens.


Awwwww, cute poem.

I had a bowl of my pea soup! I put potatoes and carrots in it. I find it satisfying. Sometimes, I eat a couple of crackers with it. Or a piece of toasted bread.

Pamz/Need I love peas too. haven't seen microgreens in the stores here. I'm sure I've had cheese peas somewhere a long time ago - prob in the UK.

I love this Ogden Nash poem

I eat my peas with honey.
I've done it all my life.
It makes the peas taste funny
but it keeps them on my knife.

Probably a chicken salad for supper with spinach, berries, and walnuts.


Microgreens are fantastic! I buy them at my local farmers market. I’m glad you bought some to try. They are packed full of nutrients.

I love peas! This week I bought some pea microgreens to try, they are supposed to be good for you and I like trying new things. These taste like ... peas.. I have already chopped some up on fresh tomatoes, and in a sammy. delicious. My hubs mom made "cheese peas",, just what they sound like. Back in the day she diced up velveeta and cooked it with the peas, it was the only way her boys would eat them. Sound terrible but I have come to love them!

Typo. Should read, one day I want to try and make lentil salad, instead of soup. Stupid autocorrect! I make lentil soup all the time. I love it!


Me too, I like doing one pot meals. I like roasting a ton of veggies all at once on a sheet pan too. That’s a super easy way to cook veggies.

I like one pot meals so I do make a lot of soups and I often put lentils in my soup, but I wouldn't really call most of them lentil soup, KWIM?


Do you eat lentil soup? I make that too. I love lentil salad. I buy it at Whole Foods. One day. I want to try and make lentil soup.

I don’t use any meat in my split pea or lentil soup. Some split pea soup calls for ham and I have seen recipes for lentil and sausage soup. I follow a vegetarian recipe for both.


I think next time I will try a curry. I eat a lot of vegetarian meals. I do eat meat, just not every day.

I will have to look at the recipe again to make sure I have the correct spices.

I think split pea dal sounds like an excellent way to cover up the pea flavour Cashew🤣

You can make a lot of Indian curries and other things with split peas.
Also, a simple peas and rice.

The only kind of peas I like are the ones where you eat the whole pod so the idea of mushy peas has never appealed NHWM.


I am not sure. Have you tried those? I haven’t.

Aren't British mushy peas made with split peas?

I’m planning on making split pea soup for lunch tomorrow. Has anyone made anything other than soup with split peas? I haven’t.

I started looking at recipes and saw an interesting split pea curry recipe that I may try one day.

Sometimes I get bored with my cooking and feel like I need to move out of my comfort zone and be a little more adventurous. I find that I cook the same thing over and over.

Rd - What a lot of activity! Sounds like you will have a great month. Your dinner sounds lovely.

Sounds delicious, River

Have fun traveling!

My daughter marinated chicken thighs and zucchini which my husband grilled along with some poblano peppers from his garden. She also roasted potatoes and made a salad. They leave tomorrow. We go back to simpler meals but perhaps keep a train of thought which can be hard around a 3 and 5 year old. A few days later the next group arrive. Older and a younger grandchildren amongst them. Then we fly to Park City to stay with group that is here when they go to Amsterdam for a week celebrating that daughter's 40th.

I am looking forward to August!


I was skeptical when I read about this method. Of course, I had to test it out for myself! It is foolproof. They came out perfectly cooked.

I do the same. I place them in ice water to stop the cooking process.

I read that the same cooking process can be used for pasta too. Haven’t tried that though.

NHWM, that's how I've always hard boiled eggs. Bring them to a rolling boil over med-high heat. Then cut the flame and cover them, removing them off that still warm burner. After 15 minutes I plunge them into ice water to stop the cooking process.

The only variable is the size (and I usually use jumbos) so I do let them rest in the boiled water a little longer. It's best to use "less fresh" eggs as those seem to peel better than fresh ones.

One time I read about bringing eggs to a boil, then cut off the fire, place a cover on the pot and allow the eggs to sit for 15 minutes. I tried it. They were perfectly cooked!

I don’t usually do this though. I boil around 5 minutes or so and they are done. I hate overcooked rubbery eggs!

I've tried all the methods over the years but I think I've had the most consistent success with starting my eggs in room temperature water and turning them off (or very low) when they boil and leaving them for 15 minutes. It's the part when you bring them to a boil where I'm most apt to get distracted, and you can't really set a timer for that.

I've always used an electric stove so I don't know about gas. I have boiled them for 8 minutes for hard boiled. Some recommend longer like 10-12 minutes. Then I flush and fill the pan with cold water and let them sit in it for say 5 minutes. Perfect hard boiled eggs, no rings and shells easy to remove. I gather the rings are due to boiling for too long.

I have been thinking of making some hard boiled eggs so I am going to and see if my old ways still work.🤔 🍳🥚

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