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Happy Thanksgiving late! Had a long, but blessed day traveling to DH's sister and brother in law's home in the next county over from our's.


You deserve to treat yourself to something special. We all do!

Christmas items are in all of our stores here. I like seeing the decorations.

I used to shop year round for gifts. I bought things when I saw something that I liked. The only problem was that I would put the gifts away and then forget where I placed them. Then I would have to shop again!

In Canada we are already in full Xmas mode. Even had some snow yesterday!
Did all the Xmas shopping today!
And as good caregiver I did not forget myself, ordered two gorgeous dresses from my favourite store.
I think every one of us deserves a little bit of frivolity.

I'm there in spirit already Send, I love dessert 🤤
(I never did get any pumpkin pie for Canadian thanksgiving 😭)


Sounds delicious! 😊

My brother gave me a good laugh yesterday. I was in the kitchen cooking and the doorbell rang. I went to the door and saw my brother, opened the door and he says, “Happy Thanksgiving!” LOL 😆

I replied, ‘Thanks, but you’re a day early!’ I invited him in for a cup of coffee and we chatted a bit before I had to run to the store for last minute shopping.

Somehow, my brother got his days mixed up. It was fine. We both laughed about it.

I'll take some of those cookies!

Dessert, CWillie, we will eat dessert!
Cranberry Walnut Oatmeal cookies.
Pumpkin Spice Loaf.
Pumpkin Pie.
Tiny dessertlets of apple pie.
Haagen Dazs Ice Cream /w Chocolate sauce.

I have not made the dressing yet, maybe later.
Or not.

Dessert is at 8 p.m. When can you get here?

Everyone left our home with leftovers. I cooked way more than we could possibly eat! We served a turkey and a ham with tons of our favorite sides.

Now I’m relaxing with a glass of wine. We enjoyed our day very much. Going to bed early tonight!

Hoping that everyone on the AgingCare forum had a wonderful holiday.

CWillie,, they will eat leftovers!! One of the best parts of Thanksgiving!! We sent enough for 2 meals home with one of our guests so he and another Batchlor buddy can have it tomorrow, and our DD took a good bit home as well as her BF requested it because he loves my hubs cooking ( not sure what that says about his families cooking. LOL ) So we were able to get rid of quite a bit, as there are only we two here. My DD brought a pumpkin cheesecake from the local health food store and that stuff was SINFUL!! No way was it healthy but hey, no complaints here!

Happy Thanksgiving to all American friends.
Lots to be grateful for even in difficult times.
love your quote, allow me to copy it:
” Don’t allow anyone to steal your joy away from you.”

But what are you going to eat for lunch and dinner Send? 🤔

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Even those in Canada, who may have already celebrated a month ago. 🦃

My book, a journal, arrived: "Things I would like to be able to say in meetings".
Maybe that is an idea for a new thread: "Things I would like to be able to say on the Aging Care forum.".

Wouldn't that be just perfect? We would finally get our shorter posts, after the moderators edited it or deleted it. 🤔

My dH and I were sitting at the table, 10:45 a.m.
We looked at each other and laughed. "What do we do now?"
We had just finished our turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and dressing, french cut green beans, the works. At 10:45 in the morning!
Who does that?

But we were hungry, and already prepped by all the talk about what makes a Thanksgiving meal. I enjoyed it! We did not forget to be thankful.

Now, to make this a little bit of a longer post, trying to fit in, here is my joke I am trying to perfect it after posting on the joke thread:

A turkey went to the doctor
looking kind of pale
and had lost all of its feathers.

The doctor says:
"I think we may have found the problem."
"All your internal organs are in this little bag."

Have a great day!

Same to you NHWM and to everyone else here. Have a great day. I am thankful I don’t have parent drama today and on a much lesser note I am grateful I only had to make cranberry sauce and Brussels sprouts this year. All done and enjoying what’s left of the parade coverage before we go to our daughter’s later. Will be wonderful to be with the grandkids for the holiday.

Have a great day everyone!

Popping in to wish everyone a very happy thanksgiving 🍂🦃🍁!

Hoping that today and the upcoming holidays will bring some joy into your lives.

If you’re going through a difficult time and want to say, ‘Bah, Humbug!’ Go right ahead! Many of us become melancholy during certain times of the year.

I do find that the older I get though, the less I care about insignificant matters. I have learned to focus on the things that I am grateful for and toss aside the rest.

I will pass along something my therapist said to me years ago. “Don’t allow anyone to steal your joy away from you.”

Sad about Rosalynn Carter. I always respected her. But Ithe first thing that came to my mind was how much easier it probably was for her family take care of her and President Carter. I bet they didn't need to cobble together caregiver schedules and everything else and hope for the best like lot of us do on this site. It shouldn't be so hard.

Rosalynn Carter passed at age 96.
November 19th, 2023

I've gotten so used to living in isolation that when I get invites to see the same people twice in one month I hesitate, what's up with that?🤔


Well, so now she and her husband are on hospice together. They have spent so many years together and have quite a love story.

I love when Jimmy Carter said that the key to his longevity was picking the right person to be his partner in life. They seem to be very well suited for each other.

Roslyn Carter is now on hospice .


I would purchase your invention! I want everything to be dishwasher accessible!

Same thing with being able to put clothes in the washer and dryer. I don’t have any clothes that need dry cleaning.

I used to have dress clothes that I took to the cleaners. Nowadays, it isn’t necessary. There are gorgeous fabrics that can be laundered at home.

I am all for convenience!

Need . I just thought of a great idea. But maybe it’s already available and I just don’t know it.
I’m cleaning my stove top this morning and I thought what if the top came off in sections that you could put in the dishwasher !


I agree with you on that! I have stopped wearing underwire bras. LOL 😝 I got sick of being stabbed!

My daughters like the sports bra. I am not crazy about them. They also wear those bralettes. Whatever…every generation has their own style.

I am amazed by the money that some people have made by their inventions that they take on Shark Tank. The Sharks have all of the connections to market their products.

Some ideas flop because the deals with the Sharks don’t play out. They make the deal with the guests on the tv show but they have the option to opt out of the offer if they aren’t satisfied. It’s only a good deal if both parties are happy.

I’m still waiting for the “ comfortable “ pretty, figure flattering bra to be invented ( that isn’t a sports bra ).

Anche: Good to hear from you. I am well, thanks. Hugs to you. I know it has to be difficult for you. My mother died when I had to live her in 2014 to provide care.

Watching Shark Tank, why couldn’t I have invented something that could have made millions of dollars?

They say that necessity is the mother of invention! I wonder how many women have invented things out of necessity.

It’s fascinating to know the origins of items that were invented. Look at the history of the very first bra.

Dear Llama,
I am fine, some downs… but I am working on myself to be better, to face anxiety which has not disappeared yet… I am somehow proud of myself. I sometimes feel very lonely even though I have a caring husband and a good son. Probably, I have some past issues since I lost my father when I was almost 11 and I probably didn’t elaborate that grief… so I feel abandoned.
but I am trying to improve and feel better day by day…
and how are you?

Anche: So very good to see you posting! Hello to you. How are you?


I am doing well. I know what you mean about having thoughts after our mother has died.

My mother died in 2021 and I have had a lot of time to reflect on my experiences as a caregiver and mom’s experiences in her later years.

Sometimes we are able to see the situation more clearly after some time has passed.

Oh yes, I had a weekly appointment with my therapist for quite awhile. It helped me to place everything in perspective.

hello Need!
more than a year has passed since my mum passed, I have ups and downs… sometimes some guilty feeling show up even if I know I could not do more… I am still going to my therapist and trying to take my life in my hands.
what about you?

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