
My grandfather used to say that heaven and hell are right here on this earth. I find so much truth in his words.

A life filled with sickness can certainly be like hell on earth. A life as a caregiver caring for the sick is also a life in hell for some. Others find it rewarding. It’s an extremely personal experience.

When things are good in our lives it can feel like a little piece of heaven!

Regardless of my fallout with my mom, I sincerely that hope her suffering will be able to be managed as much as possible and at least ease up. I hope that she finds complete peace and joy after she dies. It takes death to end the suffering completely because Parkinson’s disease is progressive and there is no cure.

I hope all of my family and friends that have passed on are at peace.

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I simply hope that as I age I do my best while still possible to be a caring,loving person to family certainly. I try to keep boundaries where needed. Some times I think of certain behaviors or reactions I might have had when younger and wonder how or why I behaved that way. Then I think that is an advantage to aging. One can reason more and let issues slide rather than allowing them to take over our behavior. Many times I wish I had behaved differently with my father who passed away in 2010 yet I know I basically was a good daughter and person to him.

I have mentioned before that what I feel is important is that my spirit is remembered with love. Sometimes my head gets too swollen and I think how much I may be missed! To me my biggest achievements have been my family. I worked for many years but for a variety of people. I never had a career but I am fine with that for me. My husband,children,grandchildren and mother all tell me they love me. I don't think there is anything greater in life than that.

For my parents (dad passed a few years ago) I always remember the beautiful Viking prayer about "seeing the long line of relatives who went before" I wish I could remember how it goes.. It is from the film The 13th Warrior. As for my self, I just hope I sleep.. and maybe wake up once in awhile to look over my DD. Or also see all those family and friends and pets who went before me.


Prayer from the film "The 13th Warrior":

Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother.
And my sisters and my brothers
Lo, there do I see the line of my people
Back to the beginning.
Lo, they do call to me.
They bid me take my place among them
In the halls of Valhalla
Where the brave may live forever.


Viking Death Prayer
With raised sword and shield,
The Norseman yells to Odin
The Viking Death Prayer*

* The Viking Death Prayer

Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother,
My sisters and my brothers.
Lo, there do I see the line of my people,
Back to the beginning.
Lo, they do call to me,
They bid me take my place among them
In the Halls of Valhalla,
Where the brave shall live forever,
Where thine enemies have been vanquished,
Nor shall we mourn but rejoice,
For those who have died
The glorious death.

Thank you Lealonnie!! That is the one,, I love it, and now I have tears in my eyes

I believe that after our mother (for instance) passes into spirit form, she then lives life through OUR eyes and sees how it felt to be in our shoes, thus allowing her to finally understand.

I believe the same will happen for us when we pass; we will live life through our mother's eyes to see how we made HER feel while, thus enabling us to finally understand HER side of the story.

That's 'hell' or 'heaven', depending. The 'punishment' is of our own making, based on how we treated others during our lifetime on Earth.

In light of my Christian beliefs, I look forward to being present with Jesus in paradise and then later on being resurrected with a new body like his resurrection body after which I will live on a new earth with a new heaven with others who have believed and followed Christ and their savior and Lord. I am confident that my dad's suffering is over as he is in paradise with Christ.

Pure peace.

Eternal sleep.

Amen, NoTryDoYoda, I look forward to meeting you in paradise with our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ.


Love the Viking prayer!

I have been with many people as they passed. The things I know for sure is that every death is different. Each person believes in a different way. The people who are close to them or careing for them at the end are the most important. I have been with clients as a CNA and also with some family at the end. Being someone's caregiver is very hard at times! I believe every one chooses what happens after it is how one truly it's a heaven/hell or choose!

Each of us have our own vision of how things will be. I consider myself a spiritual person, some may say religious, but, I have my own theories about things that the Methodist Church might not agree with. lol

I am a real believer in dreams. The dream world is very sacred, mysterious and comforting to me. I believe that I have gone to places in my dreams that border or cross into unexplained territory. Have you ever had a dream so real that you actually wondered if it was a dream and totally convinced that it was real? I think it might be that way. I mean, how do we know things are real right now? (Rene Descartes).


I find dreams fascinating. I think dreams are a part of our subconscious mind that stays awake as we sleep. I have had some crazy dreams and some fantastic dreams.


