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Do you bake your pizza on a stone? I love my stone. Even when I order delivery I will heat it up on the stone to get a crisp crust.

I am not a person who nukes my pizza in the microwave to reheat. I reheat it on my stone.

I know people who eat cold pizza in the morning. Never will I eat cold pizza for breakfast! LOL 😆

In my youth, I dated a guy who ate cold pizza for breakfast all the time. He also washed his socks in his dishwasher! 😝 We didn’t date after I saw that he washed his socks in the dishwasher. It grossed me out! LOL

Burnt, I am trying this recipe. And I WILL report back!

If it is better than Whole Foods, and almost as easy, we are going in business together!

Seriously, I am trying going to try your dough.
My parents always made their own dough, taught by the Ligorios, who came from Italy to the USA, farmed a plot in the Missouri (Missour-ah) hills, ploughed arrowheads up by the tons when they planted and had an outdoor toilet. To say nothing of had no water save that hauled from the spring until they dug a well. Goodness. Do I yet show my age?

So I will try home made dough, because the cost of dough is close to 5.00 at whole foods, and that is some dough. Thanks for posting the recipe.

Geaton, I eat ANYTHING Buffalo hot sauce. ANYTHING. I always loved when Guy Fieri made his and I could find it on sale. I think it is no more, or I cannot find it for a long time.

Kale, sausage and Parmesan cheese frittata + crusty bread with herbed butter

I broke two lower molars and now have three implants. My favourite part about them? Knowing that, during my dental check-up, I have three teeth that won’t need fillings!

Remember those crest commercial where the kid says "I only had one cavity" as though that was a good thing? That was my childhood, our well water had no fluoride and I wasn't a diligent brusher so my molars are basically held together with fillings, and now my back molar is broken in half. Plus I'm pretty sure I've got a cavity on another one, but I was planning to wait until my regular check up in June to find out.

As we are getting ready to leave for vacation hubs got some crab legs for him and some steamed shrimp for me. This will take us through until we leave! And we finally have a date for his next dental surgery! hooray!! Mid may and then just a few more months until the implants set up and our dentist can put in the real implants/teeth !! He is soo looking forward to eating a steak!

And CW, I have a baby tooth left that I worry about coming out,, but so far its hanging in there. Good luck!


Oh gosh! Your tooth. Geeeeez.

I was enjoying a sheet pan meal of thai frozen veg mix in an orange ginger sauce with KFC popcorn chicken and fries when I suddenly bit down on something hard. It's a tooth. My tooth. I don't know if that makes it better or worse 😭


One cup hot water
One packet fast-acting dry yeast
Three cups all-purpose flour
One teaspoon salt
One tablespoon honey
Two tablespoons good olive oil (extra virgin olive oil)

That's pizza dough that never fails. It makes one large pizza to feed the family.
I rise mine quick by putting the oven on warm and putting the dough in a greased metal bowl with a hot wet towel over it for about an hour.
Then I lay it out in the baking pan, cover it with the wet towel again and put it to a second rise in the same oven for about another half hour.
This will be the best pizza dough you ever had.

Alva, my fave pizza topping is pepperoni and green olive. A salty delight! I purchase the pizza dough from my town's local pizzeria. My son used to be their pizza chef (his tossing skills are still intact). I bet if you asked, your favorite pizza joint may be willing to sell you theirs, even if it's not something they normally do. Ask the owner or manager. But...nothing beats homemade pizza dough. My cousin used to make the best buffalo chicken pizza. Mmmm... Mangiamo!

Good for you, Stacey. Hopefully next time you can get it just the way you want it.

Made a veggie (onions, peppers, cauliflower -what I had on hand) and ground beef skillet and also some hamburger soup. I had bought a large pack of hamburger meat so needed to use it up. It's still cool enough that a nice spicy hamburger soup will go down well.

Oh, Alva

I am going to look for it at my Whole Foods. I don’t know if I will buy the seed one. I do buy their seed bread, but on pizza, eh…no thanks.

Thanks for info and directions how to make it. I will load mine up veggies to bake. I like a thin, crisp crust.

