
Here’s hoping that all of us have a blessed new year in 2020. Best wishes. May you have peace and joy in the upcoming year.

Cheers, everyone!🍾🥂

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Happy New Year for certain. So many of us out here seeing one another so often. I wish for health for every single one of us. With good health we can handle the rest of it, hands tied behind our backs! Happy New Year to all!

Happy New Year to all!

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!

Happy New Years to everyone as well!

Happy New Year's everybody.🎉🎆🌟

Thanks for all the good wishes. I have been so grateful for this site and all the help it has provided in my life. I literally feel enriched to have an aging parent after hearing from so many as well as having advice for issues I have endured. Here's to a new decade!!

Like Riverdale, I find this site -- and all its strong, helpful voices -- a godsend. Thanks to you all, and happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Need, to you and everyone here, and showers of blessings.

Happy New Year to you all! Wishing you peace and all good things in 2020!

Happy New Year to all! Hard to believe it's 2020. I remember when it was "The Year 2000" and we were turning off our computers before midnight and expecting the power to go out and for all hell to break loose!! It never happened, and here we are now, TWENTY years later!!

Thanks to everyone here who has helped me out, especially today when I was having a moment of sheer panic about know who you are! LOL
It's great to have such support and virtual online friendship as we do here.

Raising my glass to everyone! Cheers.

A healthy and happy New Year to all. Today is the 2nd anniversary of my dad’s death through negligence at his care home. I’m busy packing to move as the ever increasing rent meant I’ve paid many times over for a tiny flat. Am moving to my very first property at the ripe old age of 56 near the end of January! Sure hoping a fresh start will be the beginning of a wonderful adventure.

Had to laugh - having read 1984 I can remember the dread as that year crept ever closer then finally arrived!

Thanks to all the fantastic caregivers and their gems of wisdom here - you’ve helped so many people - bless you

Happy and Healthy New Year to all! Thanks for being here.

Happy new year. Remember, small steps to reach our goals. And keep going forward. Love to you all

May God grant us:
     Serenity to accept the things we cannot change;
     Courage to change the things we can;  and
     Wisdom to know the difference. 

Happy New Year!  🎇🎉🎇

Hey, any resolutions? Or how about a bucket list for 2020?

Let’s see, resolutions...

I am going to continue volunteering at our food bank. I have enjoyed it. I go once a week and pack boxes of food. Building some muscles in my arms!

Bucket list, hmmm...

Win a lottery! Hahaha May be kind of hard because I never think to buy tickets. Have to buy a ticket to win.

French Quarter Fest!

Gold pass for Jazz Fest!

Greek fest on the bayou.

A getaway to Florida.

Would love to hear your resolutions or bucket list.

Any 2020 predictions from anyone?

I predict LSU will remain undefeated and win championship! (Fingers 🤞 crosses!) Geaux Tigers!

Who Dat! Geaux New Orleans Saints! Fingers crossed 🤞 for them too!

Love the serenity prayer. It really is a beautiful prayer 🙏.

NHWMom, since you mention resolutions, I’ll give a shout out to the forum here. Last year about this time there was a discussion posted about what we’d like to do differently or better in the new year. I’m not big on resolutions, but someone or even a couple of people posted that they’d like to remove people from their lives that were toxic to them and brought nothing good to their lives. I’d had a “friend” for a long while who is truly a terrible person. I won’t bother with the details, it’s long and awful, but I’d never managed to stand up to her and she always was a drain on me. So I finally read the Boundaries book, got some sound advice, and ended the relationship. I was nothing but nice, putting it on me and even thanking her, but the response was instant venom and vitriol. But I felt free of a chain around me and am grateful to have replaced that toxin with positive and uplifting people. And the seed of that was born here on AC and I am grateful

My husband and I just celebrated 40 years of marriage. He turns 70 on January 10th. Our 3 children would like us to go to Hawaii this summer in celebration of these milestones. We went there on our honeymoon. They would like it to be a family trip which would include 3 grandchildren. Fortunately finances are not an issue as we were able to sell certain real estate this past year that represented our former lives and was financially draining. We still would not go overboard with costs as we are cautious with money and are not very rich.

My concern is our health issues which are numerous. My husband has difficulty with too much walking. Also hopefully his prostrate surgery in a few weeks will not have complications. My issues are my jaw and rotator cuff pain. We are in SC which makes the trip a long one but we could break it up by first stopping and staying in Utah briefly where our middle child is. Our youngest is in CA so we could consider stopping there on one leg of the journey.

I am leaning towards doing this as while I know that there is importance in today and the future it is also nice to have fond memories which a trip of this sort would create. We do very little traveling. I also have to hope my mother does not develop some emergency.

Anyway NHWM expressed an interest in hearing about plans for the coming year so I am putting this out there. I would first have to be assured that certain medical conditions and treatments don't result in complications.

Riverdale, I would check with you and your husbands doctors first and ask their opinion. If they say you both can go, then I would go. Hawaii with your family and grandchildren to celebrate milestones is AWESOME!! If doctors say go, then go!!! What a wonderful way to make memories. Perhaps have someone check on or stay with your mother while you are away?

Happy New Year, NHWM,
Let’s hope it’s a better & happier year for everyone!

Happy new year Needhelp!! May 2020 be good to you!!

Go daughter! Good for you! I like your fresh start in 2020. Good job!


I am one year ahead of you, 41 years for us. Oooooh, I would love to see Hawaii. I hope you get to go!

Jada and Worried, thanks for the good wishes. I wish the same for you. I hope the upcoming year is good for all of us. Hugs!


I love how you posted about small steps. Often we get discouraged if we look at something in it’s entirety. When we break it down into stages it seems more manageable.

A very happy new year to all of my friends and their families on Aging care. I hope that your new year is blessed with happiness, good fortune and rememberable moments. Thank you all for the support that I've received last year, especially when my father passed away in November. It has made a world of difference in my life.

after a pretty crappy day yesterday, we took Mom to her sisters today for a short visit. Made a few stops on the way home, and have just been relaxing since we got back. I swear I have heard my hubs laugh more in these last few hours than I have in the last 3 months. So while we love her, this little break will be good for us as her journey progresses. And hopefully set us up for what comes next. God bless my Aunt! And we are redoing her bathroom while she is gone.. so she will be happy when she returns,, tearing down the wallpaper, fresh paint.. all new!!

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