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NHWM- sous vide cooking? 5 to 10 hours to get your food cooked, all while plastic is leaching into your food. What's wrong with that? Whoever invented this cooking method had too much time on their hands.

On the subject of stove top and electric pressure cookers, I have an old fashion stove top pressure cooker that came with a 15 year warranty. My friend has an electric IP that came with a 5 year warranty. Hers can do more things than mine, but I like mine more. It will outlast hers.

Is anyone sold on the sous vide method of cooking? We tried it because my husband has a friend that absolutely loves to cook this way.

Me? Eh, I am not going to say that we had a poor result but I am definitely not going to say that I would rave about it.

Maybe we didn’t do it properly. Not sure. Only tried it once and don’t really have a strong desire to try it again.


Do you find the electric pressure cooker cooks as well as the stove top cooker? Or is it just more convenient? Or is it a safer way to pressure cook?

My mom had a stovetop one. I don’t remember everything she cooked in it. She did use it for beans. I remember that. No matter what mom cooked and whatever cooking method she used it was all delicious.

My neighbor took her mom’s stovetop pressure cooker when her mom stopped cooking in it. She called me one day crying and when I asked her what was wrong she said, “How do I get meatballs and spaghetti sauce off of my ceiling?” I desperately tried not to laugh at her question but it did strike me as hysterically funny for a moment.

I asked her how did she get meatballs and spaghetti sauce on her ceiling. She said that her pressure cooker had exploded.

My neighbor’s experience made me terrified of buying a stovetop one. At the same time I remembered my mom using hers without any complications. Who knows what happened with my neighbor’s meatballs?

LOL, I did laugh after I hung up the phone because it was such a crazy thing. I wonder how many people have had explosions!

I do know that she painted her kitchen and ceiling soon after. She tried getting on a ladder to scrub everything down but she couldn’t ever get it totally clean.

In regards to a microwave, there are a few things that they are efficient in doing. In my home though, we generally used it for reheating and the kids loved using it for popcorn.

Personally, I think the popcorn tastes better when it’s cooked on the stovetop. Plus, the salt can be controlled or eliminated.

Glad your roast turned out! I appropriated my sister's unused instant pot and have been using it a lot since my stove top pressure cooker broke... it sure is convenient to be able to just set a timer and have it shut off automatically.
I use the microwave a lot not just to reheat but as a shortcut to get things made faster. For instance I'll nuke my baked potatoes for a few minutes before tossing them into my counter top oven, or I'll partially cook the veggies that take longest to cook when I do a sheet pan meal.

My roast was a success! Yay!

I find that flavor isn’t sacrificed cooking with an Instant Pot to save time. Can’t say that about cooking in a microwave. I don’t cook anything in my microwave. I only use it to heat food.

Now I will freeze some of it. I like making shredded beef tacos with the leftovers, sandwiches, etc.

I love roasting a whole chicken too because I can make so many different dishes from it.

My daughter loves her air fryer. I don’t have one. Do you find the flavor is different from cooking something in the oven?

My daughter cooks with hers but also loves it for reheating food too.


Maybe if I tried fruit cake again. I just remember my mom saying that she could get drunk on my great aunt’s fruit cake! LOL, apparently she had a very heavy hand with the rum. So, for a kid it didn’t taste like a yummy dessert to me.

I definitely have to portion out servings and freeze too. I like freezing because I don’t have to cook as often. It’s nice to be able to pull a meal out of the freezer when I don’t feel like cooking.

a hamburger patty cooked in the air fryer, tortilla corn chips, and guacamole.
I'm liking the air fryer more and more.

Frittata for supper - basically scrambled eggs with veggies.

I love mince meat.

cw - you could buy a pie, cut it up into portions and freeze them individually. That way it would last a while. I used to make mince meat tarts and also lemon curd tarts. Everyone liked them. You could make your own tarts. I made mine open -without a lid so not too much pastry.

Need - Hope your roast turns out well, I haven't made one in ages but I like them. Never done it in the electric pressure cooker either - only in the oven. I'm sorry you don't like fruit cake . I think it is wonderful, but with my allergies haven't had any for years.

ITRR - nutritious desserts are great - I have a recipe from a girlfriend for a Dutch apple cake with apples, raisins, nuts if you wish. Yummy. I use to make carrot cookies for the kids with raisins and nuts in them.

send - pumpkin pie is awesome any time of day.

If a pumpkin pie ends up on my table, I don't care what it was called before,
it is dessert! Yum! 🥧

I tried watching the British baking show. It’s kind of silly to me. It’s another contest show for entertainment. I prefer the instructional cooking shows.

I love watching people cook. I like seeing their creativity and skills. I think PBS shows are better for this. Most of the shows on other networks are more about entertainment.

Nowadays, people are able to look up any recipes online. I gave away most of my cookbooks. A long time ago we looked in newspapers, magazines or cookbooks for recipes.

We learned from our parents and grandparents and so on. Oh gosh, I screwed up lots of things before learning how to cook. Fortunately, I had good friends and a wonderful husband who had a sense of humor and didn’t mind eating out when my meal wasn’t edible.


Yes, it is a pot roast recipe. The roast is about four and a half pounds. After it cooks, I will have to portion some to freeze for later.

