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When my mom picks the end of the day to snipe at my hubs,,,, there goes any good things the rest of the day had... I used to spend the rest of the evening running back and forth trying to figure out what the heck is going on. But lately if hubs just shakes his head and says he has no idea what he has done.. I just let it roll. ( yep, I'm still upset but I don't beg for info) they are grownups, they can work it out...
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When I am tired and try to escape to my room for a short rest, that is when my Mom gets busy. It is almost as though if I am not doing something my Mom feels insecure or something and sets out on a mission to get me moving again. As she has fallen a few times in the last 3 months I cannot have any sense of peace if she gets up on her own. If I try to rest when she is sleeping she is awake almost instantly and needing something. I know logically that she is experiencing the symptoms of dementia and my presence is her security blanket but when I am tired it feels like she is doing it deliberately.
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getting him ready for the day, setting him down to eat, then getting in the shower myself, only to hear, "Im ready to go now, WHAT"S TAKING YOU SO LONG"....and i can't shower at night because someone is following me all over the place......
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Ruthieruth, I have been waking up at about 4:30-5:30, unable to sleep. Started showering then, when I can.
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What sends me over the edge at night is that after I have explained to a pulp what day it is, what are ee doing tomorrow, what to do with mom's dentures tonight and in the morning, answering for the fourth time "yes, mom, you took your bedtime medications already, good night.
I step into my bedroom exhausted, but lo and behold, as I am decompressing, brushing my teeth, she's talking to me at the hallway, asking what day is it?.......did you give me my pills? My husband is already in the bedroom and we're looking forward to talking alone, and uninterrupted for a few minutes, well.........that throws me over the edge big time. I try not to show anger, but at the end of a long day, it's so hard! I have an erase board in which I write what day it is every day. One in the kitchen, one in the hallway. Sometimes it helps, but mom forgets we have them, and forgets to look at them.
Many nights I crawl into bed in tears. Frustration, exhaustion, day to day boredom, and knowing that the future is not brilliant but that every effort will culminating in her passing away scares me to no end. I am doing what I can, and I don't want to have any regrets or what ifs. Mom is almost 91, so the road ahead isn't very long. M88
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Finding a billfold, eye glass, for the 10th time and reminding mom no dialysis today. I just want quiet, Don't wanna bank for.the 3rd time this week. who goes that many times? fir what?.geeeeee??mmaaaadddd. had to get n car off and take a break for a while.
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