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Jewel, it's only Wednesday and you're struggling with the weekend?

Start here. "I don't have to go." How does that idea feel to you?
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Countrymouse

That idea feels GRRRRRREAT!- said Tony the Tiger

....and I know I DON"T have to. Yes, here comes the but--she is in my head, you don't care about me, why do you treat me this way, leave me up here and never come back, what kind of daughter does that?--she won't be quiet in my head. It is like a tv show or a movie where they keep replaying what someone says over and over. She hasn't called--to no surprise. Which I am glad, because I wasn't going to answer anyway.

I want what you are having if it gives me a bigger backbone. :)
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to jeweltone

jewel, my sister calls this "giving Mom an apartment in our heads". Think about what you'd have to do to make her happy - even if you took her into your home, devoted all of your time and attention to her, did absolutely everything she wanted, she'd still be unhappy. So do what works for you and your family. And let go of worry about what she tells people or what others will think. You're doing steps.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Linda22

Jewel, therapy. Call someone tomorrow. You've got to take back the remote control to your emotional state from your mom.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn

Since my mom's diagnosis of dementia, she has become much more negative about her surroundings, the AL and life in general. She is not so negative to me, but I am prepared for that change. This is not her normal disposition so I see it as the illness not my mom. My dad, however has always felt that everyone, including family and friends are out to get him. I have had a lot of practice in deflecting all the negative comments. And although I know the things that he says about me, the family are untrue, it still really hurts. Last night he was again railing against someone who had done him wrong 50 years ago. I have heard this story at least 1,000 times. I always say, I am so sorry that this event happened to you. You know dad, it is too bad that you keep this memory alive, the man in question has not thought about you in 50 years. He often asks me how I can not think of the people that have done "bad things to me". I always say, I don't want them to be more important than they are and why would I want to continue to make myself miserable thinking about bad times. He then says, you always do believe in the best in people that is why you are so stupid. I usually say, I know, that is why I still believe in you. Other times, I act like I don't hear him. Once you realize that you can't make someone happy - you can stop trying so hard. I do what I can ( sometimes to the extreme) and then know it is probably not good enough for him. But then again, nothing was ever good enough. I truly believe that people don't really change as they get older (unless of course they have dementia, etc.). They just become more of who they are. I used to believe that as a person ages, they might have great epiphanies in their lives and become wiser and better people - no longer believe that. A person becomes more who they really are as they age. Try to disengage and realize you cannot make someone be a different person. I used to think if I act nice the other person will respond accordingly - again not true. I finally realized, I don't have control over anyone but myself.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to burnedout13

I also recommend seeing a therapist. It has helped me so much. I go maybe every 3 weeks. It feels great to unload and to get some guidance from someone who truly is not burdened, who can recognize when I'm getting in my own way, who's only priority during our session is me.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to looloo

Jewel, if mom calls you a smart-a** when you answer her, have you considered simply remaining silent while you're with her?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn

looloo - seeing a therapist is a good idea. Since I have a business, other responsibilities and spending lots of time with parents - I just can't work it in. I will eventually try to find someone. After 5 years of this craziness, I believe I have PTSD. I wonder if it is possible to have PTSD after 5 years of caregiving.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to burnedout13

Jeweltone. Be a good girl to yourself: and yes, that will conflict with being a slave for your Mom. Why are you here on earth? You don't believe anyone is here to be a slave for others, do you? We are here to love and there comes a sensibility to yourself and your family about how to handle that love.

I am no longer my mother's puppy dog. I don't come when called, nor wag my tail just for her selfish eyes. I give what I choose and it is hard to turn off the MommaTrauma Channel but it's a skill that can be learned. Practice makes perfect. The more I can respect myself and have control over me, the more I can choose to give and to respond appropriately when attacked. I don't lash back I just state a case in one short sentence, if that, and then turn my attention to someone or something else.