The crust in my store is in the refrigerated section where they have fresh pastas and such. It rolls out just huge. I take it out of fridge and let it rise a few hours. You need to roll it with vigor. It gets quite springy and likes to "fight back" but I love stuff that "fights back". They have two kinds. One with these minute little seeds. Too seedy for me I think . They claim anymore that teensy seeds aren't implicated in diverticulitis, but my bout was too crazy bad about 9 years ago to that the chance. Let me know if you try it, Need. I have this great huge thin pizza pan with holes all over the bottom, and quite light. I put pizza in when it's all dressed up at 7 minutes on 425. Another 5-7 watching it at same temp. As my fellow has major GERD I get the WHOLE THING.


Count me in on the black and green olives! I never eat meat on my pizza. I prefer all veggies.

Please share more details about the crust. Do you buy crust from the Pizza section of the store where they sell pizza? Or another section of the store?

I like Whole Foods crust on the pizzas that we order to be picked up.

I love making my own pizza, though the dough I get from Whole Foods. Or whole paycheck as some call them. The dough makes the best HUGE pizza. Just found a new trick. I love black olives on my pizza but this time had not as many around as I like so chopped in some green! Absolutely great! I bet you ALL knew this trick long ago. Tastes like capers in it or something. A real tang.

Anyway, that's supper. Again.

I remember a plum pudding my parents were serving at Christmas when I was a child. As they started the flame it flew up my father's arm. They must have gotten it out quickly. I don't think he had any bad scarring but it was a fright. Never chose to set a fire to food since then although I am sure it can be done correctly. I will just pass at home.


Yes. they flame it at the table and it smells incredible. You can read about the history of the dessert online.


Yes, they have a great food. Old school New Orleans food.

Chinese take-out with my husband and all 3 kids. And a honkin’ great chocolate mousse cake.

Set on fire = flambeed! 🍨🍨🍌🍌🌋🌋🔥🔥😏😏😉😉

Hoppin John one more freezer container of that.

Amys convenience meal. Asian cashew noodles and an apple. Actually rather healthy lol

Thanks cwillie. I'm going to try some along with the one year stuff. If it's any good the boys will love it at the lake house and I will love it for quick cheesy BLT sandwiches. I usually bake the bacon these days a pound at a time - and it disappears quickly. Being able to get a couple of slices for a single sandwich without having to cook it will be lovely.

NHWM, Iwe had Bananas Foster at Arnaud's last year. Lifetime dream of mine to get there; I worked with a woman who'd grown up in NoLa, moved to NYC for Grad School and talked about NoLa restaurants all the time!

I've only heard/read of Bananas Foster flambeed. Not sure I have had them but I've had Crepe Suzette flambeed. Nice!

Found it for you Techie

And if you want to try something else

Isn't bananas foster set on fire then served on ice cream?

Canned bacon? Half the satisfaction of eating bacon is the smell of it cooking!

Thanks Pam.

TNtechie,, we have some, a friend of ours got it for prepping, The brand is Yoders from Burkettsville, Oh PO box 209 . LOL My hubs pulled the can for the info for you! And it's actually pretty good! We are not preppers ourself, but hey,, if it's free to try why not, so we gratefully accepted it. Hubs can eat it like candy! Just ope the can and reheat it in the microwave in a napkin. We have found its great for baked beans too! And they fit alot of slices in that can.

Does anyone use "canned" bacon? I just read an article that states fully cooked canned bacon has a 10 year shelf life... but I can't find any on amazon or walmart. Just fully cooked bacon in a vaccun sealed bag that is shelf safe for up to a year until opened (then refridge it). It's priced just a little higher than normal bacon so I think I'm going to buy a pack and try it. It might be good for my panty (in limited quantities) or for a camping trip. Wish I could find the canned variety; I would check it out too. My ancestors always cured bacon and left it hanging in the smoke house so I've never heard of canned bacon, although I have fixed some canned sauage (mostly used for gravy or in baked sauage balls).

I vaguely remember my great uncle smoking some hams but we never had a smoke house in my memory at either my grandfather's or my father's home. Dad had a smoke house when he was a boy but he probably tore it down when he built the new house before I was born.

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