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Not really a concern. Never had holiday gatherings with relatives
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2019
That could be fortunate or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it.

In some of the crazy families, it would be very fortunate!
When my vegan Sister served nutloaf to us at Christmas one year: My mother (who occasionally treats me like I am five years old and don't have good manners) told me what she was serving and I was to finish the entire portion, even if I didn't like it (she said that she was going to eat her entire portion). The meal was terrible. I finished my portion reluctantly but my mom didn't. To make matters even more interesting, She proudly told everyone that her friends love her nutloaf and they request that at meals that she has for them regularly. I almost said to her "If they request it, then I weigh 105 pounds." but decided to keep my mouth shut for the rest of the night.
Helpful Answer (7)
XenaJada Nov 2019
"My mother (who occasionally treats me like I am five years old and don't have good manners)"

OMG. We have the same mother!

I'm 54 yrs. old. My mom likes to monitor my plate and complain if I didn't put x or y on my plate. (I like almost anything, mind you).

Anywho, a few years ago (I was in my early 40's, not five) she was sitting next to me and I was eating fresh collard greens. Suddenly something felt odd in my mouth. I spit it into a napkin and it was the half carcass of a stink bug! I sat there quietly for a moment, dry heaving with my napkin over my mouth and trying not to attract attention or disrupt the meal. My mother was sitting next to me, monitoring all plates and behavior, and noticed immediately. She whispered, "Did you find a bug or something?" I nodded my head. She then whispered "Don't say anything. It will ruin the meal." I had no intention of saying anything to anyone about it. Was only trying not to gag. She would not leave it alone though. She proceeded to try to get me to EAT MORE COLLARDS!
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Oh, I thought of another good one. One time my eldest brother went to use the loo. Now anyone who knew him would know that he was kind of a conservative, don't say certain things to kind of person.

So my sister's boyfriend at the time proceeded to stand outside the bathroom door and say loudly "anything over 5 pounds you better lower down with a rope"

We all sat at the dinner table and cringed. (but laughed)
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When my father was a bit more with it he would exit the bathroom and announce his bowel movement. Fun times
Helpful Answer (6)
NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2019
Why are elders obsessed with talking about bowel movements? Just crazy, right?
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I saw a quote that said, "Thanksgiving is getting a bunch of crazy relatives under one roof and hoping the police don't get called." Bout sums up my family's gatherings. Someone would always be arguing with, shouting at, or not speaking to someone else by the end of the day. Or drunk and disorderly.
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One year at my house, my mother got drunk, totally smashed and she told all my guests to go "F" themselves, I must admit, it was different. I never invited her to a social event again.
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Gershun Nov 2019
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No matter how big the spread somebody is bound to grumble about not being served something or other - I always like cheese sauce on my veggies or mom didn't used to make the stuffing like this or aw, no peanut butter balls?...
Helpful Answer (9)
Pepita48 Nov 2019
Next year, perhaps you could just make the basics, and suggest everyone else brings their favourite extras for sharing? - could be interesting!
Son arrives, and Mil on first meeting him:
"Was beginning to think she did not have a son".
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"We're not hungry, can't stay long"

Mwah ha ha ha ha!
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Great topic to discuss, Srndhelp. Thanks for posting this.
Helpful Answer (2)

I may be the one that's "said" something and maybe not real funny.

Thankfully not hosting this year, going to my youngest brother's for them to host. Hooray.

Here, when I host, in my home, I have a very small kitchen. Perhaps DH is seated at the kitchen table, electric knife, carving up the turkey. I'm flittering about in the small kitchen, getting rolls onto a pan to pop them in the oven last minute, setting out drinking glasses and ice and tea and any other last minute things you do before calling the masses to come serve their plates.

I will never understand why people don't see/observe ... if I didn't call you in here to assign you a specific task then why are you in here. There's not enough space to be flittering about in and out of this and that cabinet and drawer and having to ask each individual to scuse me, scuse me, I need to get in that drawer .. need you to move, scuse me're in the way I need to grab something out of that cabinet

I finally did, stop the presses and announce with much aggravation to my tone "unless you were asked to be in here to do something..scram ..all of ya..I'll call you when it's all ready .. don't need yall in here all in my way.

People did .. scatter like roaches and scram. Not very warm and inviting atmosphere by the host.

But dang ... get outta the way .. can you not see that your presence along with the 5 or 6 others that decided to amble into this small space, you're just in the way .. why make me have to be rude.

