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Need, I’m relieved for you both. Hope the news stays good.

My husband got his lab results back today. He had his follow up appointment (prostate cancer.)

There was a slight increase in numbers but they were within normal range. They will continue to monitor.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I appreciate it.


I am so sorry. She looks like she was a sweetheart! Our beloved pets become part of our family.

Thank you Need. Sadly, she wore the bandana to cover an ugly incision. She was very old, already diagnosed with cancers when surrendered, and an emotional wreck. We only had a year together. She was special to me.


Your dog is beautiful!


Feel better soon! 💐 🥣. Sending flowers and soup!

pamz: Hope that you feel better soon.💚


Oooooh, sounds great 👍! You’re going to have to freeze some if they take off, or share with others like my dad did.

I love all kinds of peppers.

I grow sweet bell peppers from saved seeds, I'm hoping I'll have a few orange ones but since I didn't sort them when I collected them I'll have to wait and see.


The Yankees were my grandfather’s favorite baseball team. Mom’s brother moved to the East Coast after WW11. When grandma and grandpa visited him, my uncle took Grandpa to a Yankees game. Grandpa was on cloud nine watching them play.

We have a football team but no baseball team. I love baseball because I used to watch it all the time with my grandfather. My younger brother played baseball. So did my godchild. I love watching kids play baseball.

My girls played volleyball. Tons of kids love playing soccer. I know nothing about soccer!


What kind of peppers do you grow?

My daddy grew green peppers in large pots. He gave plenty of them to all of the family and neighbors.

We season our food here with the ‘holy trinity,’ green peppers, onions and celery.

My grandfather was a wonderful gardener.

" According to your profile, you're an "at home" mom which I assume to mean you don't work and your husband provides for you and the family. " I am laughing so hard at this,, someone has never been a "stay at home" mom and actually NOT worked, and often harder than the "go to work" Dad.. really BC I expected more political correctness/ wokeness from you, who are a female business owner. Sorry to be possibly snarky, I am not feeling great and things on this site seem to be getting more and more fraught lately, and its getting to me..

Anxiety, Former Bronx girl here, we say how about those Yankees. My sister is the outlier Mets fan which is sacrilegious if you live in the Bronx. 😁

I'm not a sports follower so I have no idea about the Mets.

What's on my mind is this return of winter. ❄❄❄ Don't like it!!!

Cross posted, cw. I want to see the snow gone too. Hope your seedlings do well.

Beautiful sunny morning here so hopefully we'll soon be rid of the snow that fell over the last few days. This is good because my tomato and pepper seedling are up and a sunny window will make them happy 🌱🌞

How are those Mets doing? ( that's a nice way to change a subject in my neck of the woods)


Mankind has been eating and farming for a very long time without beavers, coyotes, and other wildlife becoming extinct. As for food sprouting from concrete, well it's true that it doesn't.

That being said, former in-laws live in a three-family apartment style house in a city with a backyard the size of a postage stamp. Yet, they grew so much produce in that small space that they were able to give it away and also do canning. They bought very little produce.
You forget I'm Greek and Italian and we grow produce no matter where we're living so your farmer argument is kind of weak.

Let me ask you something. According to your profile, you're an "at home" mom which I assume to mean you don't work and your husband provides for you and the family. Does your husband make the family's living growing crops or raising livestock? Is he a farmer?

Or do you have hobby farm? Making a living off the land and playing at it are two very different things.

Making a living at it and doing it for fun are two very different things.


That may happen. Coyotes prey upon small animals.

Need, coyotes are smart and adaptable, which makes them a “problem”. We’re cautious and conscientious, coexisting well. Truth is, I’m cheering for coyotes to solve our beaver trouble.


There are challenges for those who live close to wildlife. I feel for you.

Farmers are always dealing with challenging issues.

We are all part of the circle of life, yet it can be difficult to live harmoniously.

There are problems in the city with wildlife too.

Coyotes will eat small dogs if owners don’t supervise their pets. Alligators will end up in swimming pools when there is severe flooding.

Burnt, you know what? Until food sprouts through the concrete of cities, farmers (and others who service the rural community) will continue to live and work in rural areas. Beavers plug culverts and waterways, flood fields, roads and houses, fell trees that knock out power, block roads and fall on buildings and vehicles, plus contaminate water with Giardia Lamblia, so residents must boil their water. While beaver behaviour is often beneficial, there are circumstances under which they become an expensive nightmare. Much like a rodent or insect infestation in one’s home or business.


It is true that we have invaded wildlife’s territory. The animals have to have a place to live.

It’s amazing how wolves are traveling along highways now.

Bears are ending up in people’s yards, so are alligators and coyotes.

I have lived next to this lake since 1986. There were never any sightings by people or reports of beavers by our DNR. It's a very popular busy recreational lake. After that beaver couple got done in, I've not seen or heard about any others. I'd hear all about it on Nextdoor if there were any. People would be cranking about their trees getting chomped.


You know what? The beavers were there before man was. They live and build in water.

So pretty much man gets the choice to live in his cities with concete under his feet not grass, or he learns how to share the habitat with the wildlife who was there long before man was.


That’s wild! Now I see why you call beavers evil.

Wow, that's crazy , I had no clue there so cute, but your right people don't respect wild animals enough.

ten inches of snow, 2 hours of freezing rain, now more snow. We had a fall snow storm, now a spring storm. Wondering what summer will bring

We personally knew a woman who was training to try out for the Olympic swim team. She was at a cabin on a remote lake and went for a training swim. An otter attacked her in the water because they are territorial and aggressive. Bit her 80 times up and down her leg and disabled her. Very sharp teeth. Strong critters. Like aquatic honey badgers. Racoons also suck.

Yeah, too many people can't seem to understand that wildlife is wild and does wild things, the stories I've seen of idiots feeding predators or trying to pet baby animals and generally getting too close so they can take a selfie are insane.

I live across the street from a large, popular suburban lake here in metro MN. A few years ago we had some beavers show up in our bay -- prior to this there was never beavers in the lake or even near it. Not sure where they came from. They are way bigger and meaner than people think. They did tons of damage to trees. But they are slow and one got hit by a car and killed. The other... rumor has it that someone shot it. Now we are being invaded by otters. Also very mean and very aggressive...not cute.

Oh... if in winter it would just snow gentle, feathery flakes (from midnight to 5 a.m. preferred) and then there would be bright, sunny days with temperatures hovering around the freezing mark we'd all love winter.

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