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It's seniors day at my local supermarket so I did some shopping - when the heck did the price of milk go up to $5.89 😲?


Glad you’re okay. Yeah, definitely not a fun way to drop a few pounds. Those meds really do tear up our digestive system.

Allowing pharmacists the ability to prescribe medications for some common ailments is now the norm in most of Canada, the ideas is to cut out wait times and reduce costs. People who have frequent UTIs generally recognize the symptoms and their pharmacists should have a record of their medication history. It's not really supposed to be used by people who have never had a problem before but even then in the majority of cases even your GP is going to opt for the most common antibiotic.
BTW, hope you feel better Gershun, are you still hobbling or is that finally mostly resolved?

Need, I'm okay. Thx for asking. The antibiotics are really doing a number on my tummy though. I weighed myself today and I've lost 5 pounds since Friday. I'd like to lose a few but not this way. I still have 7 days to go before I'm done the medicine so who knows, I might be a rail after all of this. Also, good for your daughters for taking their time. If they are happy with their single life then what's the hurry.

Geaton, I think one of the reasons the Healthcare ministry here in B.C. gave pharmacist's more responsibility as far as non serious prescriptions is because the healthcare system here is overworked. Very few new doctors are becoming GP's and a lot of them are working in privately run clinics (more money, I'm guessing) so GP's here are run off their feet. But I agree, it's dicey. Case in point, me. If I'd gone to my doc. I suspect he would have prescribed something for a minor urinary tract infection but possibly not. He may have caught the other symptoms. In my pharmacist's defense when I gave my symptoms to her and I mentioned lower back pain she was very hesitant to give me the prescription but I wanted it and the pain wasn't that bad then so she went ahead and gave it to me.


Okay, that makes sense. We grew up calling Pensacola Beach, Navarre, Ft. Walton, Destin and Panama City beach area the ‘panhandle’ but I do see what you’re saying.

I went to Florida every summer as a child because my dad grew up near Panama City beach.

We took our girls there in the summer. It’s not too far of a drive for us, four to five hours depending on traffic.

My daughter’s new boyfriend grew up in New England. When his parents divorced, he moved with his mom to Colorado.

Apparently, others refer to the panhandle area as ‘northern’ Florida.

Need, the news in AZ calls the panhandle of Florida northern Florida because we think of the panhandle as being in Texas. It would be confusing if both got referred to by the same name.

Most of you know that I have two daughters.

My youngest daughter was living in Colorado for awhile. She moved shortly after she graduated college.

Anyway, she was in a relationship in Denver but they had opposite schedules. She worked days. He worked nights. They rarely saw each other. She decided to come back to Louisiana and work remotely for awhile.

She fell in love with Colorado and knew that she would return to Denver one day. She occasionally visits her friends in Denver.

Awhile ago she attended a birthday party for a friend in Denver and met a new guy. She seems to be happy with him.

He has visited her several times and she has visited him as well. I don’t know how these long distance relationships fare out in the long run.

I worked with a few women who refused to leave when their husbands were transferred to a different state. One woman said that if she had to live with her husband full time she would be divorced! LOL 😂

We have not met this new guy. We are going to meet him on Labor Day weekend. They are going to stop by our house before taking a trip to the gulf coast.

It’s funny, he has been to Miami before but not the panhandle section of Florida. My daughter says that he is calling it ‘northern’ Florida. 😝 hahaha, instead of the panhandle.

As long as she is happy, I am happy. I wonder if either of my daughters are going to marry one day. They aren’t in a rush and I think that’s good. It’s their life and if they never marry it’s fine with me. I actually love their independent spirit.

As much as I would adore having a grandchild I don’t say anything about it to them. I have friends that have pressured their kids to marry and have kids. I don’t think that’s fair to their children.

So, do you think that it is our human nature to defend our position on a topic?

‘Live and let live’ isn’t a common theme, especially on the internet, television or any public platform.

Many people will endlessly debate a topic until they feel their point is understood, or until it becomes utterly ridiculous. It’s possible that this is done subconsciously or deliberately.

