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My husband and I were shopping for my engagement ring. Suddenly, I heard a recognizable voice behind me saying, “That’s a lovely ring!” I turned around in it was my MIL to be.

She happened to be shopping for a watch at the same time we were shopping for my ring. So, that’s how she found out about our engagement.

She was thrilled and said. “I was so hoping that one day you would become my daughter!”

I was extremely fortunate to have a wonderful mother in law. She had three sons and was thrilled to gain a daughter.

She said that I was the daughter that she always wanted. Unfortunately, we lost her too soon to non Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

She was only 68 when she died. She knew my oldest daughter. She didn’t live to see the youngest one being born.

Omg, they sound like my sons soon to be in-laws .

I'm surprised there are still people out there living like it's early 1900s.
But there is actually a lot!

Willie, most definitely! People expect so much from you these days.

My other daughter in-law told me I should of gotten a second job so I could pay for my SON to have a baby shower. That's a very long story.

If people choose a destination wedding that's great so long as there will be no hurt feelings when the people who are invited choose not to attend - and I'm talking parents, siblings and close friends and family. My Nephew #1 chose Jamaica as his wedding destination with the belief that everybody would enjoy getting a winter holiday in the tropics, not considering that some of us had limited vacation days and budgets that didn't easily stretch.

Two of my nephews had destination weddings in Hawaii. They loved doing a destination wedding.

Couples should do whatever they want. It’s their day!

Nacy ,

I forgot to mention my husband made the mistake of telling his parents he was going to propose. My MIL wanted to pick out my engagement ring.

No way did I want to look at my ring and think of my MIL !!!

Now I realize my engagement ring is also a symbol of the start of setting strong boundaries with her !

Way, Wow, 100 close friends, lol I'm not sure if I have 5 😂. Eloping was definitely you best choice!

I agree, with Alva on this one you should live so many miles from your parents, in many cases that is very true!

An east coast wedding sounds great. I know of someone getting married in Bath Maine, this year


Your son should move somewhere that his future in laws wouldn’t want to go to .

Destination weddings are the best way to keep the guest list down !!! And quell expectations of others.
My son’s was in Las Vegas. Lots of fun .
Only 30 of us.

My mother in law threatened to refuse to come to our wedding because we wouldn’t let her invite 100 of her “ closest friends “. Plus she wanted a say in picking out the venue , the date , colors , flowers, my dress , tuxes , food , cake etc. She acted like it was her day , not ours .

We canceled and eloped . Best thing ever.

I don’t understand why people think they can dictate their children’s weddings . It should be what the couple wants . I give my kids a flat rate monetary donation towards the wedding. If they go over that budget they pay the rest .

I tell my kids , I just hope to be invited .
Just tell me where and when to show up and I’ll happily come without any criticisms, meddling , or requests.

My other child is not married yet . She wants something smallish somewhere on the East coast on the beach . That won’t be a problem for me since I live on the East Coast. I’m glad she doesn’t want it in some country I would not be comfortable going to .

Alva, that's funny. Oh I had a bit of a hard time in New Orleans too. I asked someone what kind of a tree it was, because there was no bark. Anyways I still have no clue. 😂

You lived the best life Alva!

AnxietyNacy, I still remember trips to the UK where I didn't understand a single word of the King's English.
In Brighton we got an order of pasties and the sweet young man said to us:

"A-ow o 8-nnn".

He said it about 10 times, poor thing, before we knew he was asking us whether we wanted to take it out, or were we eating in the restaurant.

Accents were amazing across the country and in Wales, Ireland.

I learned a bit of the language for every country we went to and I can still ask how much it costs in Czech!

They where debating between Ireland and Italy. Italy I wasn't going to go. I get lost enough in America, not going to a country that doesn't speak English. 😂 Now that they decide Ireland, we are considering it

Yeah I can see why it would annoy some people. I new they where planning a destination wedding.

He is a micro biologist, she does computer graphics. Honestly they are living there best life and that's what I want for my kids

Her parents are very helicoptery , trying to put it a nice way. My son wanted a destination wedding so they didn't control anything. He was hoping no one would come. Lol but her parents are going. I'm going to decide on the fall. No pressure at all to feel that I have to go.

They where actually planning to move, and her parents are all excited because they are moving with them . So now not sure if they are moving.

And yes he knows what he is up against, with her family. Lol

Do either of them actually live in Ireland Anxietynacy? Because if this is just some kind of destination wedding I'd be furious 🤷‍♀️

One of my sons and his fiance, set a wedding date. September 2025 in Ireland!

Hmm, I was thinking just the other day that thank goodness the posts about bleeding after a hysterectomy were behind us, but apparently I jinxed it.

My older brother tried to tell me fibromyalgia is not a real deasses. That didn't go over well with me. Lol

Sence then we have learned what we can and can not talk about. Been going pretty good so far. 😆


So interesting huh? The research on fibromyalgia. I have a good friend who suffered with it for quite a while before she got a correct diagnosis.

