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If possible, donate her body to science. From what others have said, the body will be cremated and ashes sent to you at no charge. She has been an ingrate parasite long enough. It would be good if she could contribute something to society in return.
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Harpcat Oct 2019
This is exactly my thoughts!!
She could get a small insurance policy to cover final expenses. I would make sure there's no cash in value and stipulate it for funeral so Medicaid can't touch it.

I would also sit her down and make sure she understood that because of 2 mortgages, her car paid off and her insurance covered its up to her to put money aside. If she is not willing to this, then she can pay for her car insurance. She should be paying what she can of the second mortgage. Paying for personal items and any special foods she likes, you don't. I believe parents should pay their way. When they can't then we step in. No way was I going to foot the bill just so my brothers could have an inheritance. I love my brothers, but they never went out of their way for Mom. Never understood why, she was a good mother.

I would also tell her if u pay for it, it will be cremation. No funeral service, no viewing, no graveside service.
Helpful Answer (12)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2019
Good points, JoAnn
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We just planned in-laws funerals. $11000 for casket, vault, grave opening, gravesite service only, transport of body, cost of obit. And embalming since relatives are on west coast. Does not include flowers or gravestone. She had the plot. For FIL who wants to be cremated, $2900. VA will pay for service and placement of ashes in grave. He wants to be with other war veterans with white grave marker
we made arrangements two weeks before leaving for a trip for west coast family wedding. Good thing. MIL died day of wedding.

funeral costs are really so high. In your case, you need to get your husband on board to get her to contribute. Or you will beggar yourselves. Her income will stop when she dies and you won’t benefit from that. So get her contribution now to pay off your second mortgage.
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NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2019
If she doesn't plan - it doesn't have to be expensive. No funeral and do an inexpensive cremation.
Helpful Answer (15)

I was going to say "WHY to make this happen?" seeing as your MIL does not want to plan her funeral; but at least I now understand your reasons for wanting there at least to be a plan. The reason - that if there isn't a plan, you and your husband will get lumbered with the bill - is a perfectly good one.

But you still can't make your MIL address the issue if she doesn't want to; and the harder you try, and the heavier the hints you drop, the closer you are to being not matter of fact but brutal. Leave it.

I don't suppose you could turn that purpose built apartment into a mausoleum, and stick her under the floorboards..? Just to indulge in a little whimsy, there.

If I were you I'd start researching rock bottom basic funeral options now, and present them to the other (hypothetical) bill payers. This is how much mother's funeral is going to cost YOU. Start saving, and if you think there aren't enough frills start saving harder.

For the record, my mother regarded me narrowly whenever I made diplomatic noises on the subject. She later answered "anywhere but bloody H___shire" when my brother asked where she would like her remains to go; but this was merely a retrospective protest about having been "forced" to move to the countryside (by me). Finally, she went for contributing herself to medical research or places of learning, but the paperwork for that never got done by her Chosen Ones.

I decided that I had done the care while she was alive, and my responsibility would cease with her.

On which point, though - has your MIL made a will? Is your husband her executor?
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And she is not paying rent...Why? Where is your husband in all of this? He sounds like he is an enabler to his mother.

I wouldn't worry about what to do with her after she dies, cremations are inexpensive and she won't know the difference. The days of the big showoff funeral are long gone.

Start charging her rent, $600 a month is a nice round figure. Stop enabling her.

If you husband doesn't have her durable POA time to get it.

The problem is not her, it is that you and your husband have no boundaries. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Helpful Answer (26)
Harpcat Oct 2019
Excellent! Although I do think the mother feels entitled and they have enabled her
Has she ever spoken about her burial before? That’s just odd. She must have some idea of what she wants. Where was your father in law buried? Do you have a family plot? Was he cremated?

What about your husband? Has he spoken to her about this? Have the other children spoken to her about it?

Why is she living rent free? I did that too. It puts a dent in your wallet. Finally mom started paying for some expenses.

Why is your husband paying her car her car insurance and maintenance?

Why does she feel that you should pay for her burial expenses?

Tell her that you have your own expenses and you will not be paying for it. Is she leaving money in a will for you to cover her expenses?

Does she want cremation or casket? You can’t plan anything if you don’t know. That’s stressful.

Donating a body to science is available. My uncle did that.

Cremation is the least expensive. So if money is tight. I wouldn’t hesitate to have her cremated. I would not count on your in-laws to help.

Does she have a bank account with surplus money? What does she do with her money. You all have provided everything that she could possibly need, right? Am I missing something? Please fill me in if I am.

Best wishes for you and hubby. I would be flabbergasted too.
Helpful Answer (11)
MAYDAY Oct 2019
ARmstrong Cremations in Los Angeles... They are good and hlepful.
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She has $1700 in disposable income and is not paying rent? Of course she feels entitled, you have created a monster. Time for some boundaries to be put in place.

First start charging her rent. $595 per month is 35% of her income., Me, I would be charging more to to cover utilities. Put the rent collected right onto your mortgage.

Second, let her know that unless she prepays and plans her funeral, you will be donating her body. She does not seem to care what happens, so let a teaching university or other place that takes the remains of the indigent take her away.

Third, her car. Unless you hubby is on the registration, why would he pay it off for her? That makes no sense at all. Even once she pasy you rent she will have $1100 per month for food, car payments, insurance etc.

Stop making life easy for her. She is an adult woman who needs to be held responsible for her expenses. What on earth is she spending $1700 per month on?
Helpful Answer (27)
cherokeegrrl54 Oct 2019
So agree with everything you just said!!!!
Since you stated your MIL's sister just recently passed away, maybe now is not the best time to discuss this. As time goes on and if she still is avoiding the topic, you can have your husband (her own son) let her know that if her estate doesn't have enough funds to cover the funeral her body will be donated to science (although not every body is accepted).

Otherwise: " can sign a release form with your county coroner’s office that says you can’t afford to bury the family member. If you sign the release, the county and state will pitch in to either bury or cremate the body. The county may also offer you the option to claim the ashes for a fee. But if these also go unclaimed, they will bury the ashes in a common grave alongside other unclaimed ashes." You should call your county to see what their policy is. If MIL is ok with this final plan then so be it. But do try to get your husband to broach the topic with her instead of you. Your hubby should also let his siblings know that this will be the plan unless MIL starts saving up. Or, depending on how many siblings there are, if each agreed in advance to kick in $500 (including MIL) then she could have a no-frills, no service, no wake, no burial cremation. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (9)

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