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Strange Activity, many aftershocks. I am calm.

6 km E of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 22:23:04 (UTC)
0.8 km

6 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 22:18:16 (UTC)
10.8 km

6 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 22:16:12 (UTC)
0.7 km

6 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 22:15:35 (UTC)
4.0 km

5 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 22:13:42 (UTC)
0.7 km

8 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 22:08:52 (UTC)
9.8 km

22 km S of Pine Mountain Club, CA
2023-08-20 22:08:49 (UTC)
5.8 km

5 km SE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 22:07:13 (UTC)
2.0 km

6 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 22:05:01 (UTC)
4.5 km

5 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 22:04:46 (UTC)
1.8 km

5 km SE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 22:04:15 (UTC)
2.8 km

6 km SE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 22:02:27 (UTC)
1.9 km

5 km SE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 22:01:30 (UTC)
4.3 km

7 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:57:11 (UTC)
1.8 km

7 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:55:42 (UTC)
4.1 km

6 km SE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:53:51 (UTC)
0.9 km

5 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:53:05 (UTC)
0.8 km

4 km SE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:52:44 (UTC)
0.8 km

4 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:52:31 (UTC)
0.9 km

7 km E of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:51:45 (UTC)
0.9 km

7 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:49:57 (UTC)
14.7 km

6 km SE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:47:33 (UTC)
9.2 km

4 km E of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:47:29 (UTC)
1.1 km

3 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:46:45 (UTC)
0.0 km

6 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:45:26 (UTC)
1.6 km

4 km ESE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:43:06 (UTC)
1.2 km

7 km SE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:41:01 (UTC)
14.6 km

Earthquake in Southern California
7 km SE of Ojai, CA
2023-08-20 21:41:01 (UTC)
14.6 km

I felt it.




“My brothers do little to nothing and are totally fine with letting me carry this burden.”

I want to beat up your brothers.

“it's like experiencing my abusive childhood all over again”

Empathy ((((hug))))

“I don't think this will end until she dies.”

I agree. Unless one totally walks away…calls APS…lets the State take over…

Even if your mom goes to a facility, you’ll probably help with problems.

“Maybe then I will find some peace.”

Please find a way to get your freedom already now. Not one minute more of abuse. Easier said than done, because abusers never stop, and kind people (you) keep wanting to help.

I’ve read lots of experiences from abused daughters who helped their moms. Indeed, they only got freedom/peace after the mom died. Finally free from the oppression, for the first time since they were born. But by then, they’re already a lot older :(.

I can relate! I feel like a prisoner in my own home caring for 94 yo mother. When she was my age, she was out galivanting across the country with her new husband. Me, stuck here caring for her and now resenting her for it. We never really got along when I was growing up, but now in the life game of tag, "I'm IT" regarding her care. My brothers do little to nothing and are totally fine with letting me carry this burden. There isn't Asst Living our area that she can afford and of course she has a small savings account which precludes her from Medicaid benefits. I pay a girl to come in a couple of days a week to give me some mental relief which means I have to keep working in order to pay for that so basically, I'm working for mom and not for me. Hindsight being 20/20, should have never agreed to let her come live with me but I can't put that genie back in the bottle. I simply was too naive to understand what I was getting into, coupled with the guilt of not helping her in her late stage of life. The mental torture is agonizing; it's like experiencing my abusive childhood all over again; and all the therapy in the world isn't helping me. I hate to say it, but I don't think this will end until she dies. Maybe then I will find some peace.


You’re welcome.

I have been in your shoes! I took care of my parents for a very long time.

Caregiving is the toughest job ever!



I hope you get your wish soon.

I want to get out of caregiving. I want to be me again. I want my life back. I want my life to be all mine again.


Enjoy your bear claws! 😊


Big fail. The power went out and my grocery delivery got cancelled.
My days of last minute living is coming to an end.
Re-ordered early this morning. The same delivery guy is shopping for us.
Bear-claws are coming soon!

Anyone else find that when caregiving elders, they must have everything now?
That's not me, yet!

A neighbor's T.V. doesn't work (for her), so she goes running to her neighbor to fix it, now, as if it is an emergency. As if a 70+ y.o. is on-duty T.V. repair for a 90+ y.o. neighbor. The word is: Well, she's moving soon. Not a solution imo.
Worried for both neighbors.


The reason why I said that eating out might be just as cheap as cooking at home is because I can never finish eating the large restaurant portions of food.