I also find seizures studies interesting. My friend has a son who has bad seizures and she limits television and computer time due to light stimulation.

It’s fascinating. I certainly don’t understand it. I know that there are different types of seizures.

Mom had seizures and didn’t know when they would occur. She would just black out.

I know a woman who has seizures and she knows when they are happening because she sees auras. Interesting, huh?

One day I went into my hair salon and the wall was crushed in. A woman had a seizure while driving and ran into the salon!

My cousin was in line at a store when a car came crashing through the store window. An older man had a seizure when driving. The customers had to run fast to avoid being hit.

Yay!!!! The Ft Mc emergency alert and evacuation order has been cancelled. They must be feeling pretty confident that the fire 🔥 will be brought under control.

Send - I know you have an interest in fibromyalgia stuff. A respected researcher claims that the core issue is over active immune cells in the brain causing brain inflammation. Hence the need to avoid overstimulation of any kind - light, noise, stress... That and taking supplements which reduce inflammation in the brain really help me. Feeling human again.

Or paper cuts, Willie

Golden , I'm so glad they are getting the fires under control. 2016 must of been horrible, and the anxiety from it all I'm sure comes back when ever you hear about wild fires.

That's really interesting about music and over stimulation flaring up fibromyalgia. Really good to know too. It's all about paying attention to are bodies and listening to are bodies when we have had enough.

cw - hangnails???

Thanks to all for prayers. It continues to rain in Ft Mc. DD and hub have returned home and the general consensus is that the worst is over, The fire has not grown. It is still out of control but many fire guards and protections (large sprinklers) have been set up in the parts of the city closest to the fire. I sincerely hope and pray they get it under control soon.

I remember in 2016 someone set their sprinkler system going and it prevented damage to their house from flying sparks. Our neighbour had some roof damage to their house though we were closer to the fire (about 1/2 a block away).

On another topic, I finally got my new hearing aids and they are great. They are even hooked up to my iPhone so I can answer it through my h aids if it is within a 15' range - very handy!!!

However there is a downside. I listened to music for hours when I first got them and that triggered a fibromyalgia flare up. Too much brain stimulation. So I have to scale back and be careful.

It's a trade off. Listening to music is good for my hearing, but too much (what ever that is) sets off fibro pain. But, no doubt, overall they are an improvement and I am thankful for them.

Sun shining here today and very welcome it is.🌞🌞🌞

Why do they always include 4 cm X 1 cm bandages in multi packs? What are they good for?

Golden ,

Thanks for the encouraging update . Hopefully it continues to improve for our neighbors in Canada.
They have been talking on our news about smoke coming to the northern US .

👍💕 that's awesome to hear

Thanks for asking, nacy. The weather has been good yesterday and today preventing further growth. Another much smaller fire north of the city is under control. It looks like it is staying cooler and somewhat wet till next week which will help the firefighters. Those people evacuated from the parts of the city closest to the fire aren't allowed home yet.

It's not over yet but looking better right now.

How are the fires going , my Canadian friends?

I hope everyone makes it to safety. Rain and favourable winds stop the spread.

Zombie fires also occur in landfills. Decomposition + pressure + methane.

Hopefully drones equipped for thermal imaging will help spots zombies early. But these fires - size and frequency - are absolutely terrifying.

Alva - Zombie fires - oh yeah. There are fires in the far north which have burned in the peat moss underground for years. News says they are still working on a 2023 fire near us. I wouldn't catastrophize it to dooming the woodlands, but they do need to be reckoned with. They have been around a long time. Current climate change doesn't work to reduce them.

nacy - thank you. The evac caused a lot of trauma for those who experienced it. Many had PTSD. I prob had a little as I have never been comfortable in fire season there since. I am so glad to be out of it and will be relieved when my dd is as I know she feels it. My middle son is very logical and handles things differently. I know he will act sensibly. He's one that falls on his feet. They called it the "Beast" with good reason. Any large fire out of control is a beast.

The fire is inching closer to the road - the only egress to the south. Hopefully the winds today will drive it back. They have finally brought out heavy equipment to build fire guards between the fire and the city.

Golden, I was actually just reading an article on CNN, they talked about how it's like a war zone , and the anxiety of living through this again after "the beast" in 2016 . So the news made a lier outta me. Lol

But it sounds utterly horrible for all of you. I'm so sorry

I heard the most bizarre thing about these fires today.
My partner, N., was asking why so many and after the last awful season as well, and on researching he found that many of the fires are called ZOMBIE fires because they actually lived deep in stumps through the winter rain and snow and now are rekindling themselves?
Can this be TRUE? My god, if she, seems we are doomed in the woodlands. They say the winters weren't cold and wet and snow-heavy enough to ill the fire completely.

You would know if you have heard such a thing for your fires?

Thanks, nacy.

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