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Thanks, MD



Thanks, I am always grateful for prayers.

Prayers for your loved ones too.

Thx for the update Need. I'm glad you are okay.

Thanks, everyone

My daughter had her procedure today and she should be going home soon.

My brother’s stroke was serious and he will be doing rehab. OT, PT and speech therapy.

Need, here's hoping everything is fine your way!

Another (((hug))) to Need.

Just a suggestion to make life a little bit easier for those of us out there waiting for the disaster to happen….

Order iron on clothing name tags for LO ahead of time as I will be doing today . I’ve been thinking about doing it for a while .


Yeah, a lot of people see the changes and quite frankly feel uneasy about it. I hear you.

As far as different opinions go, hey, that’s life! We are individuals who have our own personal opinions.

I don’t want to be anyone else’s clone and I certainly don’t expect anyone to be my clone.

Yup. The thing is, for me the atmosphere has changed. For me, it was a friendly place where I felt good, and where I could express my opinions and advice - even though - my opinions might be very different from other people’s opinions.

Now the atmosphere is fearful…And less honest: Sometimes people write overly-positively to an OP, just to make sure they don’t get banned.

In addition, sometimes an over-the-top positivity creates a fake feeling of “OP, you’re so great, everything you’re doing is so great…”, when an OP should actually be criticized.

And, as already pointed out, sometimes AC censors/deletes paragraphs, completely changing the meaning of what you said.


I bet lots of people are considering taking a break.

HappyRobin, I hear you. It’s not OP who requested. It’s AC that deletes once in a while.

Will take a break, too.


Sometimes we need a break. I did that before.

We will miss you.

Thanks Glad.

I am going to take a break from AC. If I feel the need to talk to other caregivers, I'm going to visit Alz,org forum and see how it is there. Take care everyone.

Hey, Glad

Good to see you.

I don’t want to ignite something if it’s settled, but David is right that a thread about someone “who felt guilty about whether she did enough or not for her mom” disappeared. I posted in that thread, and when I clicked Post, my message briefly connected to a totally different conversation and then disappeared, doesn’t show on my list anywhere either. I was irritated because I’d spent a fair amount of time writing it.

Edit: I assumed it was either a technical problem or the OP requested it be removed, but I haven’t posted often enough to have an opinion.

PB, I agree, and I do not agree with you often.😉😉 One of the reasons I left, the A.C. Gestapo. I checked in nearly daily and get to watch it continually go to crap! Yes, there needed to be more monitoring of the site, but really treating us like junior high schoolers?! Absurd!

It has been nothing but downhill since APFM bought the site. Just plain sick of it! I don't need the added frustration in my life.

Xmas gift cards? AC has just become another corporation that wants to improve their bottom line without consideration for those to which they provide a service.


You’re right. I understand how you feel. It does seem like it’s a different atmosphere. I remember the giveaways too. I received a $20 gift which I wasn’t expecting. It was a nice way of showing people appreciation.

Polarbear, I agree with every word you wrote.

Hi NHWM and venting, my account is still active for now.

NHWM, I understand no one reads that policy update anymore except new people. The fact that it is there is insulting. The policy itself is insulting.

The truth is they/AC need us to keep the forum active so that it attracts clicks/traffic to the site in order to generate business leads. Remember, this site is owned by A Place for Mom. They also run a referral service for other care services. Ask Karen.

There was a time, several years ago, AC actually sent out small monetary gifts to certain posters for being good/active forum members. I got a $10 gift certificate one year once.

Now, instead of gratitude, they hand out warnings and punishments to keep us in line. IT IS INSULTING TO OUR INTELLIGENCE!!!

I don’t need their monetary gifts. I bet no body does either. It’s the new policy from AC bosses that I have a huge problem with. They assume that we are a bunch of adolescents with ill manors, lack of self control and in need of discipline.

It is disgusting!

When we let people treat us badly and accept it, we lose a piece of our dignity.

Polarbear, please tell me you haven’t been banished. That would be ridiculous. (((Hug)))


I don’t think any of the older posters read the policy updates anymore. I suppose the newer posters may read it.


I don’t think they will close your account. At least I hope not. You have wisely contributed to this forum for a long time! We would miss you if you disappeared.

Any good recommendations for movies that are streaming right now?

I have MAX, Netflix, Prime

FYI, just in case I disappear from AC, it's due to AC closing my account because I just told them to take their idiotic policy warning down.


It will take some time to adjust. Sounds like you have things to keep you occupied.

NHWM I don;t officially retire until Aug 24.. but I will probably drive my hubs nuts! But I have house projects here and at the river house to keep me busy for awhile! Or he will drive me crazy!


How is the retired life going? Hope you’re enjoying yourself.

My dad drove my mom a bit crazy when he retired.

He didn’t know what to do with himself and started shadowing my mom. She hated it! LOL She started sending him to the store to get him out of her hair for awhile.

She was used to being alone and focusing on her projects that she was working on to sell at the craft fairs that she participated in. She was annoyed by his interruptions.


Thanks. Don’t know if I have that channel. Will look.

NHWM Jeriamah Johnson will be on Grit channel Sat pm. Iknow this because I have seen the ads about a million times the last few days! LOL Its one of the channels we get at the river.. and they seem to not cut them as much

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