
I know. I say a lot here. Maybe it sounds like I'm always complaining about my Mom's care.
But the truth is ...I love my Mom to bits. I was overjoyed when the other doctor who took over her care for me...said she could be discharged.

Everyday with her is a blessing. The few times she gives us one word answers is a glimmer into the strong woman she was. Even the days she can't speak sometimes she gives us little nods or hmms and ahhs to let us know she's in the conversation.

My wife and I have spent the weekend with her, to allow my Dad some time to rest. I'm glad Dad got some rest.

I know. It's tiring. Its back breaking. Its costing my sibbling and I ...a lot of our savings.

Its a bittersweet feeling. Sometimes I am left wondering how my wife and I will take care of each other after spending so much of our physical energy and money caring for my Mom....

Thank God for such an understanding wife.

But I do love my parents ...

I don't know what I mean to say by this post. Maybe I am rambling.

For any other caregiving children out there. GOD BLESS YOU.

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Your parents are blessed to have such a loving family. No doubt it is just the continuation of how they raised you guys.

I am glad you enjoy your time with your mom but your one line greatly concerns me..."Its a bittersweet feeling. Sometimes I am left wondering how my wife and I will take care of each other after spending so much of our physical energy and money caring for my Mom...." Please make sure you have a plan in place. It would be unfair of you to expect your children to follow in your footsteps.

I'm glad you "love your parents to bits" but your sibling and you should not be spending your hard earned savings on your moms care. That is on your dad, and if he can't afford it, then he will have to apply for Medicaid so as not to put a strain on you guys.
What's going to happen when either of you(and your spouses)require care down the road? Will you have enough left for you both to rely on? Surely you won't want your own children to be in the position that you're in now, right?
It's not the children's responsibility to care for their parents financially or otherwise, and while it's sweet you love them and want to help them the best you can, just make sure that you're not screwing yourself and your wife in the process.

Why are you and your sibling spending your funds?

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