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My mother is 88 and does not have dementia or any cognitive function problems. She asks me the same questions over and over and over. Often times it's when we are out someplace and she will ask "what kind of tree is that", "Mother I don't know", "Why don't you know", "Mother I don't know because I don't know and I would have to take a picture of it and then look it up why do you want to know what kind of tree that is"," Well I was just curious, why don't you know what kind of tree that is", "Mother I told you that I would have to look it up", "Well you live here" We live within 5 miles of each other. I can be driving her someplace "What kind of paint is on that house over there". One time I suggested "Mother instead of asking me these questions why don't you look them up when we get home?". It's tough and it makes no sense I usually just repeat my answer to her till she stops asking.
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lealonnie1 Sep 2021
I give you credit; me? I'd stop picking mother up and taking her places in the car if she were going to act like that! Fuggedaboutit. When my daughter was little and a total chatterbox, I'd issue a 'silence time' while driving edict. Worked a charm.
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When he doesn't know you or talk to you anymore, you'll miss even the repetitive conversations. I know I did, because when Mom was asking those questions over and over again, she at least had some cognition of what she was talking about and our responses. She just didn't remember asking the questions.

Once she descended into her own fantasy world where my father, her devoted husband of 66 years, no longer existed, and she was married to the high school boyfriend she hadn't seen since 1945, we knew we'd lost her once and for all. I had nearly three years of conversing with a stranger who knew me as a friendly face but not as her daughter, because Mom and the boyfriend weren't old enough to have a 60-year-old daughter -- they were forever sixteen years old and in love.

Try to understand that a person with dementia is like a small child in many ways. Remember the days when you were asked "Why?" a hundred times a day by a toddler, and you'll know how to handle your husband's repetitive questions.

With patience.
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Hi Trani
The good news is that this too shall pass. I’m sure some loved ones are more repetitive than others but my DH aunt did that quite a bit in the beginning and then it tapered off.

Today her repetitive question is “what happened”. She is asking why is she in bed, with an ice pack on her foot…. I assume. Her sentences are pretty short.
Some days I tell her the whole story of how she fell etc.
Some days I say well I got old…
Or … we are having a pandemic
Or…the little boy who went blind at 7 is now playing football.
She seems to like one answer as well as the other. and she usually only asks once.

I think the key is to learn how to roll with it or it will drive you wild.

Try training yourself to do three slow Kegels before answering his questions. Lower your shoulders. Do something simple that is beneficial and relieves your anxiety.

I’m sorry this disease has happened to you and your husband.
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It’s soooo hard.

I hear you.

For me, it’s especially hard when my mother doesn’t believe my answers to her same repeated question.

In our case, deflection doesn’t work. Changing the subject doesn’t work. She just leaves her room to go out and ask the caregivers the same questions.

She must ask them how she will get her next meal, a hundred times a day. That is not an exaggeration. She forgets she’s asked. Then, she won’t accept the answer. Rinse. Repeat.

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I began to look at it as a challenge. My mother had no idea she had repeated a question for the 3rd..5th..10th time; MCI had done this to her. But she was the same woman who got up nights with me through all those earaches and I never remembered her being short with me. The Mom when in constant pain from her bad back lay in bed and kept the 3-year-old me entertained by reading the entire 12 volume set of Reader's Digest young readers. (Why do I know all the classic Bible stories, fairy tales and mythology the kids ask - because your grandmother read them to me when I was little.) The same Mom that drove me all over town so I could participate in music lessons, choir practices and performances.

So it became a challenge. Can I control myself and answer her with the same loving tone she deserves on the 10th time she asks the same question? How many times can I answer the question _slightly_ differently? Is she asking the same question because she's anxious about something? What could it be? Can I relieve her anxiety?

I became aware of the little ears that were watching me when my little grand-nephew (who loved to visit his great-grandma every day) would answer the question for me.

It was so hard to cope with when it started but somewhere along the journey it became much easier; maybe because I accepted this outward manifestation of her disease when she seemed so "normal" otherwise? Mom has been gone in a physical sense for three months now. What I wouldn't give to go back to those early days when her repeating questions was my big challenge. You have started a journey filled with sadness and frustration, responsibility and indecision, moments of self-doubt but also filled with moments of joy when you know you have helped your loved one. God bless and comfort you.
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