Mom keeps trying to push my buttons, and drop guilt bombs. I answer with,
"uh-huh, oh that's nice, too bad, right." I don't give her anyway to sink her nails in.
Try it for a day and see how it feels. you get better at it and it lessens HER power over you more and more. It's hard to get free of this brainwashing. We've been brought up with this stuff all mixed in with a normal child's needs for love, support, recognition, and so on. Many of us have had very little of this from our mothers with mental issues. No wonder we struggle! But we don't have to be attached to this familiar situation anymore.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to juddabuddhaboo

Jewel, unfortunately what I'm having is a mother who at the moment barely arouses my sympathy, let alone any feelings of guilt. So that's no remedy for you! But the right therapist will have one. Spend Sunday tracking one down, maybe???
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Countrymouse

PS Tony the Tiger was the first impression advertising ever made on me. I adored him.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Countrymouse

I liked the McDonaldland characters! Mayor McCheese, the Hamburglar, anf Grimace. What WAS Grimace, anyway? He liked the milkshakes, that's all I remember. Lol!
Now I want a cheeseburger and fries! Advertising is a powerful thing!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to looloo

Where to start? I have laughed at your comments. You know just when to step in and make me laugh. I am not quiet as nervous as normal and trying to enjoy it. I have enjoyed my husband tonight after my sweet, pleasantly surprised card. You know I am stressed when my husband decides to go buy a card. It has been 23 years, people, since I got a card just because I needed it. :-) I have always been the one to hold everything together here and he sees I am struggling with just holding myself together lately.

BurnedOUt: YES, it is very possible to have PTSD. I can feel depression starting to settle in and I am fighting it so hard. I have been depressed once in my life over a situation and it didn't last long after a friend came and pulled me off the couch, opened my blinds, and told me to get my butt up and snap out of it. I NEVER want to go back there and feel that way again. I didn't even know what was happening, but this time I can feel what is happening. I am usually relatively strong and happy. I encourage you as well to hang in there.

CM, juddah, looloo: I have been silent and she has said, "speak a**, your mouth won't"... I swear she has said these things. No one could make that crap up. It almost makes me laugh to think how stupid she sounds. I guess I get so annoyed at how she wants to hurt me so much. When I ask her, why?, she always turns it around and repeats me, "why you want to hurt ME so much?" --not mocking me, but truly asking me the same question. It is a no win situation.

I have a lot to do tomorrow, I am HAVE to go to work first and foremost, then I need to call the director of AL, call the beautician, call the eye doctor, call a therapist and set up an appointment, and scan and email some financial aid papers to my daughter's college. The day will be over before I can say: Thursday.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to jeweltone

I have to ask people what we're supposed to talk to therapists about. I went to 2 or 3 way back when and couldn't think of anything to say. I would try to dig something up, just because I knew I was supposed to talk, but it was hard for me. I just remember suffering through long hours. Maybe it's just hard for me to talk about myself with someone. Or maybe when there's this train wreck, it's hard to know which car to pick. What are you supposed to talk about with therapists?
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JessieBelle

Jessie, in my case, it was easy because I was in crisis mode, lol. I knew that my life was becoming overwhelming, I was not handling things well, and that's pretty much what I said. And then the rest just comes out pretty naturally.
I don't always have a lot to say. But the time spent always proves to be useful and worthwhile.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to looloo

Can't answer that, Jessie. All I can say is mine was a nice lady but I don't think she had a very co-operative patient.

Recently I've tried again, not least because I worry about the effect family dynamics could have on my children if/when they get round to sprogging. Also, the good old NHS is under strict governmental orders to take mental health seriously (yeah right) and offer us all a whole raft of therapies. If the population wasn't depressed before it sure is now - how much is this costing?!!! And then you know how it is, you fill in these assessment questionnaires about anxiety and depression and end up screwing it into a ball, lobbing it at the bin and yelling "what part of this is not normal???" I feel anxious about the future never/rarely/sometimes/all the time. I have had thoughts about suicide never/rarely/sometimes/all the time. And then you get the therapies unit calling you up and there's this anxious little voice on the end of the phone saying "your assessment shows that you have quite high levels of anxiety" - you DON'T say. Stone me. Is that right. These people never seem to know how to take deadpan irony, tsk.

As far as I can tell, the mistake many therapists make is reacting. How can you be open if the person you're talking to is going to get all sniffly and sad about it? On the other hand, the get your butt up and snap out of it approach is perhaps not entirely addressing the heart of the matter, Jewel???

