End of Life

  • Lessons in End-of-Life Care from Oscar the Cat

    For more than ten years, Oscar the Cat has been teaching the staff at a Rhode Island nursing home lessons about end-of-life care and what's truly important to those who are dying.

  • 5 Things Terminal Patients Want to Talk About With Their Doctor

    Good communication between doctors, patients and caregivers is key, especially when it comes to the complex concerns surrounding end-of-life care preferences.

  • My Nightly Ritual With Dad

    When I moved home to take care of my dad, I was determined to make the most of every remaining second we had together. I envisioned fun outings and reminiscing about the past, but it turns out that he had other plans in mind.

  • My Final Exit: Starvation or Assisted Suicide?

    If things get bad and my quality of life just doesn't cut it anymore, I don't want to linger on Earth -- miserable, unaware, a burden to family. But the question is -- What to do about it?

  • Is Mom Afraid to Die?

    I often wonder why Mom is fighting so hard for so long. It recently dawned on me that she may literally have the "fear of God."

  • Assisted Suicide and Elders: How Far Would a Loving Caregiver Go?

    How far should a caregiver go in supporting the wants and needs of a beloved spouse or parent – or even their child – when the requested support may hasten death?

  • Life As a Caregiver: How to Make Tough Care Decisions

    Caregivers often face challenging decisions regarding their loved ones’ care. Here are some strategies for maintaining your sanity, even when making the most difficult choices.

  • A Prepaid Funeral Plan Should Be Part of Your Medicaid Spend-Down

    Money paid for advance funeral planning can be an exempt expense under Medicaid rules. Learn more about how preplanning a funeral can help you qualify for Medicaid.

  • How to Turn a Funeral into a True Celebration of Life

    Funerals are evolving from somber services into celebrations of a person's enduring legacy and a life well lived. Here are a few ideas for planning a personalized funeral for yourself or your elderly loved one.

  • Vermont Passes Landmark Legislation Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide

    Vermont passed a landmark bill legalizing physician-assisted suicide and offering protection to doctors and family of people who seek life-ending medication.

  • Cremation Cost: 4 Factors That Affect Price

    For families who wish to minimize funeral costs, cremation is often a more affordable alternative to a traditional burial. Understand average cremation costs and the factors that affect the overall price of this disposition option.

  • Why Does My Elderly Loved One Sleep All Day?

    Many seniors doze off throughout the day to compensate for poor sleep at night. However, if your aging loved one spends most of their time sleeping instead of engaging in life, it could indicate a more serious underlying problem.

  • Understanding Probate and Estate Administration

    When someone you love passes away, the last thing you want to think about is locating legal documents and handling financial matters. Use these steps to make the probate process as simple as possible.

  • When a Serious Diagnosis Causes a Senior to Consider Suicide

    Receiving the news of a serious diagnosis like cancer or dementia may cause a senior to consider suicide, but caregiver intervention and the development of productive coping techniques can help.

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  • Tired of Living: What to Do When an Elderly Person Wants to Die

    It’s shocking for a caregiver to hear a loved one state they would rather be dead. When an elder speaks about wanting to die, it may be a sign of depression, or it could indicate that they just want to talk about the physical and emotional toll of aging.

  • 6 Myths About Grieving

    When a loved one dies, society has certain expectations about the grieving process including how you should act and how long you should grieve. Explore 6 myths about grief and the grieving process.

  • How to Write a Eulogy

    If you’ve been asked to speak at a funeral or memorial service, use these guidelines to write a meaningful eulogy about a friend or loved one.

  • Hospice Care for the End Stages of Heart Disease

    With heart disease it can be difficult to understand when to call hospice. Explore the guidelines for determining when to bring in hospice in the end stages of heart disease.

  • Does Medicare Cover Hospice Care?

    The Medicare hospice benefit provides comfort care for patients who are terminally ill and facing the end of life. Original Medicare does cover hospice services.

  • Advance Care Directives: Preparations for the Unforeseeable Future

    An advance medical directive is a legal document that identifies a person’s health care preferences in the event they become unable to make decisions for themselves. Advance care planning provides invaluable guidance and peace of mind for family members.

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