I am finding that the older I become, I truly don’t care what others think or feel and I don’t expect them to care about what I think or feel. I also find that my sense of humor is becoming a bit warped at times! LOL 😆

I read a cartoon recently that made me giggle.

A husband is sitting at his computer and the wife asks, “Are you coming to bed?”

The husband says, “I can’t. This is important.”

The wife says, “What’s so important?”

Husband says, “Someone is wrong on the internet.”


How are you feeling today?

If someone leaves voluntarily they will not have previous comments shown as being posted by "anonymous". If, say, I leave AC voluntarily my old posts still will show as "Alvadeer". If I am on a timeout my old posts will all show as "anonymous". If I am ushered out the door permanently my old posts may even disappear completely, I think. even to private messaging.
I think that's the way of it. If I am wrong hopefully AC admins will correct.

I agree with you cwillie. I think when a thread descends into personal argument, instead of giving honest advice, it harms AC overall.

I wasn't sure if the people involved left voluntarily or not.... but then we never are. Frankly I'm glad the admins are following through with the policy to shut down those kind of debates.

Gershun, ouch!

May The Lord touch your body and heal you quickly.

Yes, cwillie, it appears that several people went to "anon status" with a thread involving a question about alcoholic beverages for someone with anxiety. Three people will have a week of time-out it looks like. I don't know if more are involved.

Gershun, speedy recovery!

Gershun, feel better soon! I hope you get an accurate diagnosis so you can get the right meds and be right as rain shortly.

I've had a kidney stones (and I realize this may not be your issue). My first one I had to have "dug out" surgically when it imbedded in my lower bladder. I was catheterized for this procedure so then got a horrific infection where I was peeing clots of blood - seriously THE most painful thing I've ever experienced. Those kind of infections can go sideways fast.

On a related note (and NOT to assign blame or guilt anyone)... giving private people direct access to more "serious" medications like antibiotics is just NOT a good idea. As frustrating as it can be here in the US, this is an example of why an accurate diagnosis by a medical professional is always the best route for the person. Many medications can mask other, more serious health issues.

Regardless, I sincerely wish you a full and speedy recovery!

Cwillie, I believe people were banned.

Don't really know anything Cwillie.
But good morning!

Has there been another round of housecleaning here on AgingCare?🤨

You needn't leave when people get mean or exclusionary.
Just wait, the mean will pass you by. It's not about you.

Thank you Alva.

They took three vials of blood when I was in ER. One when I first got there and then two more after seeing the doctor. They used both arms to withdraw the blood. I could see that the tubes had some kind of culture in them so I think they were thorough when they tested it. I sure hope I'm on the right medicine.

Gershun, I surely do hope you are better. Problem with getting antibiotics for bladder infection is that without the culture you might be on the wrong drug for a particular bacteria. That pain over the kidneys in back scares me that this traveled to the kidney from bladder, esp with the fever. Dangerous, that. I hope they did a culture and you are definitely going to be on the right medication this time. Good luck, and feel better.

Venting, it's always easier to get good understanding and sympathy on Social Media, I think, than from family and close friends. There is so much more involved with close relationships and there's so much history and carried baggage. Just my own opinion.

Gershun. AMEN. He gets me too!

“I've never found anyone who really gets me Venting. Some people come close but I mostly feel like I'm alone on an island. Always have.”

I understand what you’re saying. (((Hug)))

I forgot to add. God gets me. :)

Venting, still not feeling great but today is only day 3 of the antibiotics so I'm hoping and praying. The medicine is doing a number on my stomach. I've lost 3 pounds in the last two days. One way to lose weight I guess.

I've never found anyone who really gets me Venting. Some people come close but I mostly feel like I'm alone on an island. Always have.

Does anyone else feel like the only people who really understand you are the people on this forum?

Gershun, hope you’re feeling better!

Gershun: You're very welcome.💗

Thank you Llama.

Gershun: Feel better.💗💗

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