MIL was always one of the worst offenders ... she & her walker .. and not able to .. cant move fast ..hop outta the way.

Just dangit .. stay outta the kitchen .. unless you were asked to help.

Not real funny ...but yea probably me that did/said something awkward. Yep.
Helpful Answer (9)
NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2019
This is so true! Everyone has personal desires and needs. Very good point! Be gracious to your host and hostess. The hosts will appreciate it! It’s called common courtesy and respect.

Dorker, good for you for SAYING something! Sometimes we have to speak up.
Well. the worst that my brother said at our holiday table after a meal (a very good meal, I might add) was to my husband. He told him, “Thanks for the delicious meal.” To which my husband would respond, “Thank your sister. She made everything, not me.” It always infuriated me when he did this year after year!

So he would then turn to me and it was obvious that it pained him to thank me.

The other annoying thing that he would say was that his wife didn’t like turkey for thanksgiving and prefers ham! Grrrrrrr.

Rather rude to say that when I cooked a delicious turkey dinner and all the trimmings. plus desserts.
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It is what no one said this one time.
There was a silence as we waited for the cooks....
I peeked into the kitchen, and the 3 of them had left. There was a
12 qt. pan of mashed potatoes upside down on the floor.

I kept their secret....
Helpful Answer (12)
Floridagirl6 Nov 2019
Good call Sendhelp!
I love this!
And Happy Thanksgiving To All!!
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Good idea for a thread Send!

I'm sure there have been a lot of inappropriate things said over the years at my family gatherings.

One year we all sat down to dinner and my mom asked "Does anyone want to say grace?" Everyone looked uncomfortable, then my obnoxious B I L said to my mom "well, you are the only religious one at the table" I piped up "no she isn't" Anyway, what should have been a nice, sacred moment turned into an awkward moment and no one ended up saying grace.

Last year my sister has this thing where she describes every dish she made. Kind of like what the waitress does at a restaurant when she's describing the specials. Last year my sister said "So, guys how do you like the broccoli?" My other sister who has always rolled her eyes at Sis's food descriptions piped up "it tastes like shit" My S I L's brother who attended last year just couldn't stop laughing and my sis (the hostess with the mostest) looked none too pleased.
Helpful Answer (6)
jacobsonbob Dec 2019
Gershun--An excellent reply to your sister's comment would have been "we'll have to take your word for it" or "we'll be satisfied to take your word for it"!
My mother was blind, deaf and used a walker. We went to Thanksgiving at her sisters house. It was buffet style. Mom sat down at the table and I fixed her plate. Her older sister told me to sit down make her do it “She could see and hear if she tried.”
Helpful Answer (14)
XenaJada Nov 2019
Ridiculous and hilarious
Can’t think of a specific thing that’s been said, though I’m sure it’s happened, I guess I truly have let it go. But I can say this, I’m the least helpful person ever at all family gatherings at my in laws home. Decided years ago to be this way. I don’t help get anything ready, and after we eat I take my plate to the sink and go sit in the living room and do absolutely nothing. It’s beyond rude of me. I was conditioned into this by them over years of trying so hard to be of help. No matter what I did it was done over again. If I took something from the oven it had to go back in, if I put a plate in the dishwasher it had to be reloaded differently, if I wiped a table it was done again, there has been no task that wasn’t redone no matter how trivial. So now I sit. I wouldn’t act this way anywhere else. It does help that my husband thinks they’re a bit nuts 🤗
Helpful Answer (14)
Rbuser1 Nov 2019
You are my new hero Daughterof1930! ha! I have never felt good enough to be part of the ones who do all the cooking. Made felt I wasn't capable of doing anything-unless told to. I think I might still be sitting at the kids table if we still did family gatherings. So screw it.
But to the funny things said..I had an uncle who was late sometimes getting to the gathering and we never waited so when they came in we would be stuffing our faces and someone or two would say 'well we waited for you' I guess you had to be there. It was a family joke (on Daddy's side) all us youngens would giggle.
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Attending a Thanksgiving family gathering at my son's in-laws,
(that would be his wife's parents),
I commented that it was such a nice meal, and that I missed cooking for family.
Just after my divorce, it was funny (strange) to hear the hostess say:
"When you remarry, then you can have the dinners at your house".
Helpful Answer (8)
BlackHole Nov 2019
aye carumba!
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