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Our tradition is pork and saurkraut for NYD. Since I work tomorrow hubs cooked it tonight and is packing some for me for tomorrow! It better bring some good luck!!


So, your husband ate well when growing up. Italian cooks are incredible!

My grandmother was German and she did make German dishes but her best friend was Italian and taught her those recipes.

My mom learned to cook from grandma. Both were excellent cooks. We ate at my grandparents house every Sunday when I was growing up.

Kids are honest critics. right? Well, at one Sunday afternoon while helping my grandmother do the dishes, I told my grandmother that mom made good meatballs but that hers were better! Mom walked into the kitchen just as I said that to my grandma. I don’t think that my mom appreciated my comment!

My grandfather’s family were from England. Most people don’t rave about English food. He was great at making sweets though. Very thin man, great genes because he never gained weight from enjoying his sweets. He was an avid gardener so maybe he burned off all of the calories while gardening.

NHWM. My husband grew up in the Italian part of Pittsburgh. His foster parents were Italian, and he was a great Italian cook. His bio parents were Polish. I follow his instructions. One of my stepsons bought me a pasta machine and I love to play with it.


My Italian husband would love your dinner! I am predominantly British and such a wannabe Italian. Let’s face it, Italians cook way better than the British!

I was thrilled when I did an ancestry test and found out that I have a small amount of Italian heritage.


Sure, it counts! 😊

I pulled two pogos (corn dogs) out of the freezer. Does my leftover ambrosia salad count as a healthy side?

Everyone is back home. Having our traditional New Year's Eve dinner. Two kinds of ravioli and spaghetti and meatballs, salad and Italian bread.

For New Year's Eve, I am going to risk death by dark chocolate.
Because I can't eat just one.

Happy New Year to anyone who makes it through to the New Year!

Most black licorice sold in North America isn't licorice at all, it's flavoured with anise.

Can eating too much black liquorice be bad for you?
Yes, particularly if you're over 40 and have a history of heart disease or high blood pressure, or both.
Eating more than 57g (2 ounces) of black liquorice a day for at least 2 weeks could lead to potentially serious health problems, such as an increase in blood pressure and an irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia).
For most people, liquorice found in foods is safe to eat and safe when consumed in large amounts in medicines for short periods of time.
General health advice about black liquorice :
No matter how old you are, you should avoid eating large amounts of black liquorice over a short space of time.
If you have been eating a lot of black liquorice and have heart palpitations, muscle weakness or other health-related problems, stop eating it immediately and seek medical advice.
Black liquorice can interact with some medications, herbs and dietary supplements.
Get advice from a GP or pharmacist if you have questions about possible interactions with a medication or supplement you're taking.


I like black eyed peas. I eat them on New Year’s Day too.

Thanks for the pudding tip. Will google it.

Making gumbo is always a good choice! 😊 I have never heard of using black eyed peas in gumbo. That would never fly in New Orleans! LOL

I have to tell you what some people eat here in gumbo though and I have never tried it, nor will I, because it looks disgusting 🤮 to me. Some people put a scoop of potato salad on top of their gumbo. I’m sorry but that is totally gross! Yuck! It’s a thing in homes cooking. You NEVER see it on restaurant menus.

Send, my russets and blue are both heirlooms.

Are those called heirloom potatoes?

I am craving black eyed pea soup. Good luck for the year ahead, after all. But now I am thinking a gumbo style blacked eyed pea dish. Must google. Or NHWM, thoughts?

Rice puddimg? NHWM you must Google risengrot, traditional Norwegian Christmas Eve dish. Yes, we have done that nearly every year as long as I can remember. Even asked mom, when I was young, to make it once out of season. It just wasn't the same.😪😪

Louisiana is a rice growing state. Many people here always serve rice with meals. It goes with our gumbo, red beans, shrimp creole, crawfish etouffee and more!

It’s interesting though, we don’t make rice pudding. We serve bread pudding here.

Oh, we also grow a lot of sugar cane here.


Oooooh, I haven’t had blue potatoes. Sounds cool to be able to serve a variety of different types.

Need, I grow Yukon gold, red, russet and blue potatoes.

I never know from year to year which ones will do best.

I love serving people that have never had colored potatoes the red, yellow, white and blue in a dish. They all taste the same, just a texture variation and it is so fun to watch their faces when you set the potatoes on the table.

Great information on potatoes!

I like the Yukon gold potatoes too. I occasionally buy the small red ones.


Which ones do you grow?