Have people spoken to you how they feel about death? Do you find most people are at peace or fearful?

I think that most people are terrified of death. I have noticed that many seniors who are over 80 seem to be the most afraid...even those who are super religious and you would think welcome going home to join the Lord and their dearly departed. I have never noticed before how anxious and terrified those who are in advanced years can be. Maybe, it's just the community I live in or people that I know, but, it's really amazing. And, not in good way.


This is true. I have had several older people confess to me that they are terrified to die. I never know how to respond. I usually ask them why they feel as they do.

I never know if I respond correctly because it’s very personal and complicated. A woman told me that she had badly mistreated her husband and felt that he did not forgive her. So she was afraid that she would be punished in the afterlife. I told her if she was sorry that God would forgive her but my answer brought her no comfort whatsoever. I felt awful for her.

What do you say to someone like that? This is my friend’s mom. It was an awkward conversation.

"What do you say to someone like that? "

You say something like, let us talk to God together, tell him you are sorry, and then pray out loud together and then share the verse from I John that talks about if we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us. Or maybe share that verse and then pray.

Yes, it was awkward for she was opening her very soul to you in a moment of total honesty. She must trust you very much to have said that.


She is full of self doubt. She does trust me enough to speak with me. I have been friends with her daughter for years.

She gets depressed. It’s hard to see. She refuses her doctor’s suggestions for medication. She’s afraid of side effects. She has a lot of anxiety about life in general.

She believes in God but doesn’t feel like she will be forgiven. Her daughter has spoken to her endlessly about it. She doesn’t believe her daughter either when she tells her that God forgives her if she is sorry.

The happiest I see her is when her grandchildren visit. She loves seeing them. She is a great grandma now. When her granddaughter brings her young son to visit her she is all smiles. So sweet.

My father suddenly died this past October. He had a rough life but always overcame every obstacle. He was our Super Man. He also was the family peacemaker. His loss has left and immeasurable hole in our family. I wish for him above all else the peace and the good health he never had in life..


Sweet sentiments. I loved my dad. He overcame a lot in his life as well.


Wow! She is a very anxious and depressed person. I wonder if sharing with her bible stories about God's forgiveness, like the Prodigal Son, King David and Psalm 51, Jesus saying on the cross "Father forgive them for they know not what they have done", Jesus forgiving Peter after Peter denied Jesus. Very often hearing the Bible will build up a person's faith.

I am glad she has you whom she trusts.

I hope this might help.


She reads the Bible. She knows scripture. She has zero self worth. I am hoping that she will accept forgiveness one day.

Her granddaughter brings out the best in her. She adores her great grandson. I am hoping that she will be able to convince her. She’s very close to her. Her great grandson is absolutely precious. That kid could put a smile on anyone’s face.

I don’t have grandchildren. I love when he is at my friend’s house because he has the cutest personality and is so much fun.


Those with zero self worth, need a simple book or article that explains that the Bible in Genesis says we are made in the image of God and how that applies to our self worth. Christians often struggle with this and are helped by books or articles that focus on who I am in Christ.

Is this helpful?

That may help. I love Genesis. The first three chapters especially, so beautiful. I never tire of reading it. It’s so easy to envision the love and power of God from those words, powerful visual image for me.

Need help with mom....
Its a different thing for alot of people. If they feel they have lived a good life and that everything is in order when the time comes, yes they feel at peace. Others have cried and expressed their deepest secrets and regrets with me. The last person I was with a week before he passed he said "this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do was die, everything I have will mean nothing once I stop breathing. My life I have lived to the fullest and now I really have nothing!" I told him how much he meant to me and others around him and that everything he has done for us we will always remember! The next few days he seemed to have more peace and pain levels even seem to decrease. The last day he was able to talk he told me thank you and he knew I would make sure once he layed down that he would be at true rest. Two days later I had a preacher come to do last rights cause that's what he wanted....right as the father finished, he left this Earth.
Many people I believe are scared because it's unknown, like if you walk into a dark cave... everyone has this threw out there life but at the end you are not only worried for yourself but everyone you leave behind!

Yeah, Harmony

That’s exactly what I feel it is for some. Fear of the unknown. Scary for them.

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