The other thing is, depending on what species of therapist you're seeing of course, I find it very hard to define, even loosely, what I expect to achieve, and even harder to get a therapist to tell me what the aim of exercise is. Having said that, if you need to achieve a given objective, oo I don't know, like say "I want not to ruin every Sunday and most of the week before it with literal and metaphorical guilt trips" - hem hem, mentioning no names - then I'd have thought CBT would get you started. Short, focused and effective, if not necessarily very profound.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Countrymouse

CBT is the therapy I liked the most while studying counseling. Talking about ironic, hey? Who would have ever thought I would be the one needing therapy. I am supposed to be in the big chair with a tablet. The situation I was in about 17 years ago was one that needed a butt up off the couch and snap out of it kinda deal--I wasn't very far in and that helped me see I was not myself. See, she was the very friend that new I was the one up on my feet first thing in the morning non stop getting everything done by noon.--house cleaned, dinner cooked, kids ready, and helping her through her divorce. My husband worked many, many long hours at that time, I taught full time and we NEVER saw each other. We had more money than time and we were losing sight of who we were--sounds kind of familiar, huh? I was starting to nap during the day, get up late, say no to lunch, movies and other fun things I was the one calling about. She saw it immediately because the change came so fast. She saved me from myself. I had a long talk with my husband and the next summer he gave up some contracts, we had another baby, and I quit my teaching job to stay home. We went from riches to rags..LOL..and was happier than we had ever been. Now I need to be saved from my mother and given back that happy life I truly miss. This is something no one can pull me up off the couch for, this is something I am going to have to hit head on and do. Seeking professional help is my last option. I have tried everything else I have learned. Sometimes we are our own biggest enemies.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to jeweltone

Oh yes, we most certainly are.

Well. Depending on what one's family is like, of course! :)
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Countrymouse

I just thought what the problem might be I have with therapists. They are talking to my "guardian self" -- the one who wards off harm and tries to look normal. They would have to get past the guardian to see the raving lunatic within. :) It would be quite the chore, since I even have a hard time getting past the guardian.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to JessieBelle

JessieBelle, I think you hit the nail on the head. Therapists want us to take off our masks. That takes time and effort.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to notrydoyoda

Yes, ladies. You have to stay long enough to let down your guard. Yes CBT works, if you want the short "Let's solve this problem" approach. Which is probably the situation most of us are in right now. And CM, if the therapist gets sniffly, you've got someone with very little training.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn

Good Mornining Peeps!! Hope everyone slept well and ready to face the day. My long list of to dos are facing me with a long list of other obligations. This is funny, but not really funny. After I dropped my son off at school and on my way to work, I realized I forgot the financial aid papers I needed to scan for my daughter's college. Having a few minutes, I drove back home to get them. While heading down my street I noticed yellow lights flashing in front of my house. As I came closer, I saw a red truck.--then it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was the water company turning off my water. Oh Jeez!! I drove straight passed my house and drove fast to the water company and paid my bill. Drove back up the hill and there they were, turning it back on. Ha! Literally ran in the house, grabbed my papers and drove FAST to get to work. Good Morning to me. :-) I don't let those things stress me out anymore, because they are a quick fix. Well, I wouldn't have let my water get shut off, but now with my mind so full of mom things, I am suffering in other areas. My world is shutting down around me right in front of my face. Girl, get up off that "couch" and get busy putting your life back together---that is what I am telling my procrasting, overwhelmed self.

I am ready for a short, let's solve this problem approach. Get it done. The moments from visiting doctor after doctor for a year trying to figure out the problem to hospice to now has been one big roller coaster ride. I almost feel like I am climbing that hill again. I am ready for this ride to be over.

I pray for each of you and your situations and I am so glad you have found some peace and ways to get through it, I promise, I am not far behind.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to jeweltone

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Reply to jeweltone

You're having quite a morning so far, Jewel! Glad the water got turned on, you got the papers, and got to work. Phew!!!
Whenever there's a lull in my day, I often am wondering what it could be that I'm forgetting -- because there MUST be something. It can't just be a slow moment, with nothing in particular to do, haha!
Like you with the water bill, I remembered all of a sudden to pay my credit card bill yesterday. And today is more of the same, trying to get a letter re-my mother's dementia drafted so I can give it to her banker. I've been working on this for a good week now, and it's been nothing but back-and-forth, phone tag. So in another hour or so, I'll call them again. The sooner they give me an answer, the sooner I can stop bugging them. Don't they realize that?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to looloo

Oh honey, I know how you feel. My b*tch mother has been living with me for 9 years. That woman is NEVER happy. She's 90 and does very well, so don't anyone suggest I put her in a home. Not that I wouldn't love to! She's just a miserable person and she sucks the life and happiness out of me. God, I'm so sorry I allowed her to move in with me. I curse that day.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Bittersweet