I can only eat organic potatoes and they are only good in the fall. The rest of the year is a gamble when buying potatoes.

I do grow them but, I can never grow enough to feed my family all year.

I love being in Idaho in the fall! So many potatoes and such a small stomach :-)

I'm fortunate. I live in a potato growing state. I buy my potatoes from the local potato house. No shipping and freshly bagged in brown paper bags. Rarely have a problem. I buy Kennebecs generally. They're a good general use potato. Occasionally for a special recipe, I buy fingerlings and Yukon gold at the maeket.

Potatoes sold in grocery stores that are packaged in plastic bags or sold loose tend to get green because they are exposed to bright store lighting until they are sold, I almost always buy my potatoes in the heavy duty 5 lb paper bags (they're cheaper and more environmentally sound too).

As for spots in the spuds - that can be growing conditions or even bruising from harvest and handling. The spuds are perfectly safe to eat, just cut out the spots or any sprouts. And even green spuds can be okay if you aren't eating too much of it, as long as there's just a little bit you can peel that away too.

My BIL likes to buy those baking potatoes wrapped individually in foil - I never trust what might be hiding under that wrapping because I've found that sometimes they are not washed properly or even half rotten.


I have become annoyed by green under the skin of potatoes too. You’re right it does affect the quality of the potatoes. Also, I can’t stand finding black spots when I cut into a potato.

I prefer buying loose potatoes over those packaged in bags. Same thing with onions.

For some reason the packaged products don’t seem as good. I love avocados. I always buy Haas. When I buy them individually they are fine. I bought a package of them and only one Avocado was good.

Green in our baking potatoes!
Missed out on the holiday mashed potatoes because when they turn green, a toxin called Solanine is present and can make a person very ill.
Sad to have thrown them away. So big, perfect looking skin, every potato in the 5 lb. bag was tossed, for safety. 😡

The most common night shades you will find in your diet are:
Peppers (bell, sweet, chili, cayenne)
Gogi berries
Ashwagandha (supplement)

Just want to know if the sick or injured persons are eating tonight?
Gershun-hobble to the kitchen.
CWillie, get up and eat before bed.

Anyone else challenged to eat dinner?

We are not challenged to have anything we wanted, but chose the chicken noodle fresh soup (deli section) to eat tonight.

So happy-we went to buy it, not counting on instacart to deliver. Success!


Homemade pasta is divine! I have never made it but always cherish when others serve it. So delicious!

Chicken is my favorite standby dinner.

Cooked a chicken in the crockpot, a few baby carrots, celery and onion threw in some homemade noodles at the end.


We all have our weaknesses! Chocolate? Yes, please. I am glad that this candy is only in the store at Christmas. I think that is part of the lure for me. Like Girl Scout cookies are for my husband.

I hear you about BK. It was a matter of convenience. I agree with you about the ‘golden’ arches! 😆

My poor daughter got stuck in a storm before Christmas in Iowa. She chose a hotel that she wouldn’t normally stay at but it was close to the airport and she desperately wanted to be able to easily get to the airport to catch her flight.

She didn’t want to take a chance with road closures at a nicer hotel further away.

Anyway, the hotel didn’t have any restaurants, no room service, etc. No restaurants nearby and the only place that was delivering food was McDonalds! LOL 😆 She was starving and ate it. She said that she felt sick afterwards.

So, she gets to the airport the next day and nothing to eat there! It’s a small airport. So, she spots a bar and it was full! She was so stressed that she ordered a martini! She said that even inside the airport it was freezing cold and everyone in there was drinking to forget about the blizzard outside!

every time I buy something that I really really like. I always lie to myself and say: "if I buy 2, then I can make it last longer and enjoy it more."
It is a total lie...I like, I eat. Then my addictives go up and I eat the other one, too.
Every time.
P.S. I don't actually like fast food. The whopper was a one off to save me hassle. It was either BK or McD...and I absolutely refuse McD. I would rather be hungry.

Oh no, my peppermint bark is just about gone! It’s like a drug! LOL 😆 I am hooked on the stuff! I didn’t do a good job of making it last.

It’s like Girl Scout cookies that are only available once a year. The scouts in my neighborhood knew to come to our house first because my husband is their best customer!


My all time favorite burger here is at a local bar that always has a line to get in no matter what time you go. They are so good! Plus they serve a baked potato with it rather than fries.

We sit at the bar because the tables are always full. I find that the bartenders are always friendly even when they are slammed. The servers at tables are super stressed and can be grumpy.

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