
We drive 12 hours there and back to visit my Mom. She is in NJ, we are in SC. We drive so that we can have transportation to take my elderly mom and her 2 elderly sisters to run errands, Dr. appointments and grocery shopping or just out to dinner. I have been married 30 yrs. to a very nice man who is very respectful to all of my family and will do anything to help them. But I always get a lot of back talk from them saying things like, “Why can’t you come and visit your mom without your husband.” Leave him at home sometimes and you just come, and do all the running around and chores for them by yourself. But my husband feels as though it’s his responsibility to take me up and help see about my mom and her elderly siblings and they are so mean and unappreciative. He does all the driving because he knows I don’t like to. And they are so mean and say nasty hurtful things to me when he is not around. I am so angry and hurt by these visits. I have asked her many times to come and visit us in SC where she owns her own home and it will be so much easier to see about her with all her grown grandchildren and family members who live there and she refuses to even come and visit. So we go up every 2 or 3 months to see about her and she tells her sisters she wishes I wouldn’t bring my husband all the time but I need his help! He is so quiet and sits in the truck when we go in stores he tries his best to give us time together but she still will fuss, cuss and carry on when she gets me alone to herself. I even flew up there and stayed a whole month doing things for them and running around. I was exhausted. My husband rented me a car for the month I was there. I ended up getting in a wreck when someone ran-into me. I was so exhausted when I got back home I told him never again. From now on he said he was going to take me. I am just out of options trying to please my mom.

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"I am just out of options trying to please my mom."
Then just stop trying as it's more than obvious that she'll never be pleased.
Tell her that if she doesn't like your husband coming along that you will just have to stay home from now on, and then stick to it.
You can instead visit her on a Zoom call, where it won't be so physically and mentally draining for you.
I'm guessing that after a few months of just seeing you on Zoom that they all will welcome you and your husband with open arms.
Remember that 2 can play this game, and you actually have the upper hand in this game.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to funkygrandma59
Anxietynacy Jul 5, 2024
Yes exactly, I'm in the drivers seat now with my family.
24 hour round trips are insane. Reduce the visits to just once per year.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to olddude

I think they are threatened by your husband's presence. They think they could steamroll over you and run you ragged doing their bidding even more if he wasn't there.

They have NO right to be rude to you or say disrespectful things about your husband. You can never please people like this, so don't even try. They don't deserve it.

This needs to be called out when it happens, like "Aunt Myrtle, I'm not going to listen to you say rude things about my husband." Then calmly walk away. Do not engage. People who behave like this are usually looking for drama and love to argue, so don't take the bait. If the behavior continues, there need to be consequences, like cutting the visit short.

Respecting your elders does not include accepting their rude behavior.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Dogwood63

You aren't responsible for their happiness.

You don't get to choose your biological family but you do get to choose how much or little time you spend with them.

You Mom is needing more and more help and you are being slowly assumed into a caregiver role. Caregiving needs to be voluntary, and needs to work for the caregiver so that it isn't onerous. Neither of these 2 conditions are currently being met, therefore your Mom needs to figure out a different plan.

In no way should you be driving 12 hours to be unappreciated and disrespected. Visit once a year and let her know if she needs more help than that, she needs to come up with a plan that doesn't involve you going there because it's not an option. Especially if you are not her PoA (...are you?)

And, what's her sisters' plans for when they need more help? Hope it's not you as well. Up until 2022 I was PoA for my Mom and her 2 elderly sisters who never married and had no kids. They lived 900+ miles away from me. A person can only do so much. They've had their whole lives to make realistic plans for themselves. If they don't do that, it's their problem, not yours.

If your Mom wasn't always nasty, then please consider she has the beginnings of dementia. Extreme tubbornness, illogical thinking, selfishness/loss of empathy for others, loss of verbal filter: all early behavioral symptoms.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Geaton777
Dogwood63 Jul 5, 2024
"They've had their whole lives to make realistic plans for themselves. If they don't do that, it's their problem, not yours." <= Well said!
Personally, I would call them out in front of my husband. "Mom, Aunties, I would like to ask you why you keep going at me about visiting with my husband and going on about why can't I leave him home? Please explain what it is he has done to make you NOT want him here." "Ya know, since his presence causes you so much trouble we will not be visiting again. You have our address and phone number, let us know if you get to our town and we'll meet for coffee. Bye bye!

