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I hope R will be OK.
It happened to my husband yesterday as well.
Called dr, told him first appointment available May 6.
Trouble breathing, coughing and so on.
I called and right away there was appointment available after I explained there was no way my husband can sit in emergency for 10 hours. Bronchitis, all night coughing, wheezing.
The state of modern medicine indeed.

Golden, yeah modern medicine is great. I guess we all need to schedule are sicknesses and plan better around the doctors schedule. 😖. Hope R is ok. Keep us posted

Sends, I was wondering about that, if I colored my hair gray, will I still be coloring every 3 months. Good to know. 👍

Thanks needs, 😀 ! Oh I didn't see the aquarium, great idea. Love aquariums. Went to the one in Gatlinburg TN last year on are road trip stop. It was really fun 🤩

The state of modern medicine -

R came back from the farm yesterday, his "cold" having got worse. He called for an appointment with his doctor.

R: Hello -I need an appointment.

Nurse: May 9th

R: I think I have pneumonia.

Nurse: Tomorrow morning 9:30, 10, 10:30...

Send: Good tips!

Blonde Hair...
It was so much better being blonde!
It seems a new fad for quite some time now to embrace gray-and color for it.

But if you don't keep it up, gray coloring looks just as bad as letting your blonde go.

I would rather be a blonde.

Maybe we've been brainwashed to believe in the gray ?
I need to think this through.

Don't forget to keep yourself up, no matter the color of your hair.
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

Now, caregivers and past caregivers, go get your Spring into summer outfits, and stop bragging about how slovenly you can dress down. Dress up, to cheer yourself up, imo.


Our WW11 museum is phenomenal. If you can see it, please do.

Oh gosh, we are known for our jazz music. So many wonderful musicians here.

Not sure who is playing for the dates that you are going to be in Nola.

I will check a few listings to see who is playing, especially at Snug Harbor.

Snug Harbor is in the Marigny neighborhood which is next door to the quarter. You’ll be very close to all of the clubs on Frenchmen St.

Preservation Jazz is in the quarter and it’s a great place to go as well.

Start streaming

That’s our jazz and heritage radio station. You can see the music line up on their website.

Most of the DJ’s are musicians and they play a huge repertoire of music.

Our aquarium is nice too, if you’re looking to escape the heat!


I haven’t tried using my husband’s grandma’s washboard. I have it hanging on the wall as a memento.

Good to know that it is functional for grass stains and socks!

🎶Sun In plus sunlight, and you'll be blonder tonight🎶..... I used that stuff too NHWM.
And I not only have my grandmother's washboard, I used it too (it's great for grass stains on knees and scrubbing white socks).

Needs, Oh joy, lol we may end up at the WW11 museum to get a break from the heat.

I need to brush up on my jazz music, any suggestions


Oh, it’s going to be hot, so bring sunscreen! We were talking to a couple of women from Michigan at the fest and they were dying in our heat!

We’re doing the second weekend this year for jazz festival. Always very hot! They do put the mister fans in the jazz tent which helps some.

My daughter is doing the first weekend, so we will be on dog sitting duty while she is at the fest.

3 weeks today and I'll be there! Definitely bringing the sun screen. I'm not a fan of heat and humidity. So hoping it's not to awful hot yet

Way and cw,

My mom and grandma hung clothes on the line for years before getting a dryer.

I have an old washboard that my husband’s grandmother had.

Went to French Quarter festival all day yesterday.

Looked at my phone afterwards at my friend’s house. Geeeeeeez, we walked over 12,000 steps!

Trying to be consistent with using sunscreen since my dermatologist has removed a precancerous spot recently. Wore a hat as well.

When I mentioned how foolish we used to be not wearing sunscreen, my dermatologist said that she wasn’t much smarter when she was younger because she tanning beds.

I was never interested in doing a tanning bed.

My daughters will get a spray tan occasionally. I have never done that either.

I remember putting lemon in our hair as teenagers before going into the sun. Or using sun in spray and it turned our hair orange! Hahaha…

Sun 🌞 is out!!! 😁

When I was young we had one of those free standing clothes lines. It was a metal pole in the ground supporting a square that had multiple lines stretched across the square frame.

When we were kids we had a swing set and would swing up high on the swings and try to touch the corner of the frame with our foot . My older siblings could do it . I never got to touch it with my foot while swinging , we got a clothes dryer and my Mom had Dad take down the apparatus , before I got tall enough to reach .

We usually put the wash out on the line in winter even though we had a dryer, I think things would mostly freeze dry.... when I was little we had a wringer washer too. Our outhouse was decommissioned though and was repurposed as the dog house LOL.

😌, thanks golden! Love your memories

Still using my corner tub and love it. I never have taken to showers but I know the time will likely come when there is no alternative. Meanwhile, i enjoy my rose scented bubbles and bath salts. 🌹 🛁

On my mind today is the egg lady from my childhood. She had such a kind face and way about her. Which was in great contrast to my mother. Amazing how that little bit of contact made a difference to me.

She delivered eggs and sometimes brought us a loaf of homemade bread. Oh, it was good!!! The milkman, who drove a horse and cart, delivered bottles of milk with cream on top. In the winter the horse "droppings" froze and we used them for pucks playing street hockey in the back lane.

And the smell of the laundry in the winter...

"There was a time when laundry would go out on the clothes-line in the middle of winter even during snow. It would later come into the house "stiff as a board". The clothes were laid over chairs, drying racks and railings and the most refreshing clean air scent would fill the house as the pieces dried. 🧺"
From Tignish Talk

A black shower bench? I never knew they come in anything but white🤔

Barb: That's great! They're really helpful.

I recently bought a lovely black rubber shower bench from Amazon before DH came home from the hospital. It's been a lifesaver!

The other week I thought of a cheaper idea for a walk-in shower. We already have a shower off our master bedroom so I just bought a stand alone shower seat. And done! I don't need anything elaborate.

Wonderful news, cw!

cw: Good to hear!


Happy to hear everything went well.

Yay! Finally got around to looking at the music schedule for Jazz Fest and bought tickets online just now. Ahead of the game this year!

Glad to know everything went well, cwillie. Was watching for your update! Glad it's over.

Hi, I'm home again! I was a little worried the prep wasn't as thorough as it should be because nausea kept me from drinking but everything went well, they said they removed a small polyp and will schedule me for a repeat performance in 2 years.

Oh that's a good one house flower,. 🤪 😁

He is exhausting me today! I think we all are in need or some better weather here, we will get it but it's taking to long!

Anxietynacy, I also have a husband who can just ramble away. Just keeps going and going. Now that we spend all our time together it can be a lot.

His gift of gab comes in handy right now. He comes with me to the NH everyday when I visit my parents. After my cursory hellos and listening abiut their latest issues I turn him loose to talk to them and he talks and doesn’t stop, just keeps going, it’s just a steady stream of small things. . He can make small talk so incredibly small. He keeps the conversation going with them. It’s truly a talent. 😂

My parents seem to enjoy his visits, probably more than mine.

On my mind...

I'm not a big small talker, I get it older people that's what they do. I will have coffee with my husband 72 somedays it goes into rambling about nothing, he could do that for hours, in the winter, who is related to who? ECT ........

Then I go to moms, and I let her ramble for ever

Then I come home and my autistic like step son is leaving for work and he will stop and start his small talk.

Then he goes to work and I'm back to my husbands small talk.

I've learned how to walk away. Today my husband was rambling and I was putting my shoes on. I told him I'm taking a walk but if he wants to keep chatting up a storm you can come with me. Lol

But it's really exhausting somedays

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