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DON'T TAKE HER BACK IN YOUR HOME tell them it's unsafe like the other's say
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Do you know how your husband feels about his Mom going to a facility? I am hoping that after his stroke, he will be supportive of decisions that you make. You have new responsibilities now plus you said you need to find a job. I pray that all goes well and that he will trust your judgment. That sure helps. Good luck to you.
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Imho, it's IMPERATIVE that they don't bring your MIL back. Unsafe discharge from hospital to home. Prayers sent.
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I really understand your predicament and hope you can feel empowered by my words.

NO One can make you take your mother in law back unless you let them. A spouse nor his wife can be held legally responsible for caring for an adult for whom they do not have legal guardianship, not even a POA. Just because you called an ambulance does not mean that they can discharge her into your care. Use the words “unsafe discharge“ to get your point across. Hospitals cannot just put people in cabs and send them back to wherever they came from but some hospitals do it if they think they can get away with taking advantage of people who don’t understand their rights. Tell the hospital you will NOT take her back into your home under any circumstances and explain why and that if they do so, it’s an unsafe discharge and you will call law enforcement to help you if necessary. Tell them to instead call her relatives and/or Adult Protective Services (Office of Public Welfare) in your state.They will act grudgingly but they have no legal choice. They will contact you and try to shoehorn her back into your home if they can. Explain your situation, tell them you will not allow it and be on guard that they may make a finding of neglect against you. If they do, appeal it. You don’t want that on your record in case you need a background check for a job. Give them the names, addresses and contact information of all the other relatives and let them contact them while your mother in law waits for placement in the hospital. Don’t call and plead with them anymore yourself.

Get your husband in SNF and go on the internet and look for local employment agencies to help you find a job. Go immediately to your local food bank. They will help you. You can apply to social security because if your husband’s disability. You can apply for food stamps and a slew of other things. Reach out to friends who know more about government benefits and can help you.
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sorry for the situation.  YOU are NOT responsible for taking care of was HIS mother.....not yours.  And as far as I know, I don't think anyone can make you take her back.  You need to refuse due to the circumstances.  I am not sure why your hubby paid for his mothers care.........he should have been using her money OR he should have applied for Medicaid for her.  Never use YOUR money to pay for someone else.  Speak with an office of aging department or social services and explain situation.  You can't be home taking care of 2 people and not have an income.  YOU need to take care of YOU right now...........refuse to have her come back.........and hopefully your hubby will understand......(otherwise you might end up in the same situation as him)........wishing you luck.
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Mrtrbill, Lymie, Disgusted, JoAnn, etc.... thank you all so much for responding! I said I was getting forgetful, and I just realized I hadn't gotten back for answers to my question - had just put the whole thing on the back burner. Unfortunately, it won't stay there, and the other shoe could drop any time. Both the hospital SW and my mom's SW told me there was no state guardianship here; why do they say these things? Do they really not know? So I looked it up, (thank you, Disgusted), and of course there IS; will just back off again and let the SW, DR, and RN work it out, since I am not, and will/can not be, POA. You guys just got me off the ceiling - again; sometimes it's just too much, isn't it?
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