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Oh C’mon !! I just got back from the grocery store . They have Valentines Day candy in the seasonal aisle . Can we get through New Year’s first ?

While I wish to be cremated I do enjoy collecting tombstone sayings and "Stubborness killed Her" is a good one!

My mom just recently lost a friend of her's that she knew since high school. She died of a stroke and was a month away from turing 72. She was heartbroken by the news and she's going to have me go to the friend's graveside service after New Years. I remember overhearing a phone call with her and the friend a little over 2 years ago. She was pushing the "I'm getting better and stronger everyday" line to her. The friend unknowingly realized that wasn't really the case and told my mom "I feel like you're painting a rosy picture." And my mom was.

Any who, while reflecting on her death, mom said of her "stubbornness killed her." Stubbornness is also what killed the friend's mother 10 years earlier when she had her own health woes and underwent cancer treatments.

Unless my mom finally wakes up and smells the coffee regarding PT and being up and around the house more frequently, I'll be telling everyone that exact phrase should she pass away sooner than expected in the near future.

I'll also tell people "I couldn't do anything with her." She had said that when it came to her being unable to deal with stubborn relatives and friends or others who lost someone that was guilty of stubbornness. She told me she's never going to change regarding her own stubbornness and thinks there aren't any honest caregivers out there.

I've just been reading local news where it was recommended that the county run nursing home add 160 beds plus the opening of an 80 bed satellite facility, unsurprisingly some council members want to get out of the long term care business altogether and leave that up to the private sector. In my opinion the fly in the ointment there is that the private sector doesn't appear to be interested or they would have already seen the need and jumped in.
In related news rent will increase in county run seniors apartments from $867.22 to $1,300. Fortunately there is rent control on occupied units.


What a sad story.


Can’t agree more with you!

Techie your post makes me think of all the comments both here and across the internet where seniors are dumped on for not making adequate plans for their old age, this just goes to prove that no matter how well prepared you think you are $h1t happens.

One of our local small ALs is closing, and gave residents 30 days to vacate. I cannot imagine being able to select, gain entry, and actually move within 30 days without MAJOR assistance. I'm working with two couples in their late 80s to arrange a home (even temporary) before the move out date. These are people who are competent and chose AL for an easier lifestyle - no yardwork or major housework, meals they don't have to cook, social connections, etc. Looks like I can get them on waiting lists for other local ALs (using a broad definition of local), but a senior apartment with bus service to the senior center seems to be the best short term solution I can find. Fortunately they will have some support from area churches and I got an emergency placement in the meals on wheels program.

Look over your contracts carefully and make sure they do not allow short term "evictions" on ownership changes. We think the new owners plans are to replace the AL with an apartment complex - since the number of new comers moving in has restricted available apartments and houses here. You can make more money and have fewer "regulators" looking over your shoulder on straight rentals vs dedicated "senior" rentals.

I like pennies! My wishes have come true from pennies.

Happy birthday Mariavictoria's mom! It's my dad's birthday on Friday.

today is my moms birthday I miss her. Dad is doing ok

Lol CWillie.
Frugal, not cheap.

No wonder wishes do not come true-everybody is doing it all wrong.

I mixed Christmas cookie dough this afternoon. I usually listen to the Charlie Brown’s Christmas soundtrack, but my husband beat me to it with Green Day. (he’s wrapping at the table) I’m the hard rocker so he choice surprised me. (it’s my CD) Maybe chose it because it’s energizing.

Send, I’m glad your surgery went well.

We’ve been watching the Geminids on clear nights. Make your wishes on “falling stars”.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish”. My doctor said that yesterday as he set out a series of exercises I should do.

Throwing pennies in the wishing well is pretty cheap IMO, you'll never get your wishes that way.

Just had eye surgery that went well.
But they gave me drugs IV.
That went even better!

In the U.S., we throw pennies in the fountains, wishing wells, and ponds.
If you find a penny, they are called pennies from heaven.

Yes, the Coin Star machine is also automated.

Listening to my favorite Christmas music. The Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack. I have loved it since childhood.

I wish Vince Guaraldi would have recorded more music. Love his compositions!

You’re right, cw. We are becoming more and more cashless. Everything is automated now.

Before we decided to get rid of them in Canada a lot of people seemed to toss their pennies on the ground rather than carry them around 🤷🏻‍♀️
Of course now we are mostly cashless so I hardly ever use any coins or bills.

There is a Coin Star machine at a few markets. Dumping our saved pennies into the machine counter gives a voucher that can be traded for cash at the checkstand.

The U.S. penney has cultural and historical value.

At our house, we have "strange" coins too.
They are Canadian.
We keep them.

cwillie, I don't think our penny has changed...? The reason why they're still in use is because the government is not about efficiency, innovation or practicality. That's why we don't want it to control much of anything if at all possible. Now I will have to go have a gander at a penny...if I can find one in my house or the floor of my car.

I found a strange coin on the counter after my sister was here and it seems to be an American penny... are your pennies really almost as small and thin as a dime now? And seriously, why the heck haven't you done away with them yet?

Dick Van Dyke turned 98!

TNtechie, oyster sauce is a great addition to any Asian sauce. It is so deep flavored that you only use a tablespoon or so for 4 servings.

I love "thewoksoflife" for Asian cooking tips and recipes. I was so happy to learn how to velvet meat to get the restaurant texture and taste. It really makes a huge difference.

Need, yes indeed. I love all international markets. Happy to live in an environment that exposes me to all the great food around the world in my own backyard.


Asian markets are fabulous! I love different spices too. Wasabi has great flavor.

I love Indian food for the same reasons. Just the smell of the spices are enticing.

Need, we have a huge Asian market that carries food items from all over the world, it's the size of a Walmart. I love trying a couple of new items every single visit.

The best thing is trying all the spicy items and learning how the heat is in each spice. Like peppercorn oil has a deep heat unlike anything else or chiltipens being a super hot short heat. Love using Wasabi on non sushi. That kind of thing is so fun for me to learn.

Tucson is a small city with huge diversity, meaning we have some of the best international markets and restaurants that I have ever seen.


I love spicy dishes too. Do you have an Asian supermarket near your home?

TN, I love making dishes that can have substitutes and still turn out delicious. I find Asian cuisine is very versatile if your sauce is good. Kung Poa chicken is on of my faves but, hard to find good in Tucson

I am experimenting with different soups with an Asian flair, oh me oh my! Good stuff and finding some really good bases that make anything taste good. Last night I made a spicy soup mixed with shrimp, chicken, beef and a smoked hamburger patty needing used up, purple cabbage, green onion, the last bok choy and sliced white onion, oh yeah and noodles. Cleared our sinus right up, made us feel good and, best of all, tasted so yummy.

Real, and all the dishes we have developed variations of. I LOVE Kung Poa Chicken but even with all my travels the best version comes from a restaurant in a town where I onced worked. Traveling for a meal was off the table when caring for Mom so I worked on a recipe I could make. I ended up with a good spicy version with peanuts and a chinese tasting sauce made with rice wine and ginger but I have americanized the vegetables, using a frozen mix from walmart - sometimes the stir fry mix and sometimes the broccoli mix and sometimes both. It's good and it's easy to make.

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