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I was once accused of making all our meals with hamburger - well, it was cheap, infinitely expandable and nobody every turned up their nose.
hamburger soup - chili con carne - diy hamburger helper - meatloaf - hamburger patties served plain without a bun - hamburger stroganoff - pasta sauce - mac & cheese with gr. beef - sloppy joes - loose meat with gravy - burgers (of course), tacos & burritos, cabbage roll casserole, egg roll in a bowl.....

NHWM, hamburger soup, or as I call it, autumn stew. Mostly I say autumn stew because people in the SW get weirded out by hamburger soup. Browned burger, beef broth and any veggies you enjoy = autumn stew.

Goulash is a great hamburger recipe that freezes well and feeds a lot of people with 1# of burger.

Love cottage pie and shepherds pie.

Southern skillet with burger, potatoes, onions, cheese and other things to taste is a great hamburger meal.

Of course, the bunless hamburger is always an easy meal.

I always add lots of veggies to whatever I am fixing and it creates a great, easy meal that is full of nutrition.


Wow! Lots of broken glass in your house. 🤪

I have never made chili or stroganoff. I should try making those. I will look up some recipes.

Last night's tacos were good NHWM.

Except for a few delaying snafus.
Like dropping and breaking the entire dish of ground sirloin, 1 lb.

Then, cooking up the other pound, totalling $16.84 in meat. (I know, it is recommended to use the cheaper ground beef for flavor).

You can cook chili, pour it over a hamburger, or use the ground up meat in the chili.

It will be awhile, a long while before I make tacos again. Easier to buy out, and less expensive. Maybe just stop cooking at all until this time passes.

A disagreement ensued after I broke the glass bowl, all over the floor. You cannot retrieve any of the meat because of the broken glass.
I mentioned that was 2 bowls broken in the last two days. Dh argued that he did not break the last bowl. (I was not even in the room when he broke it).
And, it was my fault. 🤣🤪🤣🥇

There are beef stroganoff recipes using ground beef. I love beef stroganoff.

Today's ground beef prices can be beat by using some steaks/per the pound.

So, I have to go to the grocery soon. I have a pound of ground beef in the fridge. Should I make meat sauce and pasta or burgers? They are both quick and easy!

Some people are extremely creative with ground beef. I seem to make the same dishes over and over with ground beef. I tend to be more creative with chicken.

I do like tacos and sloppy Joe’s. They only use one pound of ground beef. If I take the time to do meatballs or lasagna I want to make enough to freeze half.

One other thing that I occasionally make with ground beef is cottage pie or most people say shepherd’s pie. Technically, shepherd’s pie is lamb and cottage pie is beef.

What do y’all make with ground beef?

Ana I hear you about safe chocolate. I have spent hours on the internet looking for dairy free, gluten free, low sugar (relatively speaking) dark chocolate and have found a few that I like. One of them is actually made in Edmonton and I get it through Amazon.

Way - I am with you. My oldest son doesn't particularly care for chocolate. The rest of us ate the Ferraro Rochers from his Christmas stocking!😁

Happy to hear you get safe chocolate . I don’t know what I would do without chocolate . I have two friends who don’t like chocolate , which I can’t even imagine .

Way, USA Hershey chocolate has an odd, distinctive taste and I do love it. Canadian Hershey bars have little flavour. The plant in Smiths Falls, Ontario closed in 2006. I’ve never tasted Droste thanks to my nut allergy. Fortunately I have a friend in Germany who sends me safe chocolate.

Send/Harridan, (Ha!) I share your love of limes and cilantro and tacos. My cilantro is just starting to sprout. I often make a corn, black beans and bell pepper salad in the summer. Cilantro lime dressing. Such a polarizing herb.


I live about 2 hours from Hershey headquarters .
I like Droste chocolate from Holland . My husband would bring it home from Amsterdam when he used to travel there for work . We were in Aruba last month for our Anniversary and we found some . Good stuff . I agree , Hershey isn’t the best . We have a couple of local family chocolate/sweets stores right by my house that make their candy on premises.
Very good candy from both families .

We even have cilantro and pico de gallo, two different hot taco sauces, and lime.
Dinner will be late.
Dh is sleeping while sitting at the table.
Surprising that he has low back pain after I asked him to slow down exercising until the pain is better, but I am mean; after he went twice to the chiropractor, I drove him, but I am mean; he was asked to return again due to stiffness in low back, but I am a meany! With OCD he can't stop himself, but I am mean.

And hungry too!

I still remember Jude/Phoenix calling me a harridan. 🤣🤣🤪

Bundleofjoy, I had an Aero bar for breakfast. I’m out of Twix. Husband is in the USA. I hope he brings home Hershey bars, Mounds and $100,000 Bars. (Canadian Hershey Creamy is gross) I really need to revisit Belgium. 🍫🐷

emmm, looks like i'm the only one having twix for dinner.

The plan is to turn my broth into a chicken coconut curry soup. That's been the plan for a couple of days now but today I think I'll actually get it done.


I feel the same. I like having a few dishes in the freezer for when I don’t feel like cooking or don’t have the time to cook.

Plus, I hate wasting food. I try to budget carefully. We spend too much money at the grocery store these days.

Thx Need. I find cooking relaxing too, as long as I have the energy. When I have had a flare up I know I am getting better when I want to cook! Making and eating soup IS therapeutic! I like to cook lots (still in the 6 person household mode) and freeze the extra. Makes life easier when I have less energy.


All of those dishes sound delicious! I love to make soup. For some reason I always find it to be relaxing. It’s kind of therapeutic to make a pot of soup!

My mom, her sister and my grandma were excellent cooks and their passion for cooking rubbed off on me. It’s a creative outlet.

The only thing that I find challenging is sometimes it is too much food. We either have to share or freeze it.

Need - that chicken sounds amazing!

I cooked some Hot Italian sausages in the oven the other day when the temperatures were down, and started on turkey soup. Got the meat off and am now simmering the bones for bone broth. It's all too much for my electric pressure cooker so I am using my biggest soup pot. With such big bones it will take a while. Yesterday I did oven roasted salt and pepper ribs and today is cool too so I will roast some eggplants. I love them roasted with garlic and lemon and eat them hot or cold as I do with the ribs too. Not a picky eater at all except I have to avoid the things I am allergic to.


Yep! I can’t eat a whole chicken stuffed breast so I cut them in half and eat the rest the next day.

Leftovers at your house sound like a gourmet meal.

These leftovers?
"Chicken breast stuffed with a mixture of spinach, artichoke, provolone, Parmesan cheese, ricotta cheese, diced onions, garlic and seasonings. Cucumber and tomato salad."

Pls. send some through the cloud.

Haagen Dazs
White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle


After all this talk about chicken, I want chicken too :).

Remember the commercial song: "Don't cook tonight, call Chicken Delight?
Are they still in business?


Chicken breast stuffed with a mixture of spinach, artichoke, provolone, Parmesan cheese, ricotta cheese, diced onions, garlic and seasonings. Cucumber and tomato salad.

cwillie: Feel better soon.


Sounds yummy!

There were fudge crackles in the ice cream. 😉
But I think I overdid it, I feel like a little pig🐖🐽🐷


Don’t forget to add chocolate syrup on top of your ice cream.

Netflix has a couple of great Hitchcock movies on.

Just finished watching Psycho. Am about to watch The Birds in a bit after I make a salad for our dinner

i snacked on hummus and pita bread earlier so I am not very hungry.

add some strawberry or pineapple topping…that’s fruit .

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