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Yes, Covid is indeed real and I had it very bad a few years ago. Had it two times since but was not symptomatic. Had both shots but no boosters. I'm not doing that.

I watched that program 'Mommy Dead and Dearest' on Max, That is some sick business. The mother had it coming though. Mental illness or not you can only abuse a person so far before they take action.


I honestly don’t know if my nephew tested to be considerate of his coworkers all on his own , or if it’s still a job requirement for him to test if he knows he’s been exposed . I know that at one point that was a requirement from the FAA. ( Not that every employee would be honest if they knew they were exposed ) .


Sadly, you’re right. I hate to say it but I know a few ignorant people who still don’t believe Covid is real! I shake my head and walk away. I am not dumb enough to argue with completely stupid people!

Some people would say it's stupid he can't go to work, and infecting everyone else is no problem because they should suck it up and work sick too.


I agree. This situation was totally preventable. It’s a shame that he has to miss work now.

Unfortunately, some people don’t take these things as seriously as they should. They have a relaxed attitude about it.

Ha!! Case in point . I just heard a story from my son today about my nephew . My nephew, his wife and 2 kids went to his parent’s house for Christmas ( my brother’s house ). My brother and his wife were already sick and didn’t say anything . They called my nephew yesterday to say they have been ill since the day before their visit and they got worse so they ( finally ) tested and have tested positive . My nephew so far has no symptoms but he tested yesterday , positive as well . Now my nephew can’t go to work . He’s an air traffic controller in the busy Washington DC area and can’t get the others in the tower sick . And it’s the busy holiday travel season.
My nephew’s wife is really angry about it , she would not have gone and brought the two little ones to see these sick grandparents . My brother and his wife should have been up front about feeling ill and let my nephew and his family decide if they wanted to take the risk , or if they preferred to postpone .


Kids are germ magnets! Older people don’t wish to be exposed to their germs.

It’s interesting that you bring up sharing food or drinks with other people. My dad never shared food or drinks with anyone. I always felt that he was fanatical about this when I was a kid.

When I got older, I completely understood why my dad felt the way he did.

Germs are spread by eating or drinking after each other. Kids don’t think about these things. I remember sharing food with my friends all the time.

I also remember my mom telling me not to share hairbrushes with my friends. Kids get lice. I thought that was dumb too as a kid. 😆 We don’t have the maturity to understand these things when we are young.

We can’t possibly protect our children from everything though. My girls got lice from gymnastics mats. They are all rolling around on the same mats during their classes.

The one thing that I have never done though is share a toothbrush with anyone else. That is totally gross 🤮 to me!

We got together even though one nephew and his housemate had been ill, but they let all of us know beforehand and let everyone decide whether or not they were willing to risk being exposed to whatever it was. Frankly I get pi$$ed when our family with small kids tells us after we're already in the same place that the kids have x, y or z - I get it that kids (especially those in daycare) are germ magnets and perpetually sick but I don't want any of that, and if I do choose to be with them anyway I wouldn't have accepted a hug and kiss or shared a bite of that treat, KWIM?


I feel the same way. If a person is sick they should remain home so they won’t spread their disease onto others. It’s selfish and inconsiderate of them not to be concerned about how ‘their wants’ affects others lives.

I would like to add a thought to Geaton’s post . IMO “living normally “ should include being considerate of others and staying home when ill, whether it be Covid , Flu, RSV, respiratory symptoms especially with a fever , stomach bugs etc .

I also assume that many with mild symptoms are not testing at all because they “want to live normal “ , they just go out and about spreading illness. I know people first hand who have told me , “ I’m not testing because I don’t want to know , I don’t want to stay home “ . If people did not go out with Covid , Flu , stomach bugs etc , less disease would be spreading .

It’s common sense and consideration that some people ignore. FYI , I had these thoughts many years prior to Covid , when my family would bring their kids to my house on holidays with fevers .

I for one would get annoyed when a coworker came in sick to work , causing others to get sick and have to burn sick days. Some people need their sick days for doctor appts for chronic medical problems or a procedure etc .

