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Anyways with this post just keeps coming back....

I'm gonna make this short and sweett

So first time on antianxiety meds. I fell outta in love with husband #1.

Second try 20 yrs later, I'm falling more in love with husband #2

So seems antianxiety meds, are truth detectors for me

1 husband-jerk
2 husband - great guy
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Reply to Anxietynacy

I take Xanax because my Dad passed away this past October 2023, and now I’m caring for just my mom who has always been a trigger for me. She’s a gossiper and is constantly on the phone gossiping with either her friends or my brother, sis in law, sister you name it. She tells them everything that goes on with me my kids. I talk to her about it but she just doesn’t get it, she’ll start crying that will trigger my anxiety. She over eats and is constantly on my case because she thinks I don’t eat. I told her, can we not argue about how much I have to eat to make you happy on top of everything else? It’s been so difficult since my parents moved in with me and I’m getting no hel from my brothers and sister. So Xanax and Wellbutrin has been the only thing that’s kept me sane throughout these years, in August it’ll be 5 years since they moved in. Moving my mom to a home or AL is not possible because she has no money either. She gives me 350 a month and thinks she’s helping me. She has to have cable and internet which is costing over 250. Plus I pay for her cell phone too. The money she gives me does not cover her expenses, but she tells me it’s my house so she shouldn’t have to pay my bills since the house will go to my kids some day, maybe my kids should help out? That’s so not fair! It’s a no win situation with her. She tells everyone she gives me money for bills when in all actuality they’re her bills.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Antonella

Take the meds. I told my doctor I would try them for 1 year. I feel more in control by setting a time limit and then I can decide on if I want to remain on them for another year or start the withdrawal process.

Zoloft 100 mg: For me, it just takes the edge off.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Starrann69

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