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My husband would love your passion for a special dessert.

Homemade chili and garlic bread.


I do the same thing as your husband. I'm not a person who eats out often. So it's an occasion when I do.
I will have half of my meal doggie-bagged in the kitchen before it even arrives at the table so I can have dessert.
There will always be dessert. There has to be.


That’s funny that he eats dessert before and after!

Your husband's got mine beat.
Mine will eat dinner first,then dessert.
Then another dessert and another dessert.


My husband looks at the dessert menu before anything else and orders his food accordingly!

I gave him a sign that said, “Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.” This is pretty much his philosophy!

It’s in his genes. His grandfather, father and brothers are all tall and thin.

His grandfather had a beer everyday with his lunch and remained thin throughout his life.

My husband's just like your's.
Every night he raids the kitchen hunting for any chocolate or ice cream he can find.
He eats a bunch of junk and then he goes to bed and he never gains a pound.
If I did that I'd be 300 pounds.

Just made a salad. Didn’t feel like cooking tonight.

Hubby ate and then announced that he was going to get a big dessert from a local coffee shop that we go to before he has to fast for his surgery on Friday! LOL 😆

I swear that man still has the same body as he did when he was a track runner in school and he has a sweet tooth that goes down to his toes!

I haven't thought of Harold and Maude for years! I first saw it in psych class in high school...
For dinner I had a few Yasso frozen yogurt bars.

I have always loved Harold & Maude. Such a classic. We are having shredded roast chicken in gravy, served over mashed potatoes with green beans.

polarbear, you posted 6 hours ago. I can presently see NHWM’s posts and the count says 11k. Cue the Twilight Zone music.

Talk about a feeling of insignificance!

And not NHWM! She just came back after an extended absence!

Something is wrong. All of NeedHelpWithMom posts disappeared. She was posting just yesterday quite a few times.

ADMIN, what happened? The count for this thread yesterday was around 11K, now it's 10K. Maybe posts from other posters also disappeaed. ADMIN,HELP!!!


Yeah, absolutely. I agree with you wholeheartedly about the sound track for Harold and Maude. Years ago, Cat Stevens came here to play but I missed seeing him. My oldest brother saw him and said that he was fantastic.

NHWM, I, too, love Harold and Maude. It’s one of my “go to” movies when I’m miserable or need a kick in my perspective. Its music is loaded in my kitchen CD player. It centres me. Plus I like to sing.

Tonight I’ve made a broccoli, sweet pepper, canned tomato, quinoa, cheese casserole - by memory. Because the link has been hijacked by a betting site in a foreign language. 🤬 I hope I have an old screen shot of it buried in my photos. Garlic bread accompaniment.


Oh so true. That’s how my grandma went and it’s how I want to go.

That cookie sounds fabulous. I like recipes like that. Some of the Italian recipes for cookies aren’t overly sweet and they are great.

Speaking about my great aunts reminds me of one of my favorite movies that features a spunky old woman as one of the main characters. Harold and Maude. Ruth Gordon was a great character actress!

I realize that it may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I love it. I first saw Harold and Maude as a teenager at the midnight showing. I watched it not too long ago on a network that I subscribe to and I laughed just as much.

If I were ever going to be a crazy old lady I think I would like to have her spirit.

I do love that trivial things aren’t as important to us as we age. It seems like many of us took things too seriously when we were younger.

Need - I love shellfish and bet crawfish is good. Funny about the dog. Ginger is great in a lot of things. A good ginger snap is a favourite. Mother made a thin crunchy cookie called Brunesnipper for Christmas. It had ginger and pepper, cocoa and lemon drops in it and was awesome. I made it for my kids. It was a nice change from really sweet stuff.

I'm with your cousin. I gave away the high heels but still have a couple of pairs of lower heels and some strappy dress boots with heels .Told R will have to hang on his arm when I wear them. But they are cute!

A cousin of mother's lived in her apartment up into her 90s. Her dd visited her regularly . One day she didn't feel well, and she was gone 2 days later. It's how we all want it to happen.


I haven’t used a lot of ginger. I should try it more often in recipes. My grandfather’s favorite cookie was a ginger snap cookie.

I should call her soon. She’s so fun to talk to. My great aunts raised her. Her mother died when she was really young. She has a lot of my great aunts spunk in her!

She’s adorable as a cousin. I feel bad for her children that she will not enter an assisted living facility or stop driving.

She says that she is not going to spend all of her money on an assisted living facility! LOL 😆 She is very happy at her apartment. So be it.

