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My spouse has ALZ and is now in a memory care facility and quite happy. Thinks he is 18 (really 89). When he had started dressing badly I did "lose" a few things in the wash. Sometimes I would just blame myself and say I was getting forgetful and promised I would look for them. He never figured it out.
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I have the opposite problem. My Mom dresses up to go nowhere, matching jewelry, good clothes to go out in the yard and get soiled, Wears her expensive shoes, I have to ask her not to wear her nice stuff when she is not going anywhere but in her garden. She never listens so you just have to chalk it up to "Oh well,"
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I didn't see where you mentioned your Aunt's age, but I am 62 and I can see myself in her shoes. I am probably the Aunt that everyone is ashamed of because I haven't worn a dress for years, my clothes are shabby, and I prefer my own company over family "events". Nothing personal; it's just more comfortable. The clothing for women these days is cheaply made with non-breathable materials. It is hard for me to find things that fit well, look good on me, are comfortable, and are affordable. I never liked to shop and the quality brands I used to buy when I needed work clothes went by the wayside. And I got older but I don't want to wear grandmotherly clothes! Also the one person who used to help me clothes shop died 10 years ago. I still shop for other things via the computer but haven't found my "go-to" place for clothing. I would be very angry if someone tried to come into my house and replace my clothing. I would also not be pleased if they started giving me clothing as I am a difficult size and style. If your Aunt doesn't evidence other signs of dementia, why don't you offer to take her clothes shopping and maybe you can understand her preferences as well as get her excited about it. Make it a day with lunch. Help her find places/ways she can shop on her own. (Does anyone wear stockings with a dress anymore? How does one hide varicose veins?)

My father has dementia and will wear the same clothes day after day. His case is different. We need to suggest clothing and provide visual clues by laying out something to wear for the next day. Even so, he only gets it about 1/2 the time and we just let it go. He needs to be encouraged by what he CAN do, not by what he can't do.
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If your aunt is the least bit susceptible to flattery, start there. For example..."When I come for lunch tomorrow will you do me a favor and wear that blue top I gave you awhile ago? I want to take a picture of us to send to Sue (Sue being someone she hasn't seen in a long time) and you look so nice in blue." Be sure to actually take the picture and actually send it to Sue. Then report back on whatever nice things Sue said about how your aunt looked (she certainly will). It will be a process, but the positive approach is your best bet. Don't be condescendingly coercive. She sounds like she has a bit of dementia, but that doesn't mean she's lost her smarts.
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IMO, its seems that a large part of this "problem" is the embarrassment on behalf of the original poster because her aunt is acting in ways that are socially inappropriate in her eyes. It seems that she might fear of being judged based on her aunt's appearance. While I agree with the substitution approach suggested by many, I also find it controlling behavior that suits the needs of the other persons rather than the person who wears clothes that are not pristine in appearance.
My attitude about appearance has shifted as I gain a greater appreciation of those in their 80s. I feel the most important priority for the aunt is the safety of her person, safety within her home and her personal safety as she moves about in her community. After safety, I see her dignity and self-worth as the next highest in importance. I wonder if she would be less reluctant to attend family events if the aunt knew people wanted her to attend regardless of her appearance.
The poster might remind her aunt, in the gentlest way possible, about appropriate clothing for occasions when appearance is truly important, such as medical appointments and extremely important family occasions. Otherwise, if her clothes are clean, she should consider letting her aunt be her own person.
As several posters noted, it is hard to grasp the impact of the Depression on aging persons' behaviors. Most of us cannot grasp the extent of the scarcity and the seemingly unending nature of it. The Depression era was a formative experience for many. Children worked in victory gardens, collected scrap metal and did without because it was required of them.
The poster should enjoy her aunt's company while she still has the opportunity to do so.
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You could say something like, aunt... I love you in blue, would you where this pretty blue blouse today? If not, just accept and love her as she is!
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The "theft" of my moms raggedy clothes has been accomplished over the last year -- no explanation to what she wears. She would pull out pants that she had cut off at the knee (and not hemmed), the ugliest most worn clothing you could imagine. She would bypass her lovely clothes in her closet. I started buying her the clothes I thought she might like and slowly removed one weird article of clothing at a time. Since she loses many things during the day she just assumed it was lost. I do get it that comfort is important to her. If your aunt can't see that what she is wearing is inappropriate it may be a sign of early dementia, she may need intervention in her home. Tread softly and try to enter her home to check on her living conditions.
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I have to laugh. My husband would do the same thing, wear t-shirts with holes or pants with holes. He had a closet full of "nice" t-shirts and jeans. When I asked him to wear one of the t-shirts without holes when he went to work, he would say..Oh, those are my good t-shirts.
At some point try to go through her closet and pull out torn, stained shirts and pants. Tell her you will mend them and return them. After you leave find one of the donation boxes that turn all the unusable clothes into rags or toss them out.
She will ask about them, maybe, just tell her you have not finished mending them.
Eventually she will forget them.

