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Lord, I proofread and somehow my stupid autocorrect plays tricks on me. I swear it is hexed! LOL 😝

I hope that you know that I typed mediate and not meditate. My autocorrect is DUMB!!! Why in the world would it be changed to meditate? LOL 😝


Natural disasters are always a concern for many of us. It seems like every area has there issues. Ours is hurricanes, flooding and occasional tornadoes.

Wildfires are very frightening. Sending prayers for people in your area to be safe. I agree with evacuation when it becomes necessary.

I'm sorry for the fam dram, cw. It does seem to come out during illness and after someone passes. B@tsh%t crazy usually makes for trouble.

On my mind here, the Ft Mc wildfire grew from about 6500 hectares to over 9500 hectares yesterday. The winds are pushing it towards the city and they are expecting a difficult fire fighting day today. Not a good scenario. I wouldn't like to see the people of Ft Mc go through another evac.

cw and Alva,

It certainly is interesting that troubling times will either bring a family closer together or it will tear them apart. It depends on the dynamics of the particular family.

I always think in any loss it is easier for people to bicker than to face the grief. I am so sorry for the peacemakers who get caught in the fray because in trying to keep everyone happy they make no one happy and themselves often the target. Ask the police who answer domestic calls. cwillie, so sorry for the family drama. It's always so very tough to watch.


Sorry that your sister is caught in the crossfire. Sometimes, the people who try to meditate are often attacked.

Hoping that things ease up soon for your sister.

The drama surrounding my sister's MIL's death is ramping up to a fever pitch, true to her nature sis has been busy trying to mediate and act as peacekeeper and getting caught in the crossfire (and it doesn't help that BIL is co-executor). Maybe it was easier for us because bro was already gone and sister was mostly a passive follower. Or maybe it was more to with with the fact my family wasn't bat shit crazy.

nacy - Wow. Your dad was talented!

Thankful today the smoke is less - still here but not at dangerous levels.

Mom gave me one of my dad's violins yesterday, he made about ten of them. I took the prettier one that had a missing part, sence I don't play. Id like to get a plaque or something on it , that says made by .......

Happy Mother's Day! DH and I went out to dinner with DD, SIL and his mother yesterday at a fine Italian restaurant. Still very crowded, but DD knew a server there. Very nice night.


I agree with you. We always have to honor our feelings.

It‘a normal for certain thoughts to enter our minds from time to time. I’m like you are. I don’t dwell on past hurt.

Dealing with mental illness isn’t something that can be fixed easily if at all.

It will be wonderful having your daughter live close by. Is this your daughter that had breast cancer? How is she doing these days?

Thank you for understanding, nacy.

That was so touching to read golden. Explaining your story but not in a poor me way. You have been though so much, just being who you are is inspiring

For me it's not a matter of negativity or a handful of unhappy memories, I am not a negative person, nor do I dwell on unhappy memories. It was a lifetime of abuse. To deny that to myself would not be healthy, IMO. I don't have many (if any) happy memories of my mother. I accepted that I wasn't going to years and years ago. Despite her mental illness, I did learn some things from her that I am grateful for. I do have happy memories from my father.

On days like Mother's Day, sometimes (not always by any means) I wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn't had a mentally ill, abusive mother. However, I also remember the things I learned from her and am thankful - so mixed feelings. I am grateful for my kids, but still am sad that I lost my youngest aged 23. So it is not a happy. happy day for me - again mixed feelings. And that's OK! I know there are others here who have been through or are going through the same thing.

Today is a quiet day for me, and the first Mother's Day not spent in the family home of over 40 years. It is a time for reflection. Had I been there, my dd and I would have taken each other out for a meal. I have good memories of many meals out together. I am happy to have a quiet day, happy to have time to reflect and things to reflect on. I remember gorgeous cards my youngest son sent me, walks in the quiet woods with my middle son and our bird-chasing spaniel, lunches and great conversations with my oldest son, my dgds birthday where I batted balloons at the kids, my dgd's birthdays where I always wore the same dress but changed my earrings and more... I have that dress on today. I look forward to my dd and hub moving down here so we can do celebratory family meals again.

So for all those having a hard time, mixed feelings today for whatever reason, it's OK. ((((((hugs)))) to you

I also try to focus on the happy memories. Which is easier when your head is in a good place.

Negative feeds more negativity, and not easy to get your head outta that place sometimes

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful women on this site who are in the trenches taking care of others. Hope you have a wonderful day.


All holidays can have mixed feelings. It certainly depends on what our circumstances are. Some people may not have many happy memories, which is sad.

