
  • Hindsight Can Be a Blessing or a Curse for Caregivers

    Things that may seem “clearer” to you in hindsight can still be distorted by difficult emotions—especially when it comes to a major life event like caregiving. Are your reflections on your time as a caregiver healthy, or are they doing you a disservice?

  • Alzheimer’s Caregivers Six Times More Likely to Develop Dementia

    Studies examining how the burdens of caregiving can affect a caregiver have resulted in a disturbing set of findings that link caregiving for people afflicted with Alzheimer's to an increased risk for developing dementia.

  • Sharpen Your People Skills and Become a Better Caregiver

    Developing good people skills helps caregivers communicate more effectively with medical professionals, care providers, siblings – and especially elderly parents who have their own ideas and opinions about their lives and care.

  • 10 Ways Caregivers Can Stop Procrastinating

    We're all guilty of occasionally dragging our feet when it comes to important and mundane tasks, but these tips will help you end this bad habit and start leading a more productive life.

  • 13 Secrets that Make Caregiving Easier

    The right mindset is crucial for succeeding in any situation, especially caregiving. Discover how changing your approach can make your life as a caregiver a bit easier.

  • 30 Inspirational Quotes for Caregivers

    Has providing care for an aging loved one got you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed? Use these insightful caregiving quotes to lift your spirits on even the most difficult days.

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  • Why Listening Is a Caregiver's Secret Weapon

    The simplicity of listening is often overlooked. Here is how you can understand the underlying messages of what someone is saying by listening, and avoid criticism or arguments.

  • How Communication Can Influence Your Caregiving Experience

    It can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude while handling the challenges of caregiving, but being mindful of how you communicate about these hurdles can affect your overall well-being.

  • 10 Tips for Communicating with a Senior

    Healthy, two-way communication can help family members understand and interact with one another more effectively. Use these tips to improve communication with a senior.

  • 10 Secrets of a Well-Balanced Caregiver

    No one said balancing your caregiver work load and your life was going to be easy. Here are some big tips that simplify caregiving and make your life a little easier to manage.

  • Coping With an Elderly Loved One’s Distorted Sense of Time

    A senior’s ability to judge time often changes, whether due to advancing age or a disease like dementia. But, when a loved one’s time management quirks infringe on a caregiver's schedule, tensions can rise.

  • How to Handle a Shopaholic Senior

    When an aging loved one is making excessive and unnecessary purchases—especially ones they cannot afford—it’s time for a family caregiver to step in.

  • Finding Caregiver Support Online

    Family caregivers face countless barriers to getting the support and guidance they need and deserve. Online support groups are accessible 24/7 for those seeking advice and encouragement.

  • Balancing Elder Care With Other Relationships

    Whether you are brand new to caregiving or you’ve been in the trenches for months, it’s never too late to reevaluate your priorities, set some boundaries to achieve a better balance in your life and repair relationships with the people you care about

  • 10 Secrets Elderly Parents Keep from Their Families

    Older adults often conceal or downplay things like falls, money troubles, elder abuse and car accidents so they can continue living independently. Most family members only learn of these longstanding issues once they're too severe to hide.

  • Celebrities are Caregivers Too

    Television personality Leeza Gibbons shares her family’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease.

  • How to Prevent Back Injuries When Lifting Someone

    One of the most common injuries suffered by caregivers in a home setting is back injuries caused by lifting or transferring another person.

  • What can I do about friends who don't support my caregiving?

    They want to be supportive, but they just can't for long periods of time, because they realize what you are describing is all ahead of them. For now, they aren't there yet, don't want to be, prefer denial--and it is just too unpleasant to listen to horror stories they can't fix.

  • 10 Essential Podcasts for Family Caregivers

    Most people become caregivers with little to no knowledge of or firsthand experience with the complexities of this role. Books and articles are excellent sources of information, but there’s another valuable resource that is often overlooked: podcasts.

  • Dementia Care: Surrounded by Sound

    I had heard the benefits of personally meaningful music in dementia care. Last Saturday, I brought headphones and an iPod loaded with old music to the rest home for Mum. The results were astounding.

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