My husband began to wear the same clothes each day. He would lay them out and just pick them up in the morning and after a shower (thank goodness that was never a problem) he would put on the dirty clothes. Rather than argue about it or make a big deal of it after he went to bed I would pick up the dirty clothes and replace them all with clean clothes. He never said anything about it, nor did I. It was not worth the time and energy to argue about it.
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Just another comical thought...when gram passed away we found all the nice things we had boughten over the years...with the tags still on in the back of her closet generation saved things for special lesson take in today...not tomorrow!
Helpful Answer (6)

I also had this problem with my mom and stepdad. When we would take they out..I was kind of embarrassed how they were dressed..shabby..dirty..dirty hair. I too bought them nice clothes...sensitive subject...i finally told throw stepdads clothes in the wash every night..and lay out clean worked....then I got her back in the habit of getting her hair done weekly. Step dad passed away..and mom lived with me awhile..I did the same thing...took her clothes and laid out clean ones....I think there's a touch of dementia...depression...not caring about their appearance as they are overwhelming with managing every day life. I began to check her frig and found moldy food. Now she's in a senior apt..with peers that she wants to look nice for...and no more stress of managing a home. Hope this helps you! Hugs
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I assume this is a little joke? Taking away somebody's property - even if you do think it's awful tat - with the intention permanently to deprive them of it is the definition of theft. Not really to be recommended.
Helpful Answer (12)

If you have access to her home when she's at an appointment start to slowly get rid of her clothes a few items at a time. Or if you're visiting her, take a large purse and stuff a few of the worst items in it. Over time you'll be able to weed out the worst things in her wardrobe. And play dumb if she asks you about it!
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There seems to be comfort in the tried and true for some people.
I like to wear what I know. I do not like to wear anything the first time. After I wore it once, it is elevated to "favorite".
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I presume you are not able to take your aunt out shopping for clothes, and the time for giving clothes openly is probably past - it has created a resentment that will not disappear. (I made that mistake once - it was a tough lesson.) So instead, try buying clothes for her, keeping to the same colours and guessing the correct dress sizes. Then visit her, maybe set out a meal and keep her distracted while you slip into her bedroom, open her closets and drawers, and quietly remove any ripped T shirts or blouses (the most obvious cause of embarassment) and replace with new T shirts carefully precrumpled and aired so that they do not look or smell new). If you make your replacement clothes look like the ones you are replacing, maybe your aunt won't notice when she puts out a hand to pull out something to wear. If you don't mind doing so, you can also investigate her laundry basket, pull out anything you consider unwearable and just chuck in the new clothing in the same colour and approximate style. If it comes out of the washing machine, she'll probably think it's hers anyway. As for shoes, you can swap old for new only if you stick to same style and throw the new ones in among the old ones.
Helpful Answer (11)

Ellen657, iIf your Aunt was a child of the Great Depression things like this can happen. Same with my parents, they would wear clothing until it finally made it into the rag box. They wanted to get as many years out of a garment.

Some clothing my Mom would give to me to donate I had to toss away as there were too many rips and stains. My folks were very fugal and thankfully they were as the money they saved was a lifesaver when it came to paying for senior living.

Your Aunt probably feels people are more important than what they wear. If she has a great personality then the torn clothes will be ignored by many people.

Thank goodness she's not obsessed with designer clothing and has the need to only wear $200 jeans with a $150 top. That could eventually wipe out her retirement fund.

I would just let her be.
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Have you asked your aunt why she doesn't wear the clothes you've bought for her?
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Love me, love my dress sense, eh?

Your aunt's attitudes to clothes is eccentric, I grant you.

What sort of subject has proved off limits before?
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