
It has been the miracle drug for my husband! He's been in MCF for a year and a half now with probable Lewy Body Dementia. Within 6 mos. of placement he became even more aggressive and combative. He started to punch and kick staff whenever they tried to change him out of diaper/soiled clothes or just into PJs for bed. He screamed for his roommate to get out! Situation got so bad that one staff was sent to the ER and during another time 911 was called for police to de-escalate. At the time he had been on seroquel and donepezil (was on Ativan and rivastigmine but new neurologist switched to seroquel and donepezil). The MCF director convinced neurologist to add depakote--a.k.a. divalproex/sprinkles and some other names--at 125mg 3x/day.
This turned out to be the miracle drug for my husband. It took about two months to witness gradually stabilized mood and behavior. It's now been 9 months and my husband is like a normal person, long and short term memory in tact, cognition returned, kind and gentle. No visible side effects. The conundrum is that he has enjoyed a sustained leveling off. I've only found one other report of similar situation in which the patient stayed like normal for 3 years and then suddenly took a dive.
If you have seen Depakote work, how long did it last?

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If it is working take it in stride and be glad that he is getting some relief, that the staff is safe (I am actually surprised that they allowed him to remain a resident I am sure if the Depakote did not work you would be look for another place)
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Reply to Grandma1954
SOS369 Sep 19, 2024
Thank you, Grandma1954. I was frozen with fear that my husband would be evicted at the time. He was a danger to everyone around. No facility would accept him with a known violent behavior. Fortunately, the MCF director worked relentlessly with the neurologist to convince him to add Depakote. I am so grateful it worked.
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