
Have any of you heard of a Commonplace Book? It is basically a book of thoughts and quotes; I have two thick ones full readings over a long time. Whether of faith, humor, or philosophical questions, it is fun to look back on words of wisdom.

Anyone care to share a favorite quote?

Here is one of the 1,000s I have collected:

From Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings in Cross Creek (1942)

"We were bred of earth before we were born of our mothers. Once born, we can live without Mother or Father, or any other kin, or any friend, or any human love. We cannot live without the earth or apart from it, and something is shrivelled in a man's heart when he turns away from it and concerns himself only with the affairs of men."

This she wrote after working to clean out a blocked stream. Hard and dirty work. There has never in my life been anything more satisfying than hard work on the land, and falling into bed exhausted.

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A quote by Winston Churchill

“Short words are best, and old words when short are best of all.”

"When we are under great and sore afflictions, especially if they continue long,
we are apt to grow weary, to despond,
and almost to despair of a good issue.
Let us not therefore be harsh in censuring others,
but carefully watch over ourselves
when we are in trouble."
(Matthew Henry)

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth....🐴
This phrase appears in print in English in 1546, as
"don't look a given horse in the mouth",
in John Heywood's A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tongue, where he gives it as:
"No man ought to looke a geuen hors in the mouth." 🐎

Not intellectual - but can be very cathartic.

Frankly, my dear I don’t give a damn.

Gone With The Wind perfectly delivered in the movie by Clark Gable.

Actors could be fun whether they had lines were written or their own.
A cub reporter, inquiring about Cary Grant's age sent him a note: "How old Cary Grant".
Grant replied "Old Cary Grant fine. How you?"

By the early 19th century British poet, William Wordsworth - a small excerpt from his poem
Ode Limitations of Immortality

“Though nothing can bring back the hour 
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower
We will grieve not, rather find 
Strength in what remains behind.”

Two more...

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”
~ Theodor Geisel

“Today I shall behave, as if this is the day I will be remembered.”
~ Theodor Geisel 

Who was Theodor Geisel, you might be wondering. He was more well known to most as the fabulous Dr. Seuss. He has the most wonderful quotes beyond his children’s books - although even his quotes in those books are quite something.... “Oh, the places you’ll go...”. I highly recommend giving them all a look!

“America has only three cities: New York, San Francisco and New Orleans. Everywhere else is Cleveland.”

Tennessee Williams

I put this in every sympathy note I write for friends and relatives who have lost loved ones. It's from the book How Green was My Valley, by Richard Llewellyn, and it really struck me when I read it at least 25 years ago:

"There is no fence or hedge 'round Time that has gone. You can go back and have what you like if you remember it well enough.”

I’m not crazy! My reality is just different from yours.

Cheshire Cat

MJ1929, I have now your new one in my own Commonplace Book. How lovely. I have thought this so OFTEN, thinking on anything I experienced with those I have loved, and lost. I thought today of a wonderful dinner with my bro, an Italian restaurant in Palm Springs where the wine glasses were filled so full you had to lean to sip before you could lift. (Hello to Mario's in Palm Springs) which made my bro and I laugh. We could never finish them, and it was wasted on us, yet so delightful. And even the dinners had to be taken home, fed us for two more days.
You have gladdened my heart tonight. Exactly one year ago I was flying to Palm Springs to see my bro. Our last visit, and we KNEW it. Somehow we knew. At the end of the visit he said to me "I am having a hard time letting you go; I don't know why"
And I said to him "It is because we are afraid we will not see one another again". We did not. I think we both knew.
I have sent you a private message. Thank you. Your gift tonight has loosening of my tears. And I am grateful for their cleansing.
Here is mine for today.
"Life must be understood backwards, although it must be lived forwards.
Soren Kirkegaard"

I have many favorite quotes from books, but a few stand out...

James Clavell:
"So you're at war over a difference of opinion about what is God and what is not God? That is a very stupid reason to go to war."

"We are a very predictable people."

George R.R. Martin:
"Don't take offense where none is intended."
(I try very hard to remember that one, especially in this day and age)

"When the choice is death or debt, best borrow."

Dear "AlvaDeer,"

What a beautiful memory of you and your brother's last visit together exactly a year ago. I know you've shared in many threads how close the two of your were but, this truly made it all the more clear. I could actually envision your dinner together and it brought tears to my eyes as well.

As an only child, I always wished I had an older brother and if I had one, I would have wanted the same kind of relationship that you were so blessed to have with yours.

I'm glad you felt the cleansing through the tears from "MJ1929's" favorite quote!

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