
Defined as: Those in their 50s or 60s, sandwiched between aging parents, adult children and grandchildren. OR those in their 30s and 40s, with young children, aging parents and grandparents.

Hubbie and I are sandwiched between the ages of 3 and 69. We bear the burden of the well being of them all.

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Yep, I'm sandwiched in the middle too. I'm 34 and my husband is 39 and we're caring for people between the ages of 2 and 86. I've got a 2 year old, a 6 year old, an 8 year old, a 12 year old, a 55 year old disabled uncle, and 86 year old grandma living with us. I feel pretty squished in this sandwich :)

We've also got my husband's mom and dad who are getting older, but not at the point yet of needing us as caregivers. My dad is in good health and active too so I'm grateful for that. We were already caregivers to my mom who has made her transition on to the next life.

It's important that we pay attention to our own needs too, so we can continue to be there for all these people depending on us.

Taking care of our own needs... I kind of chuckle of that thought. NOT you...

That would be nice... taking care of my own needs. I haven't been able to do that in at least 5 years. Every time I begin to take some kind of stand or have me time, something else goes wrong. In my 2nd round as a caregiver, I've been at it for 2 and a half years now not to mention other issues of life. I have a thyroid issue and am now borderline diabetic. The last time I saw a dentist, he pretty much gave me unspoken news that yep, those will be dentures. this year was the first time in years I actually saw a doc myself.

Hubbie seeing we are not doing so well this time around with all we have going on has set up an appointment for us with someone who can give us some advice and avenues to some how ease our load.

RUKiddingME- I know it's hard to take time for yourself. I struggle with it myself and it's infrequent that I prioritize myself. I was never the type to leave my family at home and go off having fun with friends since getting married and having kids. I've been a caretaker by nature.

From what your describing though, it's an absolute necessity for you to put yourself first, or make other arrangements for the people you are caring for. I was really affected by the statistic that 30% of caregivers die before the person they are caring for. I saw it first hand with my mom. We are all still in disbelief that she died before my grandma. I am determined to not get sick because of the stress of care giving.

Please don't put off seeing doctors. Please don't prioritize the appointments of the people you care for over your own. Are you able to hire someone to help you out at the house at least once a week? I started having someone come once a week to help me get my laundry under control and to clean my grandma and uncle's bathroom. That has helped immensely. I'm glad you and your hubby are exploring ways to make this easier on yourselves. You deserve it.

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