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Peanut M&M’s are addictive! At least they do have protein from the nuts.

Any dark chocolate is my favorite!

Have never had the chunky version of KitKat bars. Sounds yummy!

Hey, candy will be on sale tomorrow! Maybe I will try some of those.

cwillie , Never had the chunky . I should try that. Does it say chunky on the wrapper ? Or are you calling the regular one chunky ? Also, I thought you didn’t live in the states . Different countries have different products from the same company . It’s annoying . I don’t pay much attention though , for all I know it’s by me too .

Kit Kat chunky is the way to go, that's one of my favourites.

Snack size Kit Kat bars are better than regular. Larger chocolate ratio


That is funny! My kids didn’t like going trick or treating at the neighbor’s house who is a dentist. He gave out toothbrushes instead of candy! LOL 😆

I remember one year my brothers and I didn’t want Halloween to end. Mom said that we couldn’t knock on a door twice.

Daddy took us to a nearby neighborhood and we were able to trick or treat again! I’m pretty sure that my mom hid some of the candy from us so we didn’t go overboard! 🤣 She was the voice of reason.

I nanny for a baby who is currently napping as I write this . This morning the Mom told me she will be home a little late today . She has to stop for more candy . Her husband has been eating what she had already bought . He’s a dentist . I thought that was hysterical .

The last costume I wore was a vampiress for a party that our friends had.

My husband was a vampire too. We had really cool capes, black lined in red!

I did our makeup. It was fun to wear our costumes and see our everyone else’s costumes.

Vampires are big here. Anne Rice grew up here in New Orleans. Love her books and movies!

Many vampire balls have occurred in our spooky city! There is a fabulous haunted house that is set in an old mortuary.

Anne Rice and her husband are buried here in Lakelawn cemetery, a very beautiful cemetery.

They also host special events and weddings. Can you imagine being married in an old mortuary? 🤣

It’s on Canal Street.


We don’t usually have cold weather for Halloween.

You’re right about wearing jackets. If it was chilly on Halloween when I was young, I’d wear clothes underneath my costume. I didn’t want to cover up my costume!

I love Reese’s peanut butter cups at Halloween! Yep, hard not to indulge.

I'm going dark this year, we get so few kids every year I can't get into the spirit of it. (and I end up eating all the leftover candy)

Have you bought your Halloween candy? Costumes anyone? Halloween is big in our area!

So is All Saints Day at our cemeteries tomorrow. It’s also known as laToussaint due to our French heritage in Louisiana.

It's chilly here too, there was heavy frost this morning - hope the kids have costumes that fit over their heavy jackets.

It’s chilly here this morning! For us, anyway.

Rode my exercise bike while listening to my favorite music. Just sitting down enjoying my coffee now.

Music is so soothing for the soul. Remembering fondly how much music meant to my brother. Songs convey beautiful emotions that live on forever.

Rest in peace. Matthew Perry.

@waytomisery, I totally agree about daughters taking care of a difficult parent. Even the simplest suggestion from me turns into a power struggle with my mom. Her caregiver, who does have some medical training but is not certified, can say in an authoritative voice, “it’s time to take your medicine” and she will do it. If I do the same she accuses me of trying to drug her.
This is my second day in a row of not going over there. I’m super anxious. It’s almost harder than being there (so I’m checking the forum every hour lol). But I need to do this.

Thanks, Alva.

Bounce and blickbob: Yes, correct on the subconscious mind. Fascinating, really.


I’ll give examples .

Professional caring for a patient who is a stranger …..No matter how sad a case was or how difficult a patient is , it’s not personal and you brush it off better and go home .

Daughter caring for difficult aging parent….. Parent does not want to be told what they need to do by the daughter . “ You can’t tell me what to do , I’m your mother “. As dementia got worse it became totally impossible . “ Why are you doing this to me ?” , and crying meltdowns because I asked her to eat . She honestly thought I was being mean to her when I said it was time to wash and put on clean clothes. She got insulted , She eventually refused to do anything . Those things needed to be taken care of by a stranger that my mother did not have any emotional feelings towards . It was very distressing for me as well .

My SIL criticized me for placing my mother in AL . Only a year later my SIL rescued her Mom from living alone with dementia but her Mom was a peach . A pleasant , cooperative lady . My SIL was retired , and her and my brothers house already had an in law bed and bathroom downstairs . The elderly woman had plenty of money to hire caregivers to come into the home as well . My SIL placed her mother in AL right away and eventually memory care anyway because my SIL could not handle watching the decline 24/7 .

I took care of Dad with cancer . At first he was stubborn with some things . But mostly it was fine . When he was really ill and knew he was dying, He was always thanking me so much , that it got uncomfortable . It changed our relationship . I missed my Dad .

Way, I can guess, but could you elaborate on the “totally different dynamic” for taking care of strangers versus family members?

Need ,

I worked with the elderly for 20 plus years before I switched to kids.
I loved it. It was rewarding to keep them comfortable , some of them were very enjoyable to be around , they would tell interesting stories . Of course it’s sad as well, and some were very grouchy . But I went home and it was over for the day . After 20 plus years I did need a change and I made that change , worked in schools .

After taking care of difficult elderly family members it has proven to be a totally different dynamic then taking care of strangers .


Plus, younger people don’t want to live like they are in their 80’s, 90’s and 100’s!

Some elderly people aren’t happy unless people do everything they demand from them.

When people spend all of their time and energy on their elderly family members, they don’t have time to spend with friends their own age.

The stress causes caregivers to end up feeling like they are 100 years old!

We did not make old people old , but some act like we did .

I dreamt me and my mom were out of town and we, unintentionally, drove to a hospital. She was sitting in the car and told me she was feeling faint and felt she was about to have a heart attack. I ran into the hospital to get a wheelchair, even though she relies on one and would have it with her in real life.

I really, really hope the heart attack portion doesn't come true and it was all just a wild dream. Heart attacks run in her family and she's lost loved one to those. She lost other relatives to strokes.

A prodromal symptom of a melt down or panic anxiety attack can be a brief euphoric mood.
We can plan for this reaction ahead of time by not being caught off guard, decreasing stress, and getting more rest. Or even taking meds ahead of time.

For the caregivers and the patients.

Moon: 93.9%
Waxing Gibbous

Good luck this weekend, Need.
Personally I LOVE the stories. It makes your brother real for me.

Thanks for your kind words, Bounce.

The world is in shock newbiewife. But for me it's become like hearing that your addict relative has ODed. Again.

I live in Portland, Maine and the state is in shock over the shootings. Many schools are closed, even far from the affected community, as are the campuses of the University of Maine system. There's been no official news since last night, with the next update expected at 10:30am eastern time. We don't even know the exact number killed and wounded, but last we heard it was 15-20 killed, at several different locations. The shooter's car was found abandoned in a community neighboring Lewiston, where the shootings happened, and so far as we know he's still on the loose. Maine has I think the lowest crime rate in the country, but does have one of the highest rates of gun ownership per capita in the U.S. There's a long hunting tradition here.

Llama - Send is playing tricks on us and changing her avatar when we are asleep.

Send: Your avatar is unchanged. What photo?

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