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I wouldn't spend a moment of your time trying to understand your sister. She's toxic and abusive. The only effective option is to get away from your family, for good.
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First, let me say I thank God I found all of you, your experience, advice, and support mean more to me than I can ever express adequately. I did block my older sisters ability to text me, but I am still flabbergasted about the laxative comment. Has anyone dealt with a sibling or family member who does nothing to help but then accuses the caregiver of doing something to harm the person they take care of? I am still in shock over it. She routinely attacks me, she routinely calls me lazy, but to create this weird scenario in her twisted mind that (because I am a big liar about having the flu) to back up my "lie" I would harm my mother by giving her a laxative! I am taking all your suggestions re my father and simply hung up in the tiny room, the one space I have, keeping the fan on to drown out his attacks on me. I understand he gets scared and lacks any empathy but I literally do everything in the house, I cannot do it today. He is creating a pile of trash and dirty dishes to punish me but I will deal with that tomorrow. But back to the question about being accused of giving her a laxative... Any advice on that one? I think she must be a so ii path. She has physically come at me before , she scares me because she does exact revenge on people. Recently, her five year old son informed me that "mommy told me she wants to punch you in the face." So what do I do? It's one thing to work like a dog here but another to be targeted and attacked unjustly.
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Key things I read is mom has end stage ms and you are running a temp. All othe family drama aside, you need bed rest and mom needs to not be exposed to your illness at this time. Let them know in writing you will be gone for 3 days or until it clears. Can you go to a hotel for a few nights? Dad is able to help, as he did the other sisters need to step up.
I do not like to opine on family matters because their are always various sides and complications often decades of history, but nodoubt you siblings need to help.
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Take care of yourself first!! Stay away from parents and don't accept siblings calls. If they are disparate, they'll call mom and dad and they can go help if needed.

When you are fully recovered and sibs give you sh--, respond, well I was sick with flu and didn't want to give it to mom and dad, everyone knows it is serious in the elderly.

Tell them this was a wake up call and they need to step up and help or arrange for outside care for mom and dad.

Same for you, divorce the family. Stop defending your actions, stop taking their calls. If they want to find updates on mom and dad, tell them to come visit mom and dad.

Set boundaries with mom and dad and tell them they need to arrange for some assistance via senior center, STAYING PUT, Retired senior volunteer persons (RSVP ) or other organization and then stick to it. Tell parents you will visit tues and sat or whatever and that's it.

If you live with them, move out. Get a job, a roommate, rent a room, whatever. But stop enabling these leeches. Time for sibs to step up and help mom and dad.
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Pstegman in an earlier post bummer said she lives at parents and sister has the "rent free" attitude, like she does nothing all day and night 24/7.. Jeez!! If these siblings lived our day for 1 day they certainly would "see the light"...
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I think we have the same sister. Mine would go behind my back and start stuff and prode my Mother on to do things that were the opposite of what I'm trying to do.
I wrote sister an email and told her that if she could do a better job than I please have at it. She never wrote back and so far she has left things alone. We shall see. Mother's health is only going to get worst and I'm very afraid. Join a support group they can give you some great advise on where and who you can call if you need more help. This can also help if you need to see your own doctor. Your siblings aren't going to help you and this might be a blessing.
Remember to take care of you first
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Call your MD and relay your symptoms and the situation. If you have Benadryl, it will help with the itch. Go home and go to bed. Advise the others you are off duty. They can handle it. Repeat: they can handle it. If there is a crisis with mom or dad, tell them to call 911, you are not available.
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I'd be curious to know also what sisters motivation is? Usually it's the almighty $$$. This sister has caused you pain in the past... What have you tried to get her out of your life?

I hear your desperation! You need to figure out how to make you number 1 in your life..

When sister tried turning the hair washing on you, your response should have been "she asked you" and it's time you help out!! "They are your parents too"!!

Good luck and hope the flu goes away quickly...
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Can you tell us more about your situation? Do you live with your folks? I would have to believe that your sister has always been this way and you keep hoping she'll change and step up to the plate. She won't. And your dad isn't any help either. The ugly reality is you have to quit looking to siblings for help or support. It just won't be there.

And if your dad won't support you either, then you have to decide how much you're willing to do for your parents. Why did your mom email your sister about her hair and not just ask you? Does she think you're overworked? Or does she stir the pot between you and your siblings too? Give us more of the back story so we know more. But bottom line, you need to protect yourself and quit looking to siblings for help or support. Trust me, I know.
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Family? What family? You don't have a family, you have a nest of vipers. Change your phone number and simply refuse to talk to any of them. Divorce them if you have to, make it clear they're no longer welcome around you and that they don't have anything to say that you want to hear anymore. DNA be damned. Just because someone is a 'family' member doesn't mean they have a God given right to be in your life if they're nasty and abusive.
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My first thought was GET THE HECK OUT OF THE HOUSE, but that might not be realistic for you right now, but GET THE HECK OUT OF THE HOUSE. Secondly, you said yourself that your siblings are lazy & evil, and your father sounds like he's just mean and nasty, so why would you listen to any of them? In my opinion you need to look at their motivation for anything that comes out of their mouths. Your sister that won't wash moms hair for example. Why did she put it back on you? What's the hidden agenda for her to say anything negative about your care giving? Is it money, jealousy etc? Once you find out that, then you'll have the freedom to stop reacting to everything that comes out of their mouths, and carry on. I'm sorry about the flu thing, that's gonna make everything worse when you don't feel well, but you DO need to get away from this. If you'd never been born, believe me your family would've found someone to take care of the parents. So if you left, they'd survive and spread their poison amongst themselves just fine.
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