She still dresses up. She told me that she gave away her high heels and is wearing ‘pumps’ now. I love talking to her. It’s never a dull moment!

cw - since going gluten and dairy free a good fruit cake is one of the things I miss. I suspect I could make one if I put my mind to it. Not something you want everyday but once a year or so is great.

riverdale - I had friends in Scotland -Cordon Blue cooks- who did the three month prep with soaking dried fruit and then baking the cake and regular moistening with booze of some sort and wrapping in muslin and keeping it in a cool dark pantry. It was awesome but I know it is not to everyone's taste. A little goes a long way.

Their gingerbread was terrific too. One version was very moist and heavy and one was lighter, They served slices of it with unsalted butter. Happy memories of tea time in St Andrews.

need - your cousin's fruitcake sounds like the good stuff! Might be worth passing the recipe on to your girls.


No, the flavor is nothing like shrimp. It’s a taste that is hard to describe. They have their own unique flavor.

The shell is hard like a lobster shell. There are lots of recipes. such as boiled, bisque, etouffee, etc.

I love crawfish. Then again, I love all seafood.

Some people refer to them as mudbugs! Hey, Louisiana is a swamp!


The joke in our family was that people could get drunk off of my great aunts fruitcake!

I should call my 100 year old cousin to get her recipe but I don’t like fruitcake. Just for nostalgia sake though.

My great aunts were so funny! Devout Catholics who were at Mass daily, volunteering at church and in the community until their 90’s but they sort of flew by the seat of their pants too! (dresses in their day)

My great aunt ignored the rule about not marrying a divorced man! She married a divorced man with a child who wasn’t even Catholic. He was Episcopalian. She loved him and told her priest that she was going to marry him whether the church approved or not.

Her sister never married because the love of her life was killed in the war.

They were my grandfather’s sisters. Grandpa’s family came to Louisiana from England. My aunts were excellent bakers. They made wonderful desserts.

Everyone knew that they would be receiving a fruitcake for Christmas. I preferred the other cakes that they baked.

I've never been to crawfish country NHWM - would you say it is similar to shrimp, more like lobster or different from either?

Mmmmm, an extra boozy fruitcake sounds delicious to me (wish I had some right now)!

I had an aunt on my mother's side who made fruitcake every Christmas season. It was basically a cocktail as she soaked it for weeks I believe in some sort of hard liquor. It was just too intense between the soaking and the heavy ingredients. It could practically walk by itself. She was a wonderful baker but this was not one of my favorites.

Well, my daughter’s dog, her beautiful Siberian husky had his first taste of crawfish 🦞!

Her friends were having a crawfish boil last weekend and invited her to join them and asked her to bring her dog to so he could play with their dog.

They were in the backyard eating the crawfish. A few crawfish fell off the table and her dog gobbled up the spicy crawfish!

I asked her if his mouth was on fire because we like our crawfish well seasoned here. She said, “Nope! He was looking for more. I guess that he is no longer a ‘Colorado’ dog and is now a full fledged ‘Louisiana’ dog who likes crawfish.

My daughter got me in the mood for crawfish so we are getting crawfish for dinner tonight.


I mentioned the fruitcake because I was reminiscing about my great aunts who made it.

Yes, I saw the comments about the juleKake. It sounds good. Polar said that it is similar to raisin bread with candied fruit. I love raisin bread.

NHWM, Julekake is not fruitcake, it is a white, lots of eggs, bread with citron, candied fruit, raisins and of course cardamom. Yeast is used in julekake.

Speaking of eggs, pay attention at the grocery store. One dozen was $7.00 this morning, but a dozen and a half was $3.70. I see a lot of egg eating in my future, but they are good protein, cholesterol aside. Even if I have to toss some, it waas still much cheaper than buying by the dozen!

When I say lots of eggs, it seems like it because when I make it I usually triple the recipe and use six whole eggs plus six yolks. That will make 12 loaves.


My great aunts made fruit cake until their late nineties.

My cousin is 100 and is still using their recipe. My cousin may end up living as long as your mom.

I wish that she would stop driving though. One of these days she is going to be thrown in jail for telling cops off for attempting to give her tickets for speeding!

I think people either love or hate fruit cake.


Julia was adorable! I watched her cook on our local PBS channel all the time. She was quite a trailblazer, a woman who was way ahead of her time.

Her love story with her husband was phenomenal!

She learned to cook gourmet food but she wasn’t a food snob at all. She truly was an inspiration for anyone who wanted to learn how to cook.

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