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Needs, there is a show on Netflix, based in New Orleans, called, "Your Honer"


Praying, wenting! 🙏🙏🙏


Thinking and praying for you venting!💓


Prayers and well wishes sent your way.

i’m praying for you!!!

Dear all, I don’t want to explain why. It’s not about my health. Please if you’re willing, pray for me. Thank you.

Alva, thanks!!!!

And for are other conversations, I'm a bit liberal minded for my country farm town. But someone has to to be. 😆

Nacy, Sometimes the sinuses can get all messed up and mixed in with inner ear things as well, causing a kind of vertigo. I am hoping this will pass over the next month.

Took mom out this morning, she is better since the antibiotics for sinus, but still some unsteadiness. A lot more unsteady than she is claiming to be.
It happens, I'm not suprised.

Alva, I just hope things keep moving forward, not backwards!!

@ Nacy

My brother, a gay man, was born in 1935.
The changes he saw in his lifetime were AMAZING to him.
He lived to 2020, and saw so much. He entered the Army as a gay man, and I have to tell you that Gay-dar (taken from radar) was a real thing. A gay man knew a gay man at once unless very closeted. They did just fine on his Oklahoma base. He was truly well accepted, but he was always such a fine man. They called him "the Banker" because he was such a saver that he sent home most of his check to be saved but still could front money to those out of funds near payday (interest free loans).
Coming home he moved into the big city of Chicago, and as a young suited professional he had gay friends a plenty. In that day and age almost all of them had women friends who posed as wives for those who "needed wives" (bankers, lawyers, some other professionals in corporate world).
He came to the Castro of San Francisco when the Castro was the CASTRO. I lived in SF also and we stared down the aids crisis together, he a gay man, me a nurse.

Before he died my brother got to see a gay man run for President without a whole lot of fuss or muss.

The times they are achangin, and like my old Irish nurse always said, they change one coffin at a time. I am 81 and have finally reached the times of it's all too much for me with the whole "how do you wish to identify today". Even my daughter is saying "but it isn't even correct GRAMMAR all the these, thems, and theys.
But there you are, my coffin's popping up any moment now! The world will just keep changing. Of that we can be certain.

There was a really interesting news piece on the news this morning, a very decorated army officer from my area died, wrote his obituary before he passed and came out to everyone that he is gay, so sad this man had to hid it his whole life.

It's very much like another officer I know off, that's never been married never had even a gf and travels alot. It's just sad


We were discussing Celine Dion’s health and how she is dealing with a rare disease. Sorry for not mentioning her by name in each post. Nothing personal or private.

Apologies for my confusion. I feel that I was going to be intruding into a private conversation trying to find out who "She" was.
After scrolling back to yesterday, I now know.

My dH always criticizes that I use too many personal pronouns and he cannot follow the conversation or know who I am referring to, after the first "she said, he said".

It was about celebrities. I guess it was a private conversation.


Because she grew up so poor she didn’t eat very much. Audrey Hepburn was the same way. Audrey was the goodwill ambassador for UNICEF.

They were both incredibly thin.

Needs, I assumed for years she had an eating disorder, then I heard that. The poor women must of been tormented with fear and pain.


She’s an interesting woman.

She grew up extremely poor. She fell in love with her manager at a very young age.

She’s had an incredible career. She has three sons that she is raising.

She started having health issues and had no idea what was going on. No one did. I can’t imagine having a disease that rare.

It tortured her to hide her pain. She felt incredible relief after she stopped hiding that she was suffering.

She remains hopeful and hasn’t lost her sense of humor. She’s an amazing woman.

Needs, I didn't watch it but heard about it. I think it's an autoimmune disease? Which probably came out because of stress care giving. Poor women, has been though so much.

Anyone else watching the Celine Dion interview with Hoda?

She just said that trying a lot of things when you don’t know what is going on can kill you.

Wow! She was taking 90 milligrams of Valium in a day to try to get her muscles to relax so she could sing. She didn’t know that she was taking too much.

I feel so badly for her. No one knew that she was suffering for so long. She hid it. She was taking care of her dying husband. Two days after her husband died, her brother died. Very sad.

This rare neurological disease, Stiff Person Disease that she has only affects one in a million people. That’s crazy, huh? The disease is progressive and doesn’t have a cure.

I am glad that she was finally able to speak out about it. She couldn’t lie anymore.

Just a heads up to all you caregivers. Mom was getting really off balance, for a month. I assumed that I wasn't going to take her out anymore,

A few weeks later she got a noticable sinus infection. A week on antibiotics, her balance is getting noticably better. Hopefully it continues will see, a little early to tell for sure.

So like UTIs we need to watch out for sinuses issues too.

I was in Girl Scouts for many years and we loved rounds:
Make New Friends
White Coral Bells
I Like the Flowers
Ho Young Rider (interesting one, Slavic origin)

And there was the "Canoe Paddle Song" (which has several variations in the lyrics):

My paddle's keen and bright,
Flashing like silver,
Follow the wild goose flight.
Dip, dip and swing.
Dip, dip and swing her back.
Flashing like silver.
Follow the wild goose flight.
Dip, dip and swing.

I was a summer camp kid/employee most of my childhood! Lots of those songs sure bring back some memories!

No I never heard that before, I remember a native American commercial, sitting on a horse with a tear, in front of a dieing lake.

Oh that's interesting, so instead of, what the devil, it's what in Sam Hill

I remember Found a Peanut but I never heard the Titanic song. It is sad and these songs certainly do date us. Pete Seeger was great.

I remember "What in Sam Hill." Looked it up and Sam Hill stands for the devil or h3ll personified.

Does anyone remember "Don't drink the water and don't breathe the air Pollution, pollution" Tom Lehrer

Never heard that one Alva , but kinda catchy

Have you ever heard the term " what in Sam Hill" no clue what that means but mom use to say it

When I was writing my Thesis on the Titanic my friend used to sing me her old camp song, chorus of which:
Oh it was sad, Lord, Sad,
Oh it was sad, Lord, Sad,
It was sad when that great ship when DOWN.....
to the bottom of the................
Husbands and wives
Little children lost their lives...........
It was sad when that great ship went down.

Dating ourselves here.

Found a peanut
Found a peanut
Found a peanut, just now.
Just now I found a peanut
Just now.

Honestly not sure if that's a song or something I made up as a kid

I use to love My Bonnie

And " on top of spaghetti"

Golden you had some good ones there

nacy - Amen! Everyone take care of themselves!!!!

lu - quite a few more. I don't know the Ford one but I can already hear it in my head!

The Bear went over the mountain
Camp Grenada - Hello Muddah Hello Fadduh (after my camping time but great song)
Down by the Riverside
My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
The Happy Wanderer
Peanut Butter (Toot toot)
Dem Bones
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
There’s a Hole in the Bucket
The Hokey Pokey
and more

Lots of fun!!!

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