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I had a bean and cheese freezer burrito.
Then I noticed a bag of blueberry muffin mix...So, I made some blueberry muffin cookies and had some as a dessert with a hot chocolate.

White bean chicken chili. My son's recipe. First time I've made it and it turned okay.

Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall,
We appreciate them all.

Yes, very interesting about seasons Beatty & Margaret.
Does tadpole season ever lead to a frog plague?

Aboriginal seasons depend on locality. Darwin and similar latitudes are tropical. Tasmania is not. My lovely calendar of Aboriginal seasons is tropical, but its seasons are way off the mark for our farm in the Adelaide Hills. UK flipped is better. A bit like the USA – Florida weather isn’t like the MidWest or California. Adelaide is much like California, which is why our fire fighters sometimes go over there to help in the ‘flipped’ summer. All very interesting!

Send, actually the 4 seasons the calendar uses are just the UK ones flipped. A better fit are the Aboriginal 6 seasons. It's tadpole season now 😁

Your seasons are different!
I found this...
In Australia, the seasons are defined by grouping the calendar months in the following way: Spring - the three transition months September, October and November. Summer - the three hottest months December, January and February. Autumn - the transition months March, April and May.

Swordfish steak, late night. Dh took the trash out to get rid of any fish odors.

Unbelievable, looking for some hot chocolate today.
There is none in the house, none stored, nothing, no where, nada, zip.
Totally unprepared for any season!
I may need to make some cocoa out of peanut M&M's and canned milk.

I've been hungry all the time last week too. Well a mixture of hunger, not settled, tired, a bit down if I am really honest.

Usually warm & sunny by now. Some spring rain & a little wind usual too.

Is this spring? Can't recognise you! Some beautiful flowers coming out at least... Warm? Hardly. Sunny? Nope. Rain? Buckets. Wind? Roaring all night & full of pollen - heyfever sinus headache is my new normal.

Feel like climbing back under the covers. With a big bowl of pasta & choc chip biscuits.

Me too, cw. It must be the colder weather. I'm hungry all the time these days.
🙁 🍕🍔🍰🍝 😋

I'm constantly hungry and have been craving carbs and it just occurred to me that it's the season, I'm in fatten up before winter hibernation mode.

Beef stroganoff

Big Sunday dinner with fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, asparagus salad, hot rolls and chocolate cake w/choc-pecan frosting. My granddaughters did all the prep and clean up.


I always use Italian sausage in tomato sauce and I always have homemade sauce in the freezer. You can take it out of the casings and it will still hold together and keep its shape.
Just slit the casing with a knife and peel it off. Then cook the sausages on a baking pan with a little water in the oven until they're done. They also get nicely browned. Then put them in the sauce.

Polarbear, I have friends that give me so much guff for not making my own. They keep telling me how easy and I agree but, sometimes I am just not going to learn. I have to have things I can enjoy without all the work. :-) maybe a press would motive me?

I found putting a little olive oil on the tortilla softens it right up when heating it. Then your taco doesn't split.

Don Juan's is the store that makes them and they are still warm when I get them. Just can't beat it and they make awesome flour tortillas daily. Kinda spoiled me honestly.

All of the additives are horrifying. I have food sensitivity and I can taste the chemicals, I haven't figured out if this is a blessing or a curse but, it is disgusting.

ITRR- Not too long ago, corn tortillas were made with just corn, water, salt, and lime. Not anymore. I was shocked to see all the additives listed in the ingredients. Those are added to make the tortilla soft and pliable, but they are so unhealthy for you.

I'm glad to hear some tortilla makers are still making them the old fashion way. I learned to make mine at home using a tortilla presser I bought online. It's pretty easy and quick now that I get the hang of it.

Fish tacos. Had some yummy cod to use.

I am so happy that another company in town started making corn tortillas with only corn, water and salt. They are so much better when they have simple ingredients.

Becky, butterscotch pie with pecans is my favorite pie.

One of my dear friends has 2 adopted handicapped daughters, and 2 other boys at home, Her MIL is in very poor health ( and leaving to live with her daughter in a week so that should ease up some stress) They were up our way today, and we gave them a lot of meat and some frozen food from our freezers that we will not be able to eat since hubs is in the middle of his dental surgury. I was so glad to do this as its a win win for both of our families. we told her if hubs gets a deer this season we will field dress it and give her the meat. Her Dad used to hunt but no longer can. This makes me happy,, to help others who need it! Maybe thats why I do the job I do ?

That sounds yummy Becky!

I had some of my broccoli soup. I need something else though, not sure what it will be.

Birthday dinner for my stepson. He wanted spinach lasagna, salad, bread and butterscotch pie.

It was German Bratwurst, a slight liver taste was drowned out by the spaghetti sauce, over fettucini.
Dh breaks the fettucini in half 😡 before I could catch him.
I was cooking this!

Thanks for the idea CWillie.

Cashew, your chili sounded so good I took a carton out of the freezer. It was good on a chilly evening.

Send - my BIL often makes his spaghetti sauce using chunks of sausage in place of meatballs, he uses whatever kind of sausage he has on hand not just Italian sausages.

made some chili today.
I don't like a "hot" chili but a well seasoned one is yummy.

Cooking sausages, or some kind of brat before it spoils.
Learned last week to not cut into the italian sausages because the casings get tough and stringy. It was not a faster way to cook them.

Wanting a spaghetti-type meal, so maybe fettucini as pasta.

Serving anything has been a challenge.
"What do you want for dinner?" has never worked.
"Do you want "suggest this or that" has never brought a response.
"Do you want "this?", because it is what I am cooking, meh!

Today, I laid out a sandwich brunch platter:
Mashed avocado on Sourdough toast, cut up in toddler slices.
Sliced beef on sourdough toast, with a tomato and mayonnaise, 2" slices.
Cream cheese with strawberry jam on sourdough toast, hors d'oeuvre sizes.

Took mine in another room, and left the platter full for dH.

Where did it go? All gone, yeah!

A big soup spoon after it sits awhile?

Or take some broccoli and dip it into the soup, and eat.

Add some butter.

Cheese melts when it has a high enough fat content. It makes zero difference whether it is processed or not.

Found this:
What does it mean if cheese doesn't melt?

The acidity of a cheese will also have an impact on how well it melts. Cheeses with a neutral acidity, meaning 7.0 on the pH scale or a little lower, don't tend to melt. "It's the same thing with a really, really low pH cheese, so very high acid," explains Montgomery, giving feta cheese and cottage cheese as examples.

I tried adding curry powder - better, but still not great. I think the problem is I'm trying to go lower fat and sodium, so it's hard to get that decadent yumminess.

And now I'm finding lumps of unmelted cheese - what the heck are the dairies selling to us?!

red pepper flakes?

I made a big pot of cheesy broccoli soup, but it needs something....

had some naan .... so made a quick pizza with pesto, instead of tomato sauce, onions, peppers, mushrooms, and cheese.

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