The older I get, I find that I gravitate towards happy memories, rather than focusing on the difficult ones.

I don’t want to retain unpleasant memories or feelings for long because it’s depressing.

Any hard times are over and I don’t allow them to impact or overshadow the good memories.

Some may feel that there can be too much pressure or importance placed around the holidays.

We should honor our feelings, the good and bad and then move on with our own lives.

If someone has a difficult mom, they shouldn’t celebrate Mother’s Day in a traditional way.

My father’s family didn’t place a lot of importance on holidays when he was growing up because he was so poor. They were lucky to get an orange as their Christmas present.

Mom’s family weren’t rich but they always celebrated holidays with big family gatherings. I loved going to my maternal grandparents house for the holidays. Dad’s parents died before I was born.


Aunts, grandmothers and godmothers too! I agree. I had wonderful aunts and a very special grandmother. My godmother was a mixed bag! Sometimes nice and sometimes very odd!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's out there!
And a
Happy Mother's Day to all the Aunts who don't think they are included in this commercial, expensive hallmark celebration!

Being fooled into thinking that Mother's Day means others should be gifting you, should be acknowledging you, serving you, and thanking you is just bass ackwards imo. As a Mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, I am going to do what mothers do everyday.

Happy Mother's Day a n y w a y you do it!

Hugs back Golden!

Happy Mother's Day and a special hug to those with difficult mothers. 🌹🌹🌹

This day brings mixed feelings for us.

Mothers Day. Bah, humbug.

My nieces, nephews and my daughters’ friends have been calling me and texting me Happy Mother’s Day this morning. They are so sweet. It’s interesting how we become like a second mom to others.

I am thinking of my mom today. Many of my childhood friends were so close to my mom that they called her mom too.

My mother in law was certainly like a second mom to me. She didn’t have any daughters and always referred to me as her daughter.

Yeah I'm not big into frying either, but would love to try your jambalaya recipe if you could send it to me, when you get a chance.


Glad that you had a good time. My mom and grandma made incredible fried chicken. I cook jambalaya but I have never really been much of a fryer.

Oh yes, we have great food. I walk a lot too.

Yes beignets, soooo good!! Yeah that's where we stopped.

Willies chicken shack, I think is the name of it. Omg never in my life tasted fried chicken like that! Id go back just for them 2 things. Oh and the jambalaya!!

I must of gained 5 lbs, but probably walked it off too, do to getting lost all the time. 😆

Brocato’s doesn’t have donuts. They are an Italian bakery. I love their cannolis and tiramisu. My husband loves the Italian cookies. My girls love everything they have! It’s all delicious!

You are thinking about Cafe du Monde. They have beignets, which are square donuts with lots of powdered sugar on top. Yes, they are delicious. Cafe du Monde does have a coffee shop in the park. We go there too.

Brocato’s is in Mid-City on Carrollton Ave. It’s our daughters’ favorite bakery.

Happy Mothers day to All.

And to those who lost a mother, celebrate her love

Needs, I think I went there on a tour bus. Stopped and got , the sugary donuts , I can't remember the name. But omg delicious 😋. I woke up during the night and ate another one. The trees where amazing

So sorry for your loss shemsh 🙂‍↕️


I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet mother. You cared for her for a very long time. You will think of her often. She will live in your heart forever.

Wishing you peace as you mourn your loss.

Happy Mother’s Day to all mom’s out there!

Celebrated with my husband and our girls yesterday. I prefer going out the day before Mother’s Day because it’s always super crowded on Mother’s Day.

We went to City Park. First to an art fair, then to the Botanical Gardens.

Our City Park is 100 acres. The massive large oak trees are so beautiful. They are my favorite of all the trees in our area.

The park was originally, Allard Plantation. It became a public park in the 1800’s. In the 1930s the WPA received a large grant to develop the park.

I loved riding on the carousel as a kid. It was mule driven in the 1800’s, then became mechanically upgraded in the early 1900s.

My grandparents took my mom on the same carousel that my parents took me on as a kid. Then I took our kids on as children.

We went to lunch, Then we went to Brocato’s for gelato.

Ended up going to our daughter’s house to see our grandpup. He’s our only grandchild and such a cutie! It was a nice day.

Wishing all of you have a lovely day today.

Smeshque: Deepest condolences.

Smeshque, I am so sorry for your loss. I am also so very sorry that you are feeling so devastated by this loss. The Lord will comfort you.

May The Lord God Almighty move in your heart and give you grieving mercies, strength, guidance and peace during this new season in your life.

It is still early days and you two were close, what you are feeling is quite normal. Be gentle and kind with yourself as you find your new footing.

Great big warm hugs!

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