If only my life were just full of late bills and screeching the tires to get somewhere fast. Maybe it was and I just didn't see it until now, maybe this is what the other stressor is put there for, for me to realize my life was calm before. Looloo I always have something to do, my bills, laundry, grocery, all the "typical" household chores, right? Then added to that is my list of obligations today to hopefully keep me from going to the hell hole this weekend. These things come first, before anything of mine. So no wonder I forgot about the water bill and you forgot your credit card was due. MOTHER first, isn't that the way they like it, Ha ha!! They win either way, even when they don't know they are. I like it for her NOT to know it.
Bittersweet: I almost moved my mom in with me, OH how I am so grateful I didn't. I struggled at first by encouraging AL, but that has been the greatest blessing. I struggle with the guilt from her, but if she lived in my home, I believe I would go to AL. :-) I can only imagine your pain. They are never happy no matter where they are. My aunt moved my 90 year old grandmother in with her, and my grandmother begrudged that and pouted most of her 18 months living with my aunt. She fell last october, broke her hip and passed away after a week in ICU. At least my aunt only had 18 months of the grumbling in her own home, but I don't think I could take a day of it. Three times a week and one day in person is way too much for me. I moved my mom closer to me because she was an hour away and I was traveling 3 times a week back and forth and trying to get my son where he needed to be (he was 12 when all this started). Moving her closer only sounded logical to me, easier in the sense I wouldn't be on the road so much. I am sure you moved your mom in for the same reason. She would be close and you could be home. WRONG ANSWER for both of us. I now realize I could have just traveled less and told her I couldn't come and someone else could have taken care of her. Now she is close and I feel obligated. GRR. If I could move her back, I would!!

Now, back to my list. I only have one thing done and that was for my daughter. Dreading to deal with my mom even though it is for my benefit. Can I just pretend she doesn't exist?--oh yea, I will need to move her out of my head. It is kind of like the musinex commercial where those awful green goblins move in, that is my mom to me.--just had that imagine.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to jeweltone

Called beautician and she agreed to check in on my mom tomorrow and offer to do her hair for her. She agreed NOT to tell her that I called, I pray she sticks to that. She is supposed to text me and let me know how it goes. I pray she does her hair and I won't have to go. Next on the list is the eye doctor and director of AL. I am at work and it makes it difficult to get it all done at once.

Check, Check!!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to jeweltone

Checking things off my list and I got to the director of AL. I texted her earlier and asked her to call me when she wasn't around my mom and had time to talk for a few minutes. I was all prepared to ask for help on Tuesday for the eye appointment--yes, I got that done too, and tell her a bit about what is going on and see how my mom has acted this week with no contact from me. She called me and my husband and I were eating and I told , I would call her back in 15 min. She said that would be great. In less than one (1) minute--no joke, she text me and said, I just got home can I call you tomorrow? UUGGH! I see why my mom gets upset with her sometimes. LOL She knows I NEVER call her or text her--maybe once since March, then she should know I need to talk to her about something. Can you tell I am a bit cynical right now!? People that do not have to live their lives like we do, just do not understand. I wish I were one of those people.-that don't understand.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to jeweltone

I tried 2 different therapists. Both was such a struggle. My first therapist was a male. There was absolutely no way was I going to open up to him. Plus he was white Caucasian (inferior complex where I automatically say 'yessir or no ma'am'). I would go to therapy and just sit there. Then try to dig somewhere inside to share - but not too revealing. That only lasted 2 visits.

I told my social worker that I cannot open up to a man. So, she got a female therapist. I was going crazy trying to figure out what we were going to discuss each visit. Most times, whatever homework she gave me, I understood it wrong and did all that homework - wrong. However, I was very comfortable with her that I was able to discuss my childhood - something I never told outside of immediate family. I always thought we had a normal dysfunctional family. (Even though my siblings' spouses thought it was an exaggeration.) But to have my therapist have this look of horror - made me realize how really bad our childhood was. She was amazed that I came out of it normal - not addicted to drugs, alcohol or in prison. This therapist was more into helping us handle our thoughts and reactions to the ones we were caregiving and to our family. But, yes, Jessie, it was such a struggle for each visit - on what to discuss. I didn't last long. I don't think I'm ready for therapy.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to bookluvr

Jewel, the AL director has no way of knowing what's going on in your life or your head anymore than you know about her! You were eating dinner and appropriately asked for a latter time to chat. She arrived home and....maybe she found her husband on the floor unconcious or her child in need of comfort after having a loss at soccer. The point is, we all have to wait our turns from time to time. Your mother gets annoyed with her because she doesn't get her needs attended to immediately. The only folks who get that are infants, and those brought into the er who have airway problems. The rest of us have to take a number and wait a bit.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn

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