
I'm finally getting the guardianship papers. It's been a 5 month journey that is coming to a end. Then while I was at work my favorite place the nursing home where my grandmother is called me, which was the billing dept she asked me did I get the guardianship. I told her I had gotten the email from the lawyers and that the payments are accumulating. Well no kidding what do I look like Nelson T Rockerfeller? I had told this story of how I had to pay out of my pocket but it was just one time in September. I told her I'm almost broke because of this, paying for other things outside. Her response, bring in a checkbook Tuesday. I will be there Tuesday but once I get the papers I'm gonna get to all 4 banks to get guardianship accounts. Once I take care of the nursing home I will pay the bills that are at her house shutting off the cable cutting off QVC, Phone.

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Nearly there!

Do something fun over the weekend to take your mind off these last hours' waiting :)

im working that should do it

Kind of! I had a bracing winter walk or a movie and a pizza more in mind..?

Is guardianship more than power of attorney & health care proxy? (Cuz that's all the papers I have so far). I don't know at what point I would have to be my mother's guardian. ? Thanks.

Tiger, if people have appointed POAs and health care proxies, there generally isn't any further requirement for guardians (except in cases when it all goes horribly wrong and the POA isn't doing the job, or somebody else thinks they're not, or the POA has been drawn up in a way that is useless for circumstances as they develop, or ohmygod you can imagine...).

Most guardianship applications, I guess anyway, arise when a person hasn't done this and then becomes incapable of managing on their own and there's a need to manage their money and their care and it isn't possible to do it in a less formal way.

The really fundamental difference between POAs and guardians is that a person gives POA to a person of their choice, whereas a court appoints a guardian and attaches conditions which the guardian has to meet.

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