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Barb: Poodle is posting to the whine thread so she may not see your question.

Barb: Good job!


Great job on finding DH’s records. Hope the surgery goes well next week.

Hey Poodle, you okay?

Saw the urologist today. Surgery is scheduled for next Friday. Pleased with myself as I was able to locate the CD of the CAT scan done before his last surgery in 2019 and the discharge reports. So yay, us.

Thank you so much for your support!

Thinking of the people in Florida. Hurricane Idalia wrecked havoc on Florida. So sad.

Hope you’re OK Barb!

Good luck Barb and DH!

Barb, wishing lots of health!

Barb, wishing your Ex hubby very good luck here.

Barb, sending wishes of health! DH's PSA level ok?

Barb: Prayers for your DH. I am a past kidney stone sufferer.


My dad had bladder cancer and was completely cured also. Glad that you went into remission.

Thanks much for all of your support!

My DH has a hx of uretal problems; when he was in his late teens, docs discovered that he had a stricture in his ureter; his mom was told by one doc that one kidney would simply die, but she found someone would cut out the blockage and re-attach the ends. Worked for a long time. He had surgery to remove some "gravel" a few years back and a filtering stent put in. That urologist is only doing oncology now, but I was able to find an Endourologist (those are the folks with the itsy bitsy cameras) who can see what's going on.

Fortunately, my DH is pretty cooperative about medical stuff- he gets that I know more about this stuff than he does.

Barb - sometimes it seems as though your DH and my BIL are weirdly connected, the issues he's been having are pee and kidney related as well. Of course the difference is that my BIL is argumentative and won't do what the doctors tell him (all you have to do is drink more you dumb a$$).

Barb--Not to alarm you and your hubby, but peeing blood can be a symptom of bladder cancer. I understand your husband is having a CT scan of kidneys and pelvis, which I would assume includes the bladder. Definitive diagnosis if anything suspicious is spotted in the bladder would be by cystoscopy. Bladder cancer is very treatable and has a very high survival rate depending on the type and whether it is still localized in the bladder. Treatment is almost aIways done cystoscopocally so is non-invasive. I know because I've been through it and am basically cured with no recurrence in over 10 years.

Oh. Barb

Hope everything will be okay with your husband. My husband gets kidney stones. My oldest daughter gets them too. They are painful. Sometimes they do require going to the hospital.

So, DH started peeing blood the other day. Doc put him on Cipro; blood work came back with no elevated white count. Urine specimen is still in progress but so far no infection seen.

He's having a CAT scan of his kidneys and pelvis tomorrow to see if there's a stone (he's had uretal stones and 'gravel' in the past, so his PCP thinks that's what this is.)

This site is so great for venting!

I was just watching a video on vascular dementia, it covered the the different types, common causes, and the fact that we aren't treating people early enough. I think maybe I'm going to start taking fish oil capsules again.

A sweet video of crying dads (happy tears). Guaranteed to make you cry (in a good way).

Great you’re OK Send!!

Send: Okay. Good. You're welcome.

Well, I am perfectly happy using some of the old words to describe what the News media has done to mix videos from many areas to make it appear so much worse in our area. We are not Palm Springs, not in San Bernardino, and not a lot of things.
My sympathy goes out to anyone affected by the storm.
It does not hurt to carefully be prepared for disasters, but mediate that, don't empty the stores and hoard, and don't spend too much preparing. imo.

The word I am thinking of for the news outlets is B.S.

I would like to issue a red flag alert to people in general with regards to impending disasters. Whenever you hear "First time ever!", "Hasn't happened in 80+ years", "Worst ever!", your B.S. barometer should be on. Hopefully you have kept the batteries charged all these many years. 🚩🚩🚩🚩

I'm not surprised Send, seems like we have to come up with new a name for everything.

Social media is calling the storm in SoCal a "hurriquake".

Happy to hear that the storm is over, Send!

Wow Send, glad to hear you didn’t have damage.

Good Morning! The sun is out.
The storm (Hilary)has left our area.

Our experience was heavy prolonged rain, very little wind. No damage.

Thank you to the very special people who reached out to me! 💖

Okay now. Thanks.

Send: Are you okay? Prayers for all those in Hillary's path.

Oh man, like SoCal doesn't have enough going on right now 😰

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