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This is from the 90's I think, but the scene has stayed with me. 3rd Rock From the Sun, a very funny moment, but a touching eulogy.
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Mom died her sleep. As I tucked her in that night she said, "Gladys!!" sounding rejuvenated and happy. (Gladys was mom's sister who died 15 years before. "Gladys!! Is it really you?? GOODIE! GOODIE! GOODIE!"

Make of that what you will. Mom died peacefully in her sleep that night. I know what I make of it.

Hugs to you both.
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Dear Luckylu - It doesn't really matter what we may think. It's what your mom thinks that matters; she's the one dying. My mom wouldn't really talk about it the final days, she couldn't speak. But watching her, I realized that scared, or not - it was of great comfort to have familiar things nearby. So I would be sure that certain 'night lights' were on, etc. Your bio indicates that she is 'at home' ; not a facility and that you may not be prepared to say 'good bye'.

You have a tough road ahead dear one. If she's already indicated that she is frightened, you're going to have to push your own fears aside. If she's afraid of being alone, tell her she won't be. You'll be there. There are a lot more conversations ahead of you. What you need to say and do to help her will become more clear as time passes. Stay with us.
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A friend's husband saw his parents (who had been gone many years) standing at the doorway with suitcases. The family traveled extensively throughout the world. He took this as they were there to take him on another adventure. He heard his Mother singing lullabies to him each night for the last week. She said her husband was more relaxed once these "angels" appeared and it gave her great comfort to know his beloved parents were waiting for him.
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Aunt Lottie was reaching for an invisible Uncle Julius, to dance with him. I believe they are still dancing, somewhere. Why not? Ask your angel to guide you. Ask those who went before, to open the door and welcome her. Why not? Ask her what she dreams. Dreams of a long hallway mean the journey is still unfinished. Visits from the other side mean the door is open, messages are being sent. You must be willing to receive them.
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as my mother was dying , just before she was medicated , she was clamoring for her brother johnny as tho he were in the room with her . if someone was actually there to accompany her youd think it would have been her deceased husband of 55 yrs . i believe her brain was shutting down ( dying ) and only her 70 + year old childhood memories still existed . i gave her the first dose of oral comfort meds and she looked at me as tho i was helping her and she trusted me but not much real recognition there . ill always believe that we watched her brain die , then other organs shut down from lack of brain signals . perhaps the memory bank shut down and only the reptile brain remained . either way she had a deepseated trust in her brother johnny ..
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Im not religious so no I personally don't but my mum believes and her view would be this:
John 14:1-4 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”
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I think not....
One's perception is what IS.
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I think what the ill person believes is the real issue. If your mother believes that she'll be guided, reinforce that belief. When she's worried about dying, I think it's more important to give her comfort. Other than those who've been successfully resuscitated, I'm not sure anyone really knows what an individual experiences during those last moments. So just make your mom feel safe if you can.
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I believe that when the body dies~the Essence, the Spirit of which I believe we all are, is the kindest, the gentlest of ALL ANGELS~to be sent to One at such a time~by a LOVING INFINITE ONE~
Be there, love her & KNOW neither of you are alone.
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