
Replacing the much lamented 'On My Mind' profile option, this thread is for musings, jottings, whimsies, preoccupations and the rest of the thesaurus for anyone to jot down anything they please.

I can't remember what the maximum character count was before, can anyone else? But anyway it wasn't very many so let's keep to that.

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Because we've constantly been handed this -

"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light." (Dylan Thomas)

Just got off the phone with mom , my 90 year old uncle is dieing. I've never been close to him. Dysfunctional family issues go way back in time.

Anyways mom acts shocked, I'm like this is what happens when you get up there, the body starts to shut down.

Why do some people even getting close to 89, with health issues, not accept death? Or want to believe that someday you will die. I don't get it. You would think the pain from a degenerative back would remind her.

Makes it harder on loved ones when someone won't accept it. Id say it's part of the control, control issue and a way to control people around them and so loved ones feel more pain?

Also makes me think mom is going to be one of those that linger .

Any ones opinion on this?

Oh, Golden, so glad on the house. ONE thing off your mind. I know there will still be stuff, but what a relief they also took furniture. Moves are dreadful hard.
I hate balance issue stuff. My brother's was awful and mine is awful as well. The more they try to work with you and assess the slower they make you go and the worse the balance until you feel a feather in the wind. Such an odd brain thing. To be more weight that ever I was at 140 or so, and still feeling lighter as I fly around on the buses as they start and stop. Eye things ADD to it as my right eye is wonky and my brain adjusting right and left is ridiculous to the extent my eye exams are always "Gee, your eyes are so much worse this year" and then a year later "Wow, so much better than last year!" Right! Aging is a nightmare and I've no courage for it.

Happy that the llamalover is back with us. Wishing need would show her face because I can't relax unless she does.

And on we go.

Golden: Congratulations on the sale of the house. Prayers for R.

So glad for you.
All went well even if it took some months
So good they take furniture.
Hope R will see specialists soon and improve some or little more every day.

@Golden ,

Glad the house is settled .
Sorry about R’s persistent symptoms .
Make sure he drinks enough . Dehydration can make those symptoms more bothersome .

Don't know where to put this but it is very much on my mind - the house is sold as of last night.

I've already sent the necessary documents to the lawyer. Possession day is Oct 7th. They will take all the furniture that is left in the house which is a great blessing. We were going to drive up to take the plants etc, but I am thinking I will leave the plants and get someone to bring down the last few things which are not much (a few pictures on the walls). I can send the keys I have up the my realtor. Most of them are already in the house.

R had his assessment and they were concerned about his eyes and balance so he needs to see some specialists - eyes, head and neck injuries, maybe more. It's just over 2 months from the accident and his eye issues and dizziness are still there to some extent. He functions very well, has no problems when sitting down, or on the computer unless he stays on it too long, but does have them when standing and walking at times (like down stairs) though not that I notice around the condo or when we are out walking.

Anyhoo - thank goodness the house is sold and I don't have to keep paying those bills and getting people to look after it, The strange thing was that we got a much higher offer yesterday, but it was too late. I had already signed and the buyers met the conditions.

Such a busy time for both of us!!!

Golden, Nacy, ITRR, Alva and Send: Thank you very much.

Llama, Praise The Lord that you are home. May HE continue to heal your body and be with you and DH.

So glad you're home Llama , take good care of yourself 💕

Thinking good thoughts for you Llama! 🦙️🥝🥝🥝🦙️
Glad you are home and well cared for.

Llama ((((((hugs))))) So glad you are better and at home!!!

Llama, what GREAT news. Please take care and be careful with yourself.

Way: Thank you. I am.

Llama ,

You must be so happy !!

Update: My DD brought me home to DH today! I had a slight delay on discharge when a last minute gut reset ncluding abdominal exray was performed.

Also wondering about Need

Also Alva, not sure if you where still here, a very good family friend of her daughters that it sounded like spent much time at her home growing up. Suddenly died, I can't remember if it was a car accident or what, but it was devastating to her and her family.

Which makes me worry more about her health issues, with that stress.

That was pretty much her last few post.

I was thinking the same last night while watching the hurricane report.

I know alva, me too. I actually had needs email and erased it 😔 so mad at myself for that.

I am thinking of and missing needs help all the time, Nacy. I can't believe she left us this long without telling us she was going away! Makes me very worried for her. Was told she occ. does take a vaca from us without a work. Still, I know she was wearing a heart monitor when she left us. I don't like it.

Just want to say , if you listening Needshelp, stay safe you have a hurricane coming, I am sending your and your family and your beautiful city much prayers and love, and will be thinking of you.

Hi hereiam.
At my age it is so confusing. We had a here i am and an i am here. One of them went off to ER with abdominal pains and was never heard of again, and one left. Which one are you?
I think it is more random chaos myself--life, that is-- though snowflakes and cut cabbages and have some very intricately sculpted patterns. If you watch the life of a single cell it is really quite intricate as well. It's anyone's guess, I think............

Haven't been here in ages. Was just watching a movie about fate. I never used to believe in fate. But I just heard the protagonist in the movie say, "I think fate's behind everything."

I wonder...
Maybe it's true.

Here I Am

Get well soon Llama!

Thank you all SO much again. Your uplifting posts mean the world to me. 💚

llama, health huggggggg.

Llama, continuing prayers for your recovery and your family.

Dear Llama. So glad your dd has been able to step up so that dh is looked after. What a turn of events for your family!!! Big challenges. You are a very sensible lady so you will work your way through this. Prayers for all needs to be met. (((((hugs))))

Thank you all. This has been very challenging to say the least. I push myself to get better. With DH unwell, our DD has stepped up.

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