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Yeah, am feeling bad from the antibiotics too but will take them till they're done.

Thank you Need!

Thx MD.

Where I Iive we can get prescriptions from our pharmacist for uncomplicated things like bladder infections, etc. About 3 weeks ago I got an antibiotic thinking I had a bladder infection. I took the full course of medicine and thought I was better. But I've been feeling off for a while even after taking that medicine. Thursday night I was up peeing all night and all day yesterday. Then I suddenly started to feel really bad, bad back pain, dizziness, nausea, faint, feverish, getting the chills. So I didn't hesitate after that. Straight to the ER.

I am 61 by the way. Old, but not really old. :)

I hope that you feel better soon, Gershun. 🤗 Hugs 🫂!

Thank you Pam.

Yes, not fun.

Gershun,, good luck those are NOT fun.

So I spent yesterday evening in the ER. I have a kidney infection. What fun!

I nearly called 911 yesterday but instead hubs drove me and we spent from 7pm. to 1am. waiting. But they were thorough. I got a CT scan, bloodwork, urinalysis all in the scope of 6 hrs. as opposed to waiting till Monday, possibly getting a lot worse and driving all over town to get the tests done. I'm now on heay antibiotics for ten days.

That's what's on my mind today. :P

The money you save buying bad food will later be spent on hospital bills.

Be the person you needed in life.

Thanks Need.


Hope you get it sorted out soon.


I’m a terrible driving instructor. My husband is a terrific driving instructor. He’s Mr. Chill. I was a bundle of nerves when I drove in the car with my girls.

They did so much better with my husband and with their driver education teacher. I made them nervous.

My mom never taught us to drive. My dad was a bundle of nerves trying to teach us.

I came home crying and daddy would come home cursing! Mom signed me up for driver’s education classes.

I did much better with in driver’s ed classes.

I’m in a bad mood. So many problems to solve. All due to having spent a lot of time solving my mom’s problems.

School has started and I have TIME again; no chauffeur duties between 8:00 and 5:00 - most days. High school football practice is after school and elementary boys get off the bus at the high school to be water boys; then I pick up the high school boys and take the elementary to their practice @6:00 (with a bagged light supper). Elementary boys are very motivated to finish their work at school so they don't have to ride the bus on home and do homework before their practices.

Cwillie, for me its not the riding while they drive; it's the turning them loose with the wheels! In April the foster son will be 16 and doing the driving - that's when it gets on my nerves if they're 10 minutes late.

You are brave Techie, I don't think I would want to got through teaching someone to drive again,

My grand-nephew turned 15 yesterday and had to get his learner's permit without delay... so we had a tightly scheduled day starting with taking the knowledge test online @6:30, then on to school, then a trip to DMV with all the paperwork including real id requirements, and finally back in time for football practice! Hectic, but a happy day for him. He gets to tease his brother he passed the knowledge test the first time - unlike his A student older brother. With 2 learner's permits (foster son and grand-nephew) I won't be driving much anymore - just along for the ride.

The situation, in addition to the anger, stirs all kinds of bad memories of my sister's 2 year battle with lung cancer. Sister had good care but an aggressive cancer and suffered from the treatments. My neighbor talked with me about the treatments the doctors are proposing now; I don't know what would be a good path from only one experience seeing this battle. Told her my sister did pretty well with radiation for the brain tumors; medication kept the swelling down and it seemed to help quality of life. The radiation on her lung tumors had so many side effects, burning her side and esophagus and giving her serious problems just eating and drinking. Chemo was difficult for a week or so and made her weaker, but didn't seem to impact life quality as much as the radiation. Neighbor's family just celebrated her daughter's second marriage (after widow hood) and her granddaughter's high school graduation. I just empathize with what the family has ahead of them.

But life happens... as wonderful and sad as it can be.


Nothing shocks me anymore, but that is terribly sad.

TNtechie, I'm going to tell you something that will really raise your eyebrows but not in a good way.

My hub's niece is in her second year of medical school. She said that most students just go there to take their exams. They could fail over and over again and still get put through. She also said most students seek out third party resources to get their full education. The students basically pay to take their tests and that's it. No wonder there are so many incompetent doctors out there. Sad.


So sorry about your neighbor. My doctor is like your doctor and does X-rays. I have asthma too.

It’s a shame that your neighbor’s doctor didn’t take precautions.

Our doctor immediately sent my husband for further testing when his labs were off. That’s how his prostate cancer was diagnosed early. He had radiation treatments and is doing well now.

We are fortunate to have a doctor who stays on top of things.

TN, that is SO frustrating! I'm so sorry for this.

So sorry about the neighbor with cancer and lack of professional care. It occurs to me that perhaps she might not have wanted to know the cause of the cough especially knowing the many years she had smoked. I am sorry for the understandable pain you feel.

Did I hear someone call my name?

Venting, don’t worry. You continue making the greatest life for yourself. Their time will come.

Hello Karma

So angry today; my neighbor, who has a 40 year history of smoking before she quit 4 years ago, was diagnosed with lung cancer that has already spread to her brain after she had a seizure IN SPITE of going to the doctor multiple times over the past year with a cough! Never had a lung x-ray. Never had a scope! Nothing! What in the hell did the doctor think he was doing? Even I know you get a chest x-ray for persistent coughs - I had several over the years just to check my asthma wasn't pneumonia.

There's absolutely no hope for her now - the cancer has spread too far. Maybe a year and a half ago when she first went to the doctor but not now. Why didn't she insist on an x-ray?

You’re a kind person, Robin. Don’t be like me: I’m busy filing my 32 teeth, in case I need to bite bad people in the future. In case, karma takes too long.

I also wish us all a splendid day! :)

I’ve realized as I’ve been writing ridiculously long posts recently (many thankfully deleted) that I’ve been struggling with some new parts of caregiving that aren’t tangible “how do I do x” things. I’ve learned an awful lot from folks on here. Some of it intended, some not, and some definitely do not do, but all helpful.

I appreciate the grace and patience I’ve been afforded to noodle through this stuff. Thank you.

The wind is changing here.

Robin, (((Hug)))

haha Venting, I’ve definitely lowered my standards. Some days splendid might just be not having poop in my hair. Day here is still early too. 🙂

“Hope everyone has a splendid day.”

Thanks! I wish! I don’t know when was my last splendid day.

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