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Shepherd’s pie, green beans, salad.

Yummy Pam!
Not so familiar with Whoopie Pies in California, soI looked it up.
It seems a Maine speciality!

Send when I was doing WW they called that a danish,,, LOL but I made them alot and they were a good substitute! Humm,, maybe for tomorrows breakfast? Some friends and I went to huge craft fest today,, cold and windy but we had fun. I always got hubs an apple dumpling,, but with all this tooth surgury he can't eat one now,, so I got him 2 whoopie pies and brought them home. Red Velvet and Chocolate/Mint. He's a happy guy! I remember growing up we only had one flavor,, chocolate and vanilla.. then along came pumpkin and now all bets are off! Some look interesting...

I had the veggies prepped for taco salad but now I have to go in a different direction because I scored half off chicken breasts and I'll have to cook them all; I'm going to try a new oven fry method. Dinner tonight - some kind of salad with crispy chicken.... (I'll have to see what kind of dressing I have)

Toast sounded good Gershun.
But I had already eaten.

So this morning, I had sourdough toast with cream cheese and strawberry jam.

My tummy liked it!

I'm having nothing for dinner tonight except juice and toast. I feel like giving my stomach a break.

Tossed salad, pasta and meat balls, broccoli

****I decided I needed to eat healthier so I'm having a twig of broccoli once a day. We'll see if the boyfriend says anything****

Made a large pot of vegetable beef soup. Made a bowl of chicken salad. Birthday cake and ice cream for my youngest granddaughter. Her choices for supper.

What a tasty dinner Send~

Shrimp, mac n' cheese, rotisserie chicken delivered.

I hear you!

Enjoy your meal, what a treat.

Chicken fajitas
I am no longer sharing meals with my Mom. She is barely awake and very limited eating.
So, at least I get to have more meals that I enjoy that she never did. But, it is rather like a consolation prize.

Flounder stuffed with crab and shrimp, salad

ITRR, You do get a lot of meat. It costs about $150.00 to get cut and wrapped. Plus we have ground chuck added to ground moose about 25% chuck per pound. Pure moose ground is so lean it
needs some fat added. Maine deer are some weird. Not like white tails in WV and PA. We usually have two to 3 moose a year. My DIL and one son always get a permit. Sometimes a grandson. There are so many of us it takes a lot of meat. We buy a steer and a hog too.

Becky, I find that really cheap for 600# of dressed out wild game.

That's like a cow! And here, you pay around 1k for a cow and then 2.5k to have it dressed and you end up with about 500# of meat and bones. I am probably low on these #s with recent inflation and no 4H sales in '20 & '21 at the fair.

Our deer are really tiny, like the size of a large dog. Fun to watch but, I can't imagine shooting one for food. I have never been that hungry :-)

ITRR, Maine has wildlife but it’s expensive to hunt. One of my sons got a moose permit for state residents only day at the end of the month. $685 for permit plus $115 for annual hunting license. Plus you have tag fee when you check in with your kill. Upside is a young bull will give about 600 lbs dressed out meat. Deer in Maine are pitiful. Sons are all meeting on my farm in WV for four days in Nov to deer hunt.

Becky, I am always intrigued by the amount of wild game your area has.

We have friends that came from Hershey PA and he is a hunter, he couldn't believe that you had to enter a lottery in AZ to go kill a deer for food.

My hubby trained a bird dog, a Brittany spaniel and he hires a guide that raises and places chuckers for hunting, pheasant available on occasion. Not as tasty as wild birds but, we take what we can get.

ITRR, It’s game bird season until the end of Oct in Maine. One of my stepsons loves to bird hunt. I like pheasant too. We’ll end up with some for the freezer.

Becky that sounds amazing, I love pheasant. Very rare to find them around my state :-(

Roasted pheasant, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy and asparagus. My stepson shot two pheasants yesterday. Soaked them overnight and they were good. He got a wild turkey today.

Two beers, tonight I don't freaking care. I was in a meeting until nearly 9:45 p.m. I just want to sleep.

Becky and PamZ: That's why my mom could make the corn chowder.

It's going to be Taco Tuesday!
It's what I have on hand.

PamZ Corn chowder is easy. Same basic recipe as clam chowder. I like to use fresh corn but frozen or canned does fine.

Ive never made corn chowder, but I make a mean chicken corn soup!

Lobster Mac n’ cheese, salad

Becky: Oh, you made me recall my mother's corn chowder. A legally blind woman, she still routinely made it. Enjoy!

Homemade corn chowder, yeast biscuits

Big family dinner at my stepson's restaurant. Porterhouse steak and salad.

Mesquite grilled bone-in rib-eye, cowboy beans, garden salad and fresh bread.

Chocolate dipped ice cream cone. I haven't had one of those in a decade or more, now I remember why. What a mess, yummy though. :-)

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