They need you, why you wouldn't stop this backbiting of a man that has and is so good to them is beyond me. I made it clear to my parents, my hubby is OFF limits, you talk crap in any way, shape or form and I walk away, never to look back. They both knew that I was not going to let anyone talk about my husband and put up with it. They didn't say anything again that was not the kindest words about him.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal

I think it is wonderful that your husband is so supportive and cares enough about you to want to do this for you. It is none of your family's business if he is there with you. They do not get to dictate the terms of your visit. Remember that you are a lucky woman. Most men would not do this.

My relationship with my mother was not the best for the past two years before she died last month. I decided never to be alone with her again because she was nasty and miserable and looking to pick a fight. I always had my daily visit when a caregiver was there. When she went into the nursing home my husband came with me every single day to visit.

I could not have done what I did for the past years flying from San Francisco to NYC every other month for a one month stay without his support. It is the only thing that got me through this. He will continue to be with me as I support my father through his final years. I would be a raving lunatic if he wasn't by my side.

I am a lucky woman too.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Hothouseflower

You’re lucky to have a wonderful husband. You’re unlucky to have a horrible family. Yes, horrible - and unappreciative, mean, bullying, etc.

if you really think about it, do you actually even LIKE these family members who give you grief? Or do you just want acceptance or thanks or some other kindness that they have never given you? And you’re going to keep on keeping on until you get it? Because if that’s the case, you’re never going to get it, and you might as well stay home and enjoy life with your husband. Instead of driving to NJ and back, you could be sitting on the porch and eating pecan pie with the neighbors.

Let mom and aunties get their bloomers in a twist and don’t you show up to untwist them. They can complain about your husband to each other instead of to you. And they probably will.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Fawnby

STOP GOING to help them. They are disrespectful and rude, and don't deserve your help. Your husband is your priority, not your mean Mother and her 2 awful sisters! They are USING YOU.

Call their County's APS and tell them what's going on. They can help set up rides and similar errands. STOP taking 12 hour drives to help such mean women! Don't waste another day anymore! Use the phone instead.

Tell them NO MORE VISITS. They are all JEALOUS you have a devoted husband. Start making HIM (and yourself) your priority. Those witches aren't ever going to come help you! I doubt if they ever have helped anyone in their lives.

Enough is enough. Stop going anymore at all. What if you get sick or in an accident? Who helps them instead? They will find someone else to use and abuse. You will NEVER get that time back you wasted on those selfish witches.

You and hubby should be taking a lovely vacation every year instead. Stop wasting your time and money! Please your devoted HUSBAND, not your Mother!
(I doubt if Mother ever sacrificed her life for her elder parents)
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Dawn88

I ALWAYS took my husband with me to visit my mother. He was the buffer. Otherwise, my mother would verbally tear me apart and I wasn't going to put up with that. Your nasty mother and her nasty sisters have to be displaying decent behavior if your DH is around, so they can pretend to be nice ladies instead of the miserable little goblins they are!

Make your next visit your last visit. Leave them a list of cab company phone numbers, grocery delivery numbers, care company numbers, etc. Whatever services you think they'll need. Also get a few brochures for Assisted Living places nearby and add those to the pile, along with a real estate agents card.

Why bother killing yourself trying to make miserable people happy? It's not possible, so stop trying. You deserve to be treated with respect for all you do for your relatives, and should demand it. When my mother got ranting at me, I'd leave her presence and tell her I'd be back another time when she was in a better mood.

Its not written in stone anywhere that you're obligated to be the chore service for this group. Resign immediately.

Good luck to you.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to lealonnie1
Suzy23 Jul 5, 2024
I love this: “Leave them a list of cab company phone numbers, grocery delivery numbers, care company numbers, etc. Whatever services you think they'll need. Also get a few brochures for Assisted Living places nearby and add those to the pile, along with a real estate agents card.”
You don’t have to “ please “ Mom .
I would tell her if she doesn’t like the help that you provide she can hire someone else to do it.

Your Mom doesn’t get to dictate that your husband not come . You are the one helping so it’s on your terms not Moms.

Personally, I would stop going to see her . She obviously does not appreciate the help.

Let her sell her house in SC and use the money to hire a chauffer !!
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to waytomisery

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