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Oops , I meant Chester A. Arthur’s mother being a second or third cousin to my great great grandfather . So I guess there is some blood relation there .

I have a copy of family genealogy. I looked . Chester A. Arthur’s mother’s grandfather ( on her mother’s side ) was my ancestor that stowed away on the ship . He and his brother that came with him to America fought in the Continental Army during the American Revolution .
My grandfather had the same last name as the men who stowed away on the ship . So he was a direct descendant .

I should clarify that my ancestors were related to Chester A. Arthur by marriage not blood . I’m not 100 % sure how . Something about his wife being second or third cousins to my ancestors .


I find it fascinating to read about our ancestors. That’s a fun story about your ancestors. I hope you have passed it along to your children! I bet they would get a kick out of hearing it.

I have an interesting story of how my grandfather’s ancestors came to America from England . I was told that the ancestor was “ dating “ out of his class. He had been sneaking around with the daughter of a Lord , ( or some title like that ). He was a carpenter and met her while doing work at her family’s home . My ancestor was a lower class and not permitted to date this young woman. Well, the father of the young woman went to King George III about it to have my ancestor caught and serve time in prison , possibly executed .

My ancestor found out that he was “ wanted”. So he and his brother stowed away on a ship to America sometime in the late 1700’s.

Anxiety ,

My ancestors were related to one of the “ so called useless “ Presidents. Chester A. Arthur . Haha.

I've never studied mine, roomer in my family is, my x is related to John Gotti, he was definitely at my xs grandfathers funeral. It was rather creepy. He walked in complete silence, stood in the back with his mob guys, and left right after it was over. we looked it up and couldn't find him as a relative at all, so my guess is grandpa was more of a mob brother. Lol

I'm related to the 3rd founder of Christian Science, an uncle, we had the scientology book, on the book shelf and I wasn't allowed to touch it but it was there.

Anyone else have not so proud relatives, they discovered

Just a little twist on the ancestry subject

Thanks, River

Irish culture is interesting. It’s fun to study our ancestral heritage and history.

Need,Lovely message. It is so nice to see celebratory messages of that day that is not all about too much drinking.

I would love to have massage every day!
Was in Mexico and managed few, not as cheap as it used to be, few years ago you could go for $20-30 per hour.
Now about $60.00.

I could use a massage . I scrubbed the shower today. Oh those shower door tracks . 🙄🥺Hate them . I have hard water .


My daughter swears by massages too. She was injured in a terrible automobile accident years ago. She has neck and back pain and massages help her.


Enjoy your massage!


OMG, you will love it! Message is AWESOME!! You will feel great.

My daughter swears by massages .
I don’t think I would be able to relax .
I would rather try a facial ( which I’ve never done either).

Leaving soon for my first massage. Little stressed, never had one before. My husband bought me 2 massage for xmass. So I'm gonna try it😜

Happy St. Patrick’s Day ☘️!

I have Irish ancestry on my dad’s side of the family.

Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind always be at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

How about a quote from Oscar Wilde? One of my favorite Irish people.

I am not young enough to know everything.

Been watching Teepa Snow on YouTube, first of all thank you, she is amazing.

What really hit home for me is what she rythum, and why people with dementia can still do small talk.

I think that is the one thing that really confused me, and kept me in denial, was how can someone with dementia still chit chat, as she put it.

Really amazed me , and will definitely be watching more

I tried to do it all. Ultimately I chose to mother my 3 children, which infuriated my elderly mother. I am happy with my decision.

Blickbob, God bless your FB friend for his selflessness. I however am not qualified to run a nursing home for two 95 yo people out of their home. It’s just not possible and I don’t make a very good martyr.

I’m writing this sitting across from my parents at the NH, just because they are here does not mean they have been abandoned. Please pass that on to your pal.

Consider referring your FB friend to our site?
Would be an education, don't you think?
And you KNOW how I love to argue!!

So, I have this FB friend who made a post. It's a picture of someone holding the hands of an older individual. He had the following as a caption:

"I'm sorry, but I get triggered when I see good parents grow old and then left alone by the children that they raised. It is disturbing, disappointing, and a bad example set for the younger ones to see. Check on your people, love them, pray for them, go to their place and make sure that they are good. They raised you, do not leave them alone because a job demands it or a nonsensical religious belief says so. Christ doesn't want that, I assure you. Do better before it's too late. We have a limited amount of time with our loved ones, make as many memories as you can!"

He's two years older than me and I don't think he's seen or heard about caregiving cases like mine and cases from others on here. This isn't the case with everyone, but not all the parents were good to their kids. Not all the kids are actually capable or able to tend to them 24/7. Some of the aging parents actually belong in a nursing home.

God may not want us to abandon our parents altogether. He doesn't want one or both parents to enslave their kids either and kick them around. One woman commented and said she wouldn't trade the 3 years she spent tending to her mother who was battling cancer for anything. I'd give anything to have the first decade plus of my adult life back that was lost to caregiving. I wish this was all one bad dream and I'd wake up and see my mom fully mobile, my dad alive, and see myself with my own family and a job.

As someone noted in an old forum a few years back, there'd be a lot less responses if someone asked how many people love caregiving.

So sweet, Congratulations!

Thank you everyone, my nephew has always wanted to be a daddy. She won't sleep without being held so already has him wrapped around her tiny little fingers.

CW, congratulations! 🎉

Congratulations to the Great Auntie!

That's just great news!

cw - that's great! Happy for you.


That’s wonderful!

Happy news for you ! Enjoy ! I hope you live close enough to play with the baby .

cw: Congratulations!💙

Nice 🙂

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