
This problem has been addressed elsewhere on this site but I just need to vent about the latest lost. For those that don't know my situation let me briefly recap.Six years ago I moved in with my mother to help with her declining health. In the past year, a series of mini strokes, I have had to quit my job to stay with her 24-7 . About three years ago, I met a wonderful man who started out as a friend and we were just starting to form a stronger relationship when Mom had her strokes. He remained in the picture, even though our time together, either on the phone or face to face was drastically cut. We have managed to have breakfast together at a rsturant close by, maybe once a month. This past saturday we had planned to have breakfast. At the last minute I had to cancel because of Mom's health problems. I later left him voice mail telling him that it was not fair to either of us to continue this way. So, long story short, my last real life connection is gone. I will need to come here more and more. I guess it is wrong to expect anyone else but those who are in the same situation to understand what we go through. Thanks, as always for letting me vent.

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Groundhog, youre not alone with that one.. i actually check in about every 10 minutes to this site.. ive been taking care of my mom for the past 7 years off and on.. this time long-term.. i got into a relationship, a few years ago, with a man and it turned that same as yours did... hes now married... this time around, since moving back to my moms, i really dont have anyone here anymore.. im also 24/7 and can barely leave for more than 30 minutes at a time..

a friend that i keep in contact with, doesnt understand what im going through and i tend to get a little testy with her.. i prefer to talk to people who know what im going through these days... i think thats wrong on one hand because this shouldnt be my ENTIRE life.. if i am able to get out for a bit, it should be to GET OUT.. but it comes back in a circle.. what do i talk about? right now, this is all i do.. and they dont understand..

since joining this site and being able to rant and get great feeback.. i feel SO much better.. its actually saved me!

Kelley Bean, did I read earlier that you were going to have a few hours to yourself today? If so, what did you decide to do? Curious what options there are out there

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