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Thank you, I was thinking about selling it, but I changed my mind.

Actually, Julia pave the road for female chefs. She was the first female to go to France Colonary school. You might remember when most of the employees in a restaurant were all males including servers.

I love cooking especially grilling. But you're right, a good cook is a good cook. I never went to school for it, but had my dad teach me then I just kept learning. You can always learn something new when it comes to cooking. That's what makes it so great.


I watched cooking shows with my mom too. She enjoyed them. I still think she liked Young and the Restless more! LOL 😆

Rhea? Is that the Pioneer Woman? Yeah, she is good. Married to Marlboro man? 🤣 I have seen her a few times.

You have a gem! Cooks for his sweetheart even when he can’t enjoy eating. Hold onto him! My husband does weekend breakfasts. which I love!

I am being lazy tonight for dinner. We are having a large salad and grilled salmon.

I used to watch Rhea Drummond with my mom,and we made several of her recipes..all turned out great. Cooking shows were one thing we could watch together, along with some game shows Thank you NHWM,, he is a great cook and since he is retired he has plenty of time! He is in the middle of major tooth surgury and so he can;t eat alot,, but he is willing to make me anything I ask for!


Your husband sounds like a gem! I love hearing about his culinary skills.


That cookbook made history! Julia was inspiring for many. That’s cool that you watched her with your dad.

I have done the same with some television cooks. Saying to myself, ‘That’s not how I would cook that!’ LOL 😆

Other times, I feel like their method is brilliant! It can be a tiny, subtle change but can make all the difference in the world. I am a good cook but I feel that I can always learn something new and interesting.

I loved hearing my grandmother talk about how they modified recipes during the Great Depression. They had to deal with food rationing, yet they were creative and made wonderful meals.

I do love watching creative cooks! It doesn’t matter to me if they are a professionally trained chef like Julia or a home cook. A good cook is a good cook!

My SO made a joke about me making a stuff meatloaf. He'll be shock when he comes home to Stuff meatloaf, mashpotatoes, and peas for dinner. The joke will be on him.

Hubs made bean soup with ham hocks and rivels,, DD came over for a visit and we all had some,,, YUMMY !! And a friend butchered last week so we had fresh scrapple,, it was perfect!


I use to watch Julia Child with my dad when I was little. I have her first cookbook that belonged to my dad because he was a chef, but I think I told you that before.

My favorite Chef is Alex Guarashelli. I think because she reminds me of my dad...her weird sense of humor and demeanor.

I love watching Chopped, Alex vs America and my football is Tortement of Champion...I find myself yelling at the TV. My SO laughs at me. It shows some of the top Chefs in the U.S..

I should had followed in my dad's footsteps.


I love pork tenderloin too! Your dinner sounds delicious!

Red velvet cake is so good. I have never made it. In my youth, I dated a guy whose aunt made the best red velvet cake that I have ever had. I wish that I would have thought to get her recipe.

There are a few bakeries near me that make delicious red velvet cake. It’s such a pretty cake too!

My son arrived to visit. I fixed his favorites. Pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes and gravy, half runner green beans, and red velvet cake. I showed him the beef Wellington recipe and he's all for trying that tomorrow. He's a good cook.

The movie Julia and Julia about Julia Child was cute. Julia Child was a trailblazer for sure. Her husband was pretty awesome too! He supported her throughout her journey.


I love watching Martha bake! I appreciate her artistic skills. I can’t ever make anything as pretty as she does!


I loved my grandmother’s potato salad. It was delicious. I should make it sometimes. Grandma served hers warm. Leftovers were served cold. Just like you do.

I like Barefoot Contessa! I use her roasted carrots with dill recipe.

Need, I make German potato salad to serve with wiener schnitzel, it is an oil and vinegar base, I use garlic chives and a bit of mustard, salt and pepper. I serve it warm, at least the 1st day.

So yummy!

I used to watch Julia Child. I loved the episode where she dropped the turkey. I don't care for Martha Stewart or Rachel Ray. I used to watch The Barefoot Contessa, but quit a couple of years ago.

So, how many of you watched Julia Child cook on television? I did!

I watch PBS instructional cooking shows. I don’t go for the ‘competition’ style shows on food networks. My neighbors loved watching Iron Chef when it first came on.

Martha Stewart or Rachael Ray? Who do you prefer to watch? Or both?


My grandma was German. She made potato salad with oil instead of mayo. It was delicious but it is different from what people usually serve. I think it had vinegar and other seasonings. I haven’t eaten a German potato salad in a long time.

Yes there are several Norwegian recipes in my books too Glad.

And ITRR's mention of Pennsylvania Dutch cookbooks reminded me how much I used to use my Food That Really Schmecks collection, those recipes speak to my German peasant ancestry.

I agree that recipes from home cooks are usually amazing. I have many recipes from events that I found the cook and begged their wonderful recipe.

Most are happy to share.

I forgot my Pennsylvania Dutch cookbook that has very old recipes that are simple and nourishing.

Need, it has been advertised that processed foods, including fast foods have chemicals added to create cravings. Wrong on every level but, obviously very effective.

The Hawley, Minnesota Lutheran Church cookbook is a good one too! Lots of Scandinavian recipes in it. It is also packed somewhere. One day this house will sell.

Recipe collections from ordinary people can be a great way to find foods that are easy and tasty, my favourites are two books from the Canadian Lutheran Ladies, the contributors are from coast to coast.


I make Beef Wellington very ocassionally because it's expensive to do.
I use Mary Berry's recipe. She's an old English lady who has a program on public television.
Her recipes always come out perfect.

Southwest cookbook sounds good

My favorite cookbook is a Roswell Symphony Guild - Savoring the Southwest! That is where my chili recipe is and packed somewhere! They have another one titled Savoring the Southwest, Again. It is good too but I like the first one better.

My favorite Junior League is Colorado Cache.

Oh yes, Jr. League has great cook books too! Forgot about those. I love their fundraisers.

Your Eastern Star book sounds like a great collection of recipes!

I think so many southern recipes are good because of the seasoning. It isn’t bland.

The best cookbook I have is one my aunt gave me as a wedding present years go. The Eastern Star dessert cookbook. Recipes from Eastern Star members in every state. The Junior League also has good cookbooks. My favorite is the one from Charleston, SC. I'm a traditional southern country cook. Not the healthiest food, but very good.

Cooking has changed so much over the years. I have diverse tastes in food and how it is prepared.

Depending on where a person lives, food will either be great or not so great! Special food is usually served as a treat. Most people try to eat healthier these days.

A person’s age, activity level and health also matters in how they eat. I think the convenience foods that came out in the 50’s (tv dinners) and fast foods contributed to unhealthy eating habits. My mom always cooked from scratch.

I absolutely hate fast food. My mother didn’t allow us to eat it so I guess that’s why I never developed that habit.

I think fast food is appealing to those who are rushing around from place to place. It’s a ‘convenience’ thing for them. They can’t be in love with the taste of fast food or maybe they are. Who knows?

Burnt, I love Beef Wellington, but I've never made it. I used to order it at The Greenbrier when they had it on their dinner menu. I haven't seen it on the menu since the hotel changed ownership.

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