Thanks, Isthisreallyreal.

I hope it’s good. If not, I will order a pizza!

Mincemeat is amazing. I have never had it without walnuts though.

I think it's like other things, all depends on the recipe.

I totally agree about dessert having value added. I think it should be nutritious enough to be a meal in itself.

Hope your roast is yummy!

My aunt used tons of booze in her fruit cake! I don’t eat fruit cake so I have never made one.

My neighbor’s mom used to make rum balls every Christmas. We swore that every year she added more and more rum into her chocolate mixture. LOL

I don’t think that I have ever cooked something that I didn’t like or eat myself. My mom did though. Daddy loved liver and onions and she hated it but cooked it for him.

Mincemeat is kind of like raisin pie with apples and spices (and a little booze if you like).

45 minutes seems kind of long for a roast.... are you planning on it to be more like a pot roast?
Oh, if that includes the slow release time it should be fine!

I don’t blame you, cwille for not wanting to buy the whole pie. It would end up in the trash because you wouldn’t be able to eat an entire pie.

You’re right. I suppose mincemeat is a love or hate thing. I can’t fairly judge though since I haven’t ever had the courage to try it. I know that it’s silly but I can’t get past the name. It sounds gross.

I despise fruit cake. My sweet great aunt loved making them every year. Half of the family loved them and the rest hated them but we would never tell her that we didn’t like them. We gave them away to people who enjoyed them.

Morning glory muffins are fantastic!

I hope my roast comes out okay tonight. It’s the first time making it in the instant pot. I cook everything the old fashioned way. My husband is the one who uses the pressure cooker. I tried with his coaching, so we shall see in about 45 minutes how tasty it is.

I think mincemeat is one of those things like Christmas pudding and fruit cake that you either love or hate. I do like mincemeat but I'd only want one piece so I never buy a whole pie, and the tarts that are available are all pastry and very little filling. I was checking out jars of mincemeat at the grocery store and they were almost $10 - uhm, seriously?
I try to make desserts with "value added", meaning not just sugar and white flour but some kind of fruit (or vegetable🤣) is incorporated. I've got some morning glory muffins in my fridge right now.

Pumpkin, Pecan or Sweet Potato pie? Okay, throw in apple too!

I think of all of these pies during the holiday season. They are appropriate for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack or dessert!

There was one pie that my uncle brought over to our home every year. We refused to eat it because of the name! LOL

You know how kids are. We thought that there was meat in mincemeat pie. I have never tasted it because the name grosses me out. My uncle was the only one who ate it. He loved it.

I didn’t eat cheesecake for years because as a kid I thought it had cheese like Swiss cheese or something in it. LOL 😆 I definitely wouldn’t eat carrot cake either because I thought it would taste like veggies! I love both now.

I was a very picky eater when I was growing up. I was perfectly happy eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich everyday in my lunchbox for school. I did like broccoli because I thought it looked like little trees.

My school had awful food in the cafeteria. I only bought school lunch when my mom accidentally ran out of bread.

We weren’t ever big eaters. We were more interested in playing. Speaking of pies, we certainly made our share of mud pies in the backyard. I wonder if kids still play in the mud like we did.

Pumpkin is a squash, which is technically a fruit... watermelon are berries.....and strawberries aren't actually berries.
food is weird.


Pumpkin is a fruit😉😉

Love reading about the pie for breakfast, lunch and dinner ITRR. Pumpkin IS a vegetable after all....

XO beef noodle soup, green beans with salted egg, lemon pepper fried tofu and chicken feet.

Do chicken feet replace turkey? Not a big fan and decided not to fix one this year. Best decision ever because I have had room for pumpkin pie 3 times a day, ALL WEEKEND! Served with plain whip cream for breakfast, nutmeg whip cream for lunch and maple nutmeg for dinner. Mmmmmgood!

Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating 🤩🦃

I made a good dinner, just for me. Kids were at ex's and his wife invites her whole family. I would rather be alone.

But, do you have any idea how hard it is to cook a dinner of Cornish hen, Brussel sprouts, biscuits, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy with 99% of the kitchen packed to move?! Cheated on the potatoes and bought Hormel.

I have no baking pans that are not packed. So foil pockets in the bottom of my broiler pan. Mashed and gravy, hen, Brussel sprouts, biscuits, stuffing each in their own pocket. I forgot to buy chicken broth for stuffing. So to moisten dried biscuits I used some canned cranberries and Trader Joe's Ginger spread to moisten. Mmmm, that was really good! Cooked at 350 about 1.5 hours.

Went to get the food out of the oven and..... No pot holders! They are packed!😧😧 Looked in bedroom closet and there were actually some pot holders there! PHEW!

I have a showing tomorrow, would love to get an acceptable contract so I can get moved and unpack my things. They have been in boxes for eight months of so.

Now, can anyone tell me where my wet XL Swiffer floor pads are? I am sure I have not packed those.😯😯

Pulled pork, mashed potato, green beans.

Dessert was a really good gluten free pumpkin spice cake with light citrus frosting.

Bet I know what a lot of you are having today....🦃🍗🥧

Oh,that's much easier Send-Thanks!

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