
She is mean, doesn't ever stop complaining! It's really killing me! Im giving my life! It is never about me! I'm slowly getting sicker n sicker! And my kids are chronically sick they need me as well! I CAN DO this I just need a regular break! I wish she would see what I do for her! And give me the respect I deserve! She's lonely yet I'm here and she treats me like I'm nothing! I want her to be happy I love her! But i wish she would stop killing me slowly she knows what my kids & I go through! She knows I want her with me! She also knows the poor me! She tells lies about my husband/me! I don't understand her! All this Without little to NO help from my sibling which lives in the same town! I really am beginning to dislike my sibling & HER family for breaking mom's heart daily! Why can't mom see that I am here for her! So be nice! Going crazy! My heart continually hurts! I'm physically getting sicker! I can't afford to be sick my kids, my husband & mom need me! Any advice to stay sane!!!

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Definitely. I have a cousin of my mom's who works in medical lab, she had to do this with both her parents so I have no problem talking to her, however, my mother (her mother is the elderly one we 'take care of') doesn't really seem to grasp reality. I constantly tell her things about her mother, things she does, says to me, does to me, ect, but she just dismisses it as normal older people behavior when it's not, but dementia, my cousin knows both me and my gm need help (possibly my mom?) and is really worried about us but my mom doesn't understand.
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Thank you ladies. Yes my mom lives with me and my kids in our home. This is her home too always. I tell her everyday. I love her, it is so difficult/sad to see her this way. Only people in similar situations like here with you guys, can understand.
Took her to drs she is depressed/sad. :( One day I will be gray and I would like to think my kids wont forget me. To answer your questions she is disabled, hurt back, diabetic,
& thyroid issues. My children have Renal Issues, TSC and Autism.
Venting helps.
Thanks again. :)
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cryssy2002, what are your Mom's health issues? Any dementia? Does Mom live with you or you with her with your husband and children. How long have you been Mom's main caregiver?

If your Mom has dementia then that would explain why she is acting that way. It is all part of having a broken brain. There isn't anything your Mom can do to change what is happening to her.

There is also the adult/child dynamics, where once again you are the "child" and only Mom knows best.

As for the lies your Mom is telling, again that is the dementia talking, or maybe your Mom has an Urinary Tract Infection as that can also mimic some traits of dementia.

If Mom's issue is memory loss, scroll down to the bottom of this page to the blue section.... on your left you will see ALZHEIMER'S CARE.... click on that and read all the information given in that section. Hopefully some of the fine suggestions will help.
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Someone else watch her while you (alone or with one or two kids) take a day for you?
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I understand. My grandmother has dementia and treats me I'd say like what you just described. (Btw I'm 25) she treats me, wow and like you I come over her house every morning and stay till 5 (she's capable but needs 'to be kept an eye on' I have/had gotten so bad that almost any random thing can set me off crying. My mom's cousin told me to just stay home (which I have been doing the last couple weeks) I assume it would be difficult with a family and possibly other details of your situation, but could your husband or someo
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