
Below is an excerpt from an article on caregiving:

Unless Joseph was stricken by sudden death, he would have needed end of life care like everyone else. We don't know if Joseph had a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, cancer, ALS, Alzheimer's, or dementia that led to his death. But it is possible nonetheless that he needed care for months or even years before he passed on. I believe that Mary and Jesus would have taken the responsibility to care for Joseph very seriously. We know that Jesus loved Lazarus; imagine for a moment how much more emotional Joseph's failing health and death made Jesus. He would have put all his heart into Joseph's care.

Here is what I am getting at: It is entirely possible that Jesus shared in the caregiving ministry with us.

Source: carefordad

Do you think it is possible Jesus was a caregiver? Your thoughts and reflections are very welcomed. Thank you!

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Are you for real?

It is possible that Jesus was a podiatrist, or a social worker, or a husband. He might have been a Dad. He might have had a brother with a cleft palate. He might have patiently taught a little sister to read. There are no records of these activities. Speculating on them is open to anyone. But speculating doesn't change anything for me.

Would it be useful to me to think that Jesus was a caregiver? Or that Moses was, or Buddah, or Muhammad? I don't see how.

Jesus was 33 when He died. He was not a senior citizen.

I'm not sure what the point of that piece is, but.....

In the Bronze Age (Jesus' era), old age was around 40. Over 40 was ancient.
I don't believe they had many incidences of dementia or modern day old age related problems simply because people just did not exist that long. There were so many other things that would get you way before a dementia could set it.

Men were not caregivers traditionally speaking, back then. That was women's work. Just like child rearing.

It's very easy to misinterpret the past looking through modern day lenses, and project today's sentiments and ways of being onto that time. But it's false.

I just wasted 2 minutes of my precious time on this nonsense.. "Help me Jesus"..

i dont have any religious beliefs but i know from experience that as difficult as it is , taking up the slack as a family elder regresses and becomes helpless is possibly the most satisfying thing a person will ever do .
the hardest things in life generally are the most rewarding .
i have no fond memories of the military . every job i ever had out - sucked the previous one . my marriage ended badly and now occupational based arthritis is making life difficult but i feel fulfilled in that i was my mothers domestic partner as her life came to an end .
in hindsight we were propping up each other .

It's technically possible that a 20-30 yr old male in Jesus' time and culture, would have done some caregiving for his senior (40+) father. There are lots of stories of what Jesus did with his time, things like attending weddings (turning water into wine), preaching about forgiveness, writing famous sayings (Sermon on Mount), inventing 2,000 year old Traditions (baptism), walking on water, healing the woman with hemorrhage, raising Lazarus from dead, mixing his saliva with dirt, putting it onto a blind man's eyes & he could see, throwing unethical money changers out of the Temple courtyard, and many other things documented in the New Testament (first 3 books which are Gospels Matthew, Mark, and Luke). If Jesus did all these "works" for people other than his own dear Dad, it was only because Jesus was away from home on a secret mission. I do recall Jesus said something like, whatever we (that's you and me) do for the least of those among us, we have done for Him. So go feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give to the poor, take care of the widows......did I just make up what I'm writing here, or is every bit of this things you've already read or heard about in the New Testament or in church, or on bumperstickers, or from the mouths of babes?
YES Jesus was a caretaker. Correction, He was and is a Caregiver, and a good model for the rest of us (regardless of your beliefs as to His Divine Nature).

Your speculative question distracts greatly from the purpose for which Jesus came.

Cmagnum - true, it seems that perhaps she is looking at him in a historical context and not as our Lord & Saviour. Jesus as caregiver is an understatement. All of the's hard to know that He can, and you ask, but He doesn't. His ways aren't ours, Thank God :)

Happy Easter, or if you prefer, Resurrection Day!

WWJD? Would have put folks in good assited living so he'd have time for miracles preaching etc. Have a nice Easter!

Jesus was and is a caregiver to all the human beings created by his father, God.

Happy Resurrection Day!! :)

If we all practiced WWJD, everyone would be well-taken care of. We wouldn't see so many posts of distressed and alone caregivers on this site and in the world. He called for mercy and kindness to those in need.

I think that it is interesting to think about this historically. Actually it was common for extended families to care for older family members in many culture...even in our own country until recently. I appreciate Sundail44 for bringing it up. Jesus and Mary and his contemporaries, had relatives aunts, uncles, fathers, etc to care for or in their communities...although the ages were probably different.

I also think that God (in all manners and forms) is a care giver and that is good to remember...we are not matter how dark the day. And that is also comforting. Footprints in the set while we are being carried....

I just want to ask my fellow brothers and sisters in care giving to please treat each other with kindness. Some, have only here to find that kindness, and we don't want to chase people away. I am not saying we can't disagree, let's just disagree in a manner that is reflective of our true natures. It is hard to tell if someone is kidding in posts and things - especially if the humor is not clearly stated or more sarcastic. Perhaps we could come up with a sign that means joking like (%) or something and put that before or after our "humorous" statements.

If you are not really into what someone posts or a question they ask then skip it ...and read another... ;)

To glasshalfful, I did not mean to offend anyone with what I posted. Didn't say that talking about Christ historically was wrong, just that it was the perspective of the original post. That it did not encompass his divine nature. And I agreed with Windy on WWJD, maybe should have stated that first, just took her thought an expanded it a bit. I totally think that we should all be doing the WWJD, it's a shame that as a society we are not. The subject is sure to stir the pot!! I don't think anyone was "mean" here, just honest and giving various perspectives. I would be totally interested in this kind of dialogue but it seems that it is not encouraged here or that maybe there are a lot of atheists out there ;)

I have no problems with your comments and take no offense, Francis

I was only stating that I have noticed some rather caustic remarks about this specific question. I have also noticed a darker (less than kind) number of comments of a variety of topics...and we need to make sure we are thinking before we write. I don't know what it is about this form of communication which tends to excite or minds and, sometimes, overrules our delete keys or filters. (Did you see the stuff they wrote that poor pregnant weather person on TV last week? Wow!)

I think that the question of Faith can be touchy, just like politics. It doesn't mean we should avoid them...just take care of our own responses. I will try to be clear on my comments and responses, trying to keep them on topic and to the point without going after the writer. I ask others to consider the same.
If we can talk about turkey basters, anger at our parents, and various bodily functions, surely we can have a discussion that involves faith or history or both.

This should be a safe place where we can share our thoughts, worries, concerns, frustrations and ideas...

glasshalfful - no offense taken, I know that I can write faster than my brain thinks :), just wanted to make sure that my spirit was clear with what I said cause I wasn't sure who you were referring to. I think what you are talking about is pervasive on the internet and is tricky because we all have lost the art of writing, and we don't know how to write inflections :)

Unfortunately I"ve been hearing and seeing too much on the news to see how cruel humans can be so it's not surprising that some enter these gates with cruel intentions. Some people need to put others down in order to feel good about themselves. It will all get sorted out eventually ) HUGS to you for having a good heart :)

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