I always ask for a box for the leftovers. Especially pasta dishes. I can get two or three meals from one restaurant sized portion. Chinese food is the same way. Loads of leftovers!

I split sushi rolls with friends. I never eat leftover sushi 🍣. That’s gross 🤮. Sushi has to be eaten fresh!

Just hid my widget for the millionth time. He must be in love with me because he came right back! LOL 😆

How many times do I have to hit the hide indefinitely button before he gets the hint?

It kind of reminds me of when I was in high school and a guy would ask me out that I didn’t want to go out with.

I was young and gave him a lame excuse. I said that I couldn’t go out Friday night because I was going to wash my hair! 😂

So, he says, “What about Saturday night?” I couldn’t think of a comeback and I said that I would be washing my hair on Saturday night too! LOL

So then, he says, “You must really like extra clean hair.” I said, ‘Oh yes! I do!’ He finally got the hint.

Fresh bread to be delivered by 9:55 p.m. tonight!
Love that instacart can deliver certain stores later now.


I can hold off on going to the store for more bread but the minute that I am running low on coffee, I will be on my way to the store or coffee shop! LOL 😝


Good to know about the tortillas. Which ones are you referring to, the corn or the flour? I buy both.

I have been freezing all sorts of bread for decades, I think the trick lies in enough protection to keep the moisture in and air out. I use ziploc sandwich bags a lot for individual buns or a few slices of bread. I squeeze as much air out as possible. Then I put several of those baggies into a larger ziploc and squeeze air out or suck it out with a straw. Or, I use Press n Seal and then still double bag the bread. I do this with my tortillas and have never had a problem. Yes, naan goes bad fast but freezes well. Since only bread has been in the baggies I lightly wash them and reuse them over and over.

Thanks, Send

I will be wrapping my tortillas in foil from now on!

Maybe somebody knows why tortilla don't work in the freezer?
Mine are always going bad. Pulling some out of the refrigerator in August and they expired in April! And we ate so many burritos! Yikes.

I just googled it too!
"If you've opened your tortilla package, they'll last for a few days until the air gets to them. You can make them last slightly longer if you wrap them in aluminum foil."

One small slice of toast
Today is all I want, fresh
Delicious bread gone

So I freeze some bread.
Guilty of this crime, alas
Frozen bread or none.

cw and Send,

From now on I will place my Naan in the fridge or freezer.

I just googled how to store and both of you are correct. The article says that Naan has a short shelf life, and will get moldy. So, to extend the life of Naan, place it in fridge or freezer.

I hate having to throw food away when I spend so much money on groceries.

Purists are always saying you shouldn't put bread in the fridge. I'm a household of one plus I often buy my breads from the stale bin so I almost always keep it in the fridge - a few minutes in the toaster oven (slightly moistened if necessary) and it's like fresh made.

Willie, thank you. I'm walking almost normal. At least I think I am but then the other day our neighbor asked "how's the foot? I see you are still limping" I actually felt like hitting him. Here I was thinking I was walking pretty normal and then he says that. Dang!

When I was at the ER everyone stares. Probably thinking "that poor pathetic woman" LOL

Ah well.


Am I supposed to refrigerate Naan? I do warm it before eating it.

I have been leaving it out on my counter. It had funky mold on it when I thought about eating it again.

It’s fine when I buy it when my daughters are visiting. Otherwise, it ends up going bad.


I do freeze bread. I wasn’t sure that I could freeze Naan. Thanks for the info.

$12 is very inexpensive for eating out!

In N Out 🍔 🍟🍔
Late last night.
Under $12.00 for two people.
They close at 11:00 p.m.

We freeze bread, and Naan too.
Tortillas - no.

Eat out? A combo at Mickey D's is almost $15 (but at least we don't have to tip). The only time I eat out is when I've got a coupon or if I am meeting friends.

Naan keeps indefinitely in the fridge, you should always warm it before eating anyway.


I know. Everything in the grocery has gone up tremendously!

It used to be a lot cheaper to prepare food at home. Nowadays, I am starting to wonder if soon we can eat out for nearly the same price.

Especially, since we can’t always eat everything that we buy at the store. It ends up going bad in our case, it’s only my husband and I at home.

I bought Naan bread to eat with hummus. I don’t finish eating it before the expiration date.

I freeze what I cook but other things can’t be frozen.

It's seniors day at my local supermarket so I did some shopping - when the heck did the price of milk go up to $5.89 😲?


Glad you’re okay. Yeah, definitely not a fun way to drop a few pounds. Those meds really do tear up our digestive system.

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