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Oh and I forgot. After you spread that butter and sprinkle that sugar, roll it up, tightly, to eat. Like the fruit rollups.

Veggie fried rice with lots of cabbage and rambutan for desert.

Needing to enjoy lighter meals after over indulging on 2#s of shrimp Sunday :-)

Leftover mashed potatoes? You must make lefse! Isn't that right, Golden? Just add enough flour to the potatoes to roll very thin with a rolling pin. Then brown in a frying pan, no butter, shortening of other no stick product needed. The flour takes care of that.

Lefse is a Norwegian tortilla. After Browning in the skillet, spread with softened butter, sprinkle with sugar, or serve with gjetost! The perfect accompaniment to a Norwegian holiday meal!

Fish and chips.

I want to share this ‘birthday dinner’ from ‘James and the Giant Peach’ by Roald Dahl, which I got from the Op Shop yesterday.

For dinner on my birthday shall I tell you what I chose:
Hot noodles made from poodles on a slice of garden hose-
And a rather smelly jelly
Made of armadillo’s toes.
(The jelly is delicious, but you have to hold your nose.)


I took cwillie's advice and put the skillet sized potato cake out on a plate, then turned it back into the skillet. It worked! One giant crunchy potato cake that we cut into 6 pie slices! Delicious and a little easier than frying individual cakes.

Big pot of soup (Navy) beans and fried cornbread. DIL brought me a piece of angel food cake and cherry jello with bananas. I sent her home with jar of soup beans and some cornbread mixed up and ready to fry. Good trade.

I'm not sure about the skillet sized potato cake either but the foster son wants to try so we going to see how it goes. Both foster sons love just about everything I cook and they really love "tweaking" the ingredients.

TN I don't make jellies very often. My family likes jams and apple butter. I did make persimmon jelly last year.

I've made a skillet sized potato cake. Did it much like Willie said. Used a round pizza pan.

I make potato cake two different ways. My family's favorite is with leftover mashed potatoes; add an egg, a little flour and a tablespoon or so of milk. I also use grated raw potato mixed with egg, flour, little milk. I brown both sides in a little butter and then lowest heat until done. only problem I have is big family with big appetites and it takes so many.

OK, I get what you are referring to now, we call those potato patties. I think a skillet sized one is going to be really hard to flip in one piece😉

Potato cakes are made from (usually) left over mashed potatoes with some egg and maybe flour or cornmeal added as binders. Good way to use the leftovers and make something really good too (especially before microwaves). Sometimes you add some more spices, onion or onion powder being one of the usual favorites; the boys like cheddar cheese, black pepper and a liitle onion powder. I've always fried them in a skillet with a little butter.

What exactly do you mean by a potato cake Techie?

Whatever it is try flipping it out onto a big plate and then sliding it back into the pan rather than attempting to flip the whole thing. Or maybe just pop the whole pan under the broiler.

Has anyone ever baked a giant potato cake? I'm going to try one this afternoon in my iron skillet. Planning to start with some butter and the potato cake spread through the skillet, then going to try to turn it after 10 minutes or so to give both sides a chance to brown on the skillet. Hope to have a large crunchy potato cake to cut like a pie. Foster son thinks potato cake looking like a pan of cornbread would be neat so we're going to try it.

How wonderful to have the outdoor cooking tools from your family! I use cinnamon oil, usually available here in small bottles from the grocery store. Sometimes we dip tooth picks in the bottle and lick as treats.

I make blackberry jelly in small batches indoor during the winter, a tradition handed down from my great-grandmother. Grandma and Mom always canned juice and rarely the fruit during the summers and made the actual jelly, jam, and pies during the winter and spring when they wasn't canning and there weren't goodies from the garden and orchard. We didn't do jam very often because we used the fruit for cobblers instead. Cherries, strawberries, and apples are about the only fruit canned without separating out some juice for later jellies. Toast and biscuits with jelly or apple butter are breakfast items with the "leftover" biscuits (and sausage) frequently left in a pan on the stove for "snacks" during the day. Mom didn't cook sausage often and I always had a sausage biscuit whenever we visited grandma. I've wondered about leaving the sausage out for several hours (noone every got sick) and finally decided the heat from cooking must kill all the bacteria and it doesn't restart in the 3-6 hours the sausages could last. I cook several sausage patties at once and store the leftovers in the fridge until we reheat in the microwave. My youngest grand-nephew likes scrambled eggs with sausage and toast as breakfast or an after school meal and comes down whenever his mom isn't cooking at the moment he wants something to eat.