Many of my family members got covid recently, including my husband and myself. We chose to not be boosted after getting the original 2-shot Pfizer vaccine a few years ago. My 94-yr old Mom (also not boosted) got it, too, and had a milder case than my husband who is 67 and still plays hockey 3 mornings a week and has no other health issues.

Just putting this out there for people who are very worried about their seniors getting the current covid: it is more contagious but far less deadly. It's been making the rounds in our local NHs but no one has passed or even required hospitalization. My husband and I took Paxlovid to lessen and shorten the symptoms but who knows if it worked. My Mom refused the Paxlovid. She had it milder than even me. We all took the home test so I know it was covid. My 30-something next door neighbor who has Crohn's is vaxxed and boosted and he and his entire family still got covid. At this point people should just be throwing their hands up and saying "I give up" on trying to "do the right thing" and figuring out stoopid covid. Just go out and live your life normally.

So, I watched the documentary Mommy Dead and Dearest on Max.

My gosh, Munchausen by proxy is such a bizarre mental illness!

I can’t imagine the hell her daughter experienced growing up in that house.

Has anyone watched the documentary, Mommy Dead and Dearest? It’s streaming on MAX. I haven’t seen it. I am going to watch it to become familiar with her story.

Just read that the woman who was sent to prison for killing her mentally ill mother is being released. She and her boyfriend killed the mom.

I haven’t followed her story. Apparently, Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s mom suffered with Munchausen by proxy and her daughter killed her. The daughter was horribly abused as a child.

Some people shouldn’t have children!

It makes me wonder how many people are mentally ill and they slip through the cracks without being diagnosed. Very sad and disturbing at the same time.

Thanks for the update SP. Thinking of you and of your sis as well.

Nothing new Alva. My parents are out of town until tomorrow and they tried to call her many times on the phone before they left on the 24th.

This was after she told them she didn't mean to cut off contact but she had to revoke access so her exboyfriends wouldnt find her.

But she didn't put my parents on the contact sheet for the doctors and nurse to give information at that time which isn't unusal for her to do because she lives with keeping secrets and doing things like this.

All my parents know is she was moved from ICU to critical care and then a basic room that was on the 21st. She did tell them she has blood pooling behind her eyes from the leukemia which should resolve with treatment hopefully and she cannot see anything clear even with her glasses on.

After that phone call with her they have been unable to reach her since and all the nurses would do is transfer the call to her room but she never picked up even though they called a few times each day and in the early evening.

SP. any updates at all on your Sis?

Hi Ali, my sister thought she had the flu and it turned out to be leukemia. Apparently it can mimic flu symptoms. Not trying to scare you but I didn't realize how common it is for someone to think they have the flu and a blood test revealed leukemia.

Sp, I didn't read what happened to your sis, but it doesn't sound good. What do the blood tests help detect? Thanks for the input.

Based on what happened to my sister I recommend anyone who has ongoing flu like symptoms to ask for a blood test when they go to the doctor.

Techie, I've shipped luggage before. At the time, it was easier and cheaper than adding another bag to the airline's cost. One has only so many hands to schlep all the stuffs through airports, security, etc.

I'm a chronic over-packer, but still better at it than some others I know who take *everything.* It always helps if you PLAN ahead, plan a color theme for clothes, and then take pieces that rotate to different events well. Does that make sense? I think I have a good strategy, but there's no substitute for planning ahead so that packing doesn't become a last-minute freak-out.


Hey all, you were On My Mind during Christmas time. I hope all who celebrated the holiday had a nice time.

Half of my family is acutely sick. My aunt was present at a get-together on the 23rd, then went to the ER the next day and was diagnosed with covid. Now my SIL and niece have it. I go to SIL's mom's on Christmas Day for several years now. I've known their family since I was a teen. Of course, my infected SIL was there, too, and now her mom and aunties have covid. SIL told her mom about the exposure, and the mom insisted they still come. I understand why. Her mom looks forward to having her extended family in her home once a year all together. But in hindsight, maybe this was the year to skip it, wear face masks, or *something.*

SIL's brother had to skip the get-together because he was so sick with pneumonia. It has been a heck of a year for all my coworkers getting sick... just seems like everyone is sick or has been.

