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I was only involved for fifteen days while my mother was in acute care after surgery for a hip replacement. I know it is complicated and a lot of red tape. My advice would be the same as that of ramiller. Every state is different, so go to your state agency for information. Sometimes it is available online. One thing I learned is that, when my father passed away, I put myself on Mom's checking account and her on mine since I was writing her checks for her. When they added her assets, they were going to consider MY checking and savings accounts as hers. The reasoning was that she had access to it. So, take her name off anything that is secondary and that you don't want considered as HERS. Good luck to you.
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I am in Massachusetts. It has taken years to find what options I have for caregiver services from the state. It took thousands of dollars to engage Nolan and Nolan to help me.

We had to separate all joint assets to his and hers. It took a year and an appeal after a rejection.

Now my ADW receives in excess of one hundred hours per week of agency services.

It is life changing. Incontinence supplies are covered.

I still do not know if we have reached the maximum hours no one will say in advance. It all is managed by the local A.A.A. so much depends on the skill and quality of the person's case manager at the Area Agency and engaging an excellent elder lawyer.
When I think of the thousands paid for direct pay agencies I wonder why it is so impossible to get knowledgeable case managers early in the ALZ diagnosis so one can make real long term care plans
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If your Mom is bedridden, is there any chance she would qualify for Hospice in home care? It only has someone coming for parts of days, several days a week, but there is no charge. Also, you could call the Medicaid case manager assigned to your Mom and ask for other options covered by Medicaid. A case manager should know all that is available in your area. In AZ, there are many smaller, private foster group homes for adults that are covered by Medicaid. Perhaps there would be more personalized care in a smaller more family oriented placement? And if none of these ideas is an option, her case manager should be willing to help make the care improved where your Mom is now, or help you will writing a complaint about the care to the state health dept too. In AZ, last I knew, Medicaid did pay for in home coverage, but it was only about 4 hrs /day, 7 days per week, so not much coverage, money wise, compared to what the care needs are. I see by your question now, that you are now the one who mentioned that the person getting care was bed ridden.... but hospice now covers people more based on health histories and care needs, than the notion that they are terminal and will be dying in a matter of weeks or months. It's worth asking about. I would start with the case manager assigned by Medicaid to your Mom though.
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Taking care of your Mom WILL kill you even if you do find someway to get paid. The pay will never be enough!! No matter how much it is if you die. I tried taking care of my parents since 2010 and got no where. The more you do the more they hate you and do not appreciate you for your efforts. Seem to look down on you more. 91 year old Mom said that I had an IQ of 54!! I was so frustrated that I said to her if I had a higher IQ I never would be putting up with you so be glad my IQ is so low. My Husband finally decided that she got the IQ thing from the fact that I was born in 1954!!! I am so done but heart is broken from her being so mean. They have more respect for the person or child who does nothing!!!
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Hi, i am in NH. I know mass gives a Lot, i hVe many friends in Ma and grew up and worked there. You can get paid 18k in ma for caring for a loved one also. My mother was just accepted for a.choices for independence waiver thru medicaid. Waiting for a letter to. Choose an agency, then wait on that ,what a pain. I would love any info if anyone has any on hours for bedridden full care needs.
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That's the thing, it seems to be different in different states - some do have home care programs and help, others like NYS, very little. It is so hard to get answers, call the office for the aging and they stonewall you, give you the runaround, send you on a telephone wild goose chase, or flood you with gibberish your exhausted mind can't parse.
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John thank you for the great info. Just wish states would use same term for things. Its confusing when one state calles one name and another state calles it something different even though its the exact same program. But thats government for you. Make it hard to find and even harder to understand....sigh😕
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The Medicaid program in your state may have several programs to help you and your mother.

Whether you can provide sufficient care at home is another question though. Consider hiring a geriatric care manager to help you prepare a care plan the would be acceptable to the facility's discharge planner, and your mother's physician. has an excellent article on: The Money Follows the Person Program. Use the search box on this page to find it.

Other programs that are available in my state (Massachusetts) are: Adult Foster Care (AFC), Community Choices, Group Adult Foster Care (GAFC), and Personal Care Attendant Program (PCA).

There is also a form of health insurance that combines Medicare with Medicaid to offer day care and come in-home home health aid hours. It is called PACE.

Talking with an elder law attorney who knows the Medicaid programs in your state, and your local ASAP (Aging Services Access Point), could open up many doors to achieve your objectives!
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There's a program here in AL that will hire aids as well.
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I have cared for my mother for almost 10 years. In CT there is a program that allows me to hire aids and a state qualified firm, Allied Community Resources, does the background checks and handles payroll. The person (the patient) needs a PCA waiver and be on medicaid. It's a little more complicated than just letting the Area Agency on Aging get you an agency, but you don't have to deal with said agencies.

On the other hand, if you are doing caregiving for the money, don't. Either do it out of love or don't do it at all.
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It all depends on your state. What state and city are you in? Have you ever considered an adult foster care home? We just moved mom there and its wonderful. I can share more info with you if you message me. Care at home as others have said is brutal if you are on your own. Medicaid may pay for some again depending on your state but you will not get what the nursing home gets, not even close. Let me know if I can help you find an alternative. Ruth Anne
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I just got my mother approved for a medicaid waiver for at home care. Her condition is bedridden full care.i am waiting for an agency to come and access for hours. My friend got 8 hours a day monday through friday for her mother. She had to work fulltime because her husband died. Other than that she said they were offering 10 hours a week. I am hoping for 4 hours a day so i can hire weekend help with that money i now pay put for 4 hours. 8 years is starting to kill me, look how much money ive saved the government. i sure hope they help me so i don't die first.
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Medicaid will pay ZERO to you. What they will do is send a little shuttle bus a few days a week to take your mom to some kind of day care center, pay for that, a few hours a day. As far as I can tell, that is IT. (Maybe respite care a few hours a year.) I was told by a Medicaid employee last year they are phasing out 'home care'. So a few hours a day, a few hours a week in some day care thing! You still have to: get them up. Get them dressed, wrassled into a diaper. Breakfast. Wait for the shuttle to come by (and remember, during a snowstorm or a holiday, they are a no-show). Get them, working as a team, onto the little van. You have a few hours....and at 4 p.m, they bring them back. Repeat, only backwards. Get them in, change their diaper, put out food, and whatever goes for the rest of the night. Repeat the next day....Medicaid doesn't pay for caregivers AT HOME, no, not you, nor your friend down the street, nor a professional from an agency.
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You can care for her at home, but it is a 24/7 job that will kill you sooner than you think. My MIL got six hours pay a week. Absolutely no one here has ever gotten enough to replace the job they had. It would be basically self imposed imprisonment at an extreme poverty level.
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