The grand-nephews enjoyed some limited blackberry picking this past summer with most of the fruit consumed in cobblers. We going to make a run of jelly for Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. Walmart markets a good blackberry jelly too.

TN, Do you use powdered cinnamon? If you like cinnamon use cinnamon oil-not the candy flavoring kind. I get mine at the pharmacy counter. In some rural grocery stores, they have White Swan brand on the OTC drug aisle. It is very good.

I have my grandmothers big 20-gallon copper kettle for making apple butter, jellies and jams outdoors. Have the big, long handled hickory stirrer made by my great great grandfather. I used to always do over a fire outside but haven't done that for about 4 years. It's a long hard days work and takes 3 or 4 people. I did make blackberry jam last year outside.

Becky: That sounds delicious.

TNtechie: You, too - delicious sounding.

I love apple butter. I have my grandmother's "peeler" (don't know what its really called) used to separate the skins from the apple sauce. It must be about 100 years old now but it still works! Mom and I would core the apples and cook them in the large canning pot, then run through the peeler and can the apple sauce in half gallon jars in the summer and fall. During the winter, Mom would open the apple sauce a gallon at a time and cook the apple butter, adding sugar, salt, and cinnamon. My brother and I love enough cinnamon to have a hot bite.

I made some last winter using splenda to reduce the sugar. For a half gallon of sauce, I added 1/2 cup of sugar, 2 cups of splenda and about 1 and a half teaspoons of cinnamon oil and cooked it down until thick. Made a little more than 4 12 ounce jars of apple butter for my brother and I.

I've still got 8 gallons of apple sauce canned so I will be making more this winter. I have made it from gallons I purchased at walmart (they don't need as much sugar because the store brought sauce is already sweetened).

The apple trees I started from my parents small orchard aren't big enough to bear much fruit yet; neither are the trees I puchased so I hope when they have fruit my hands will still let me core the apples... or maybe I will have a couple of boys who like apple butter enough to core some apples.

I made two crockpots of apple butter. Ended up with 13 pints. I had two pieces of toast with apple butter. Too much sugar and carbs for me but I love fresh apple butter.

I had to google brown stew chicken recipes, that sounds very flavourful Scampi!

I made brown stew chicken yesterday with jasmine rice (side) and boiled shredded cabbage with green peppers topped with Creole seasoning. It was my first time with the brown stew chicken recipe.

I had a dental appointment on Friday, and stopped in at Red Lobster. I ordered a fish meal with lobster topping. I didn't like the recipe.

Lots of coconut shrimp, grilled Argentinian red shrimp, shrimp scampi with parmesan, bacon and panko.

I won't be eating until next weekend :-) well, that's the way I feel now anyway.

Grandsons wanted to watch football on my big screen TV. They ordered pizza and takeout. I had a slice of pizza and some snacks for dinner, plus they cleaned out my refrigerator of all leftovers. They took out the trash and cleaned up the kitchen between games.

First, at lunch I had fresh shrimp cocktail.
Now, we are eating a California Kitchen BBQ chicken pizza.

Combo pizza!

Tomorrow! All you can eat shrimp. Looking forward to making a little piggy of myself. Hoping they have coconut shrimp.

Cashew that crossed my mind,, I'll have to try it! Thank you for the YT update!

do you think he could eat some cottage pie?
There is a woman on YT called Sherri Smith (that's her channel name) who made some videos about soft meals.

hubs just had his second major dental proceedure this week, so he is back on mushy food and not too happy about it. I am craving real food but hate to eat in front of him! We have found some TV dinners he can eat, mostly meatloaf and mashed potatoes. today I got some wings from the grocery and they were pretty good,, We will be making sloppy joes tomorrow, hopefully he can smush that up! maybe on mashed potates? I see alot of those in our future.. LOL also mac and cheese. he is eating alot of yogurt, cottage cheese, and baked goods with milk for an evening snack. Plus he found a high protein shake in a caramel flavor he likes. Wish us luck,, this guy is a foodie and hates this, although he does like the "temporary" bottom teeth they put in,, so there is hope in my future!

Youngest twin grandsons here visiting for the weekend. grilled cheese sandwiches and vegetable soup. Their uncle brought blueberry ice cream.

made some ravioli with pesto and pine nuts...pretty tasty.
I'm not sure about pine nuts. They are ok but I think I like a simple basil pesto much better.

My BFF’s birthday today. Fixed her favorite chicken and dumplings. Apple pie instead of a cake. We quilted all afternoon.

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