I seem to have had a range of different probably-covid (never tested positive) and respiratory bugs over the past three months; plus, I got a flu shot and covid booster, so I figure I'm invincible for the rest of the season. Does it work that way..? I continue with Airborne supplements, Source Naturals Wellness Formula, oil of oregano, and sinus plumber (a horseradish/cayenne/wintergreen spray that's a good alternative to addictive and drying decongestants; thanks for the tip, Send).

I'm mentioning those things because I find them helpful, and the bugs going around this year seem especially nasty. Practicing active wellness measures is my new thing.

Mostly I just wanted to stop by this thread and wish everyone Happy Holidays and happy new memories of times spent with friends/family. 🎄🎁☃


You were organized! My daughter isn’t very organized when it comes to shopping for mix and match clothing or packing! She ends up packing too much stuff.

Plus, she shops when she reaches her destination. She buys more stuff and she has to figure out how to rearrange her suitcase to bring it back home with her.

I have seen her have to take clothes out of her suitcase at the airport and start tying sweaters around her waist to get onto the plane! She is a mess when it comes to packing.

I am going to pass along your travel tips to her for her next trip. If you would have seen how she packed for her trip to meet her boyfriend’s family for Christmas, I guarantee you would be shaking your head like I was. I had to leave the room.

She asked for my help with packing but ignored everything that I told her to do. She is an awful packer. She really is! 😆

When I traveled every week for work, I would sometimes use FedEx to ship a larger suitcase or realms of documents I would collect while doing audits. I did not have to carry them and the carrier kept better track of things than the air service.

My favorite holiday (just passed on Dec. 21) is Soyal, celebrated by Zuñi and Hopi tribes. It is a peaceful, generous celebration. If you are interested see


One of my daughter’s friends has a large poodle. My daughter’s dog gets along well with her dog.

They play together all the time but if she gives each dog a toy to play with they want the other dog’s toy!

It can be the identical kind of toy but for some reason they want the toy that the other dog has! I swear they are like little kids fighting over a toy.

Your cat is in competition with your daughter’s cat. They are funny!


Well my cat wants to play and my daughter’s cat doesn’t . 😬😬🙄.
I doubt I’m getting much sleep the next couple of nights until my daughter comes back from the future in law’s family . When my daughter is not here , both cats want to sleep in my room but my daughter’s cat does not want my cat in the same room as her .

My daughter got her cat when she was still living at home after college . So that cat lived with us for 2 years . She is not happy that there is another cat in our house , even though they know each other 3 years . My daughter’s cat remembers the house , every time she comes she goes right to my daughter’s old room to check it out . At least my daughter and fiancé kept the dog with them !! He will be coming when they come .


I love the photo of your cat. She is so cute.


I wouldn’t be surprised if my daughter had issues at the airport. She is stubborn. She overpacks every time she travels.

When I ask her if she wears everything that she packs, she says, “No, Mom I don’t but I want it just in case.”

You can’t tell her anything. She’s not going to listen, so I walked out of the room and let her deal with her packing.


We have the dog for a couple of weeks!

Eh…don’t think it is ring shopping at this point. They do make a cute couple. He visits New Orleans. She visits Denver. We met him and like him.

She said that his mom is excited to meet her. She is hanging a Christmas stocking for my daughter. She said that it was fun to shop for a girl. She has two sons.

Her boyfriend’s dad lives in Rhode Island.

The mom moved to Denver after they divorced. The dad remarried and had a daughter with his second wife. The sister lives in D.C.

Families don’t always live close to each other anymore. So often they are living many miles apart.

NHWM - my nephew ran into problems and had to leave a suitcase behind at the airport the last time he came home, luckily it was mostly empty because he had planned to use it to take some of the things back that were left here.

Just found the photo of my 96 y.o. Uncle driving his ATV on a film shoot long ago.

Merry Christmas CWillie!

Be of